For next season, I'd still like to see a few changes to a few defensive abilities. I.E. Genji's Reflect and Dva Matrix. But I wouldn't mind Zarya's bubble either.
Largely, their interaction with ults. Dva's ult shouldn't be able to cancel out stuff like Zarya or Hanzo ult. Similar to Genji's with reflecting both of the said above. An ult should not be that easily canceled is all.
But on a smaller scale, stuff like Rein's charge or Grenades(Both Ana and Junk) not being absorbed by the Matrix or reflected. I feel like it would give Junk a bit of a better position on teams too.
I also saw it, but the idea of adding armour piercing to Widow's ult was pretty cool. What does it do? When she activates it, it goes throw some defensive abilities. Rein's Shield and Winston's are uneffected, but things like Zarya's Bubble or Ana's Grenade effect are ignored.