If the Scatter Arrow was truly that effective, Hanzo would be grossly, hilariously overpowered. His arrows already do an incredible amount of damage even with a body shot (125), he has no reload and can fire at a long distance. With enough accuracy, he'd be like Widowmaker on crack since she only really has her click and kill, while Hanzo has her ult as a CD ability and his dragon strike is incredibly powerful, if situational. And keep in mind that even picking off one team member can be instrumental to an entire team fight. Chances are that a player would have multiple scatter shots in a given team fight, but each has atleast one at the start.
Yet he's considered a borderline troll pick and rarely used in pro tournaments, where players with good aim should be able to maximize those abilities.
What other explanation is there other than that he just cannot get picks that easily, even with scatter arrow?
the Sombra exploit is wack lmao
Been playing around with it. It's fun, but if I fuck up, I'm doing an emote in the middle of battle lol