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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero




Well, fire strike is okay, but I guess it's a bad example since it only does 75 damage.

But by your argument, Helix rockets are far more overpowered than scatter arrow, correct?

it would be nice if we could see scatter arrow damage vs bomb damage rather than just kills.

it does literally 1/4th of the damage

Why would this change anything? It's still not a good comparison because the Bomb is an ult you have to charge up.
Well, fire strike is okay, but I guess it's a bad example since it only does 75 damage.

But by your argument, Helix rockets are far more overpowered than scatter arrow, correct?

Why would this change anything? It's still not a good comparison because the Bomb is an ult you have to charge up.
because if you're playing anything other than a 150hp hero there is a huge difference between getting hit by helix vs getting hit by scatter?

you have a much bigger chance of walking away from one of them
like i'm not going to pretend that the numbers are on my side at all because they're clearly not, but i will continue to state that being a high hp character and getting instagibbed by a 10 second ability that hit somewhere in the general vicinity of your feet is NOT fun.
like i'm not going to pretend that the numbers are on my side at all because they're clearly not, but i will continue to state that being a high hp character and getting instagibbed by a 10 second ability that hit somewhere in the general vicinity of your feet is NOT fun.

Getting killed by anything in this game is usually not fun, probably because you'd rather have lived and kept fighting. You can have your opinion all you want, that's fine, but when your argument basically boils down to "i think this thing sucks so its overpowered"... yeah. :p
Getting killed by anything in this game is usually not fun, probably because you'd rather have lived and kept fighting. You can have your opinion all you want, that's fine, but when your argument basically boils down to "i think this thing sucks so its overpowered"... yeah. :p
fair enough. i have been #clocked by the receipts so i will stop complaining about it.
I think the point is that scatter arrow could use a little tightening up.

Right now it feels like it only has to be in the ball park to count... when it should be closer to a Window headshot to deal an instant death like that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think the point is that scatter arrow could use a little tightening up.

Right now it feels like it only has to be in the ball park to count... when it should be closer to a Window headshot to deal an instant death like that.

Why even use it if it required the same precision that a headshot takes?
Why even use it if it required the same precision that a headshot takes?

Doesn't need to be exactly like a headshot... Just move more in the direction of that.

Something in between a headshot and placing it 5 feet infront of someone and still killing them... would be a better area.

Keep the damage output.
Doesn't need to be exactly like a headshot... Just move more in the direction of that.

Something in between a headshot and placing it 5 feet infront of someone and still killing them... would be a better area.

Keep the damage output.

The only heroes a Scatter Arrow will kill five feet from an enemy is some Tanks, and even then they'd have to not even be moving. To 1 shot anyone you need to hit it on the ground a foot or so in front of them.

To add on to what Data West said, it really feels like the people who complain the most about him are the ones that don't actually play him. It's not even close to a free or easy kill on a 10 CD.


If the Scatter Arrow was truly that effective, Hanzo would be grossly, hilariously overpowered. His arrows already do an incredible amount of damage even with a body shot (125), he has no reload and can fire at a long distance. With enough accuracy, he'd be like Widowmaker on crack since she only really has her click and kill, while Hanzo has her ult as a CD ability and his dragon strike is incredibly powerful, if situational. And keep in mind that even picking off one team member can be instrumental to an entire team fight. Chances are that a player would have multiple scatter shots in a given team fight, but each has atleast one at the start.

Yet he's considered a borderline troll pick and rarely used in pro tournaments, where players with good aim should be able to maximize those abilities.

What other explanation is there other than that he just cannot get picks that easily, even with scatter arrow?

the Sombra exploit is wack lmao

Been playing around with it. It's fun, but if I fuck up, I'm doing an emote in the middle of battle lol
the Sombra exploit is wack lmao

I feel guilty as fuck using it so I stopped lol. You can EMP before you've fully materialized and then translocate out of there before they know what happened. Using it to get the drop on healers like Zen is hilarious, you've already got him to half health before he even turns around.

I wouldn't mind a bit of a reduction to the transition frames entering/exiting stealth but completely removing them makes it so some heroes can't even react before they're dead.
I feel guilty as fuck using it so I stopped lol. You can EMP before you've fully materialized and then translocate out of there before they know what happened. Using it to get the drop on healers like Zen is hilarious, you've already got him to half health before he even turns around.

I wouldn't mind a bit of a reduction to the transition frames entering/exiting stealth but completely removing them makes it so some heroes can't even react before they're dead.
Yeah it is crazy good :p

She's basically what everyone was scared of when she was rumoured to be a stealth hero, lol
Started a new account while I'm over here in Korea. Been a while since I've been unranked so I've just been playing Tracer and Sombra non-stop.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I really hope they have some more stuff to show when the event hits because the SFM quality dance emotes and the overdesigned skins aint doing it for me



Only win was a King's Row where they got it to 66% and then we beat them within the first minute.

Had a diamond player spam Thanks from their first death through the end of the round in every round on Lijiang and another one on Nepal who switched characters every time he died and quit out with 15 seconds left in the game.

A loss on Hollywood was the only game that I would actually call good. They pushed it all the way with 1:44 left and we got it within 5m of the end but couldn't quite get there.


So I can't find any info on this online, but is there a limit to how much you can decay? Apart from the 3000 minimum, I mean. Like, if I start at 4100 am I guaranteed to not hit below 3600 for inactivity? I remember LoL had something like this.

I'm struggling to play this after the week-long quake champions beta. Much slower and minuscule personal agency in comparison. I'm finding myself wishing the heroes were more interesting to play. Really wishing McCree had cooldown reset on elims for his roll...
That is the most bullshit and I want to try it.

Yeah, I've been playing with it a lot in CTF, and as long as you don't do as I did and accidentally hit the emote while your feet are still on the floor - taking a bow as the entire enemy team turns around to shoot you - it works consistently well, and makes ambushes a lot easier. Wouldn't be surprised if it gets patched out, but for now it makes Sombra a lot more viable for sneak attacks.
Awful start today but we managed to minimize the losses in the end.

Saved our attack on gibraltar with my ana gameplay, don't really like using the scope that much but I think I'm gonna start doing it more since the hitbox seems way more generous and it's also hitscan, I missed some easy shots there by not using it, the lack of auto-aim hurts. Also should start doing more damage, have to balance that better. She's infinitely more fun to play than mercy imo, though I have to step up my game. Having to play mercy on attack or koth is just so unfun to me, and sometimes we need more healing (if the 2nd tank is Hog or Zarya I feel I can do much more for the team as Zen, but if we have Rein with D.VA/ Winston it's a bit harder, owzers feeds way too much the orb isn't enough :D).

That last team we faced had some shitty characters for attack but a funny coordination. Glad we won though, ending a night losing to attack sym/torb would make me commit sudoku.

That volskya match was close. We clutched it. So much energy that match

3 more games and you should reach master. Did you play all you needed today to avoid decaying?


Is it possible to play Ana on console? I just feel so useless. I can dance around and survive for a surprising amount of time, but healing my teammates is so hard.

Also, did they nerf Lucio's range? There's like a circle around him now and it feel super small.


( ≖‿≖)
Is it possible to play Ana on console? I just feel so useless. I can dance around and survive for a surprising amount of time, but healing my teammates is so hard.

Also, did they nerf Lucio's range? There's like a circle around him now and it feel super small.

If you can aim, sure. If not your hps will be way lower than PC.

Still depending on the team comp, if you have another healer then supplementary Ana heals + nano boost works sometimes.


Is it possible to play Ana on console? I just feel so useless. I can dance around and survive for a surprising amount of time, but healing my teammates is so hard.

Also, did they nerf Lucio's range? There's like a circle around him now and it feel super small.

Yep, they shrunk his LOS, in exchange for an increase for his healing and speed-boost when wall riding.

And unless if you have immaculate aiming, playing Ana on console is a challenge in of itself.


Cool thanks. I think I'd ditch Ana, she's too difficult to be consistent with, especially if you have tracers and genjis on you team flying all over the place.

The problem I'm having is that if I choose an "off-healer" like Lucio or Zenyatta, then no one else chooses the other supplementary healer. I don't think Lucio or Zenyatta alone have the HPS to be primary healers, at least in my hands.
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