Awful start today but we managed to minimize the losses in the end.
Saved our attack on gibraltar with my
ana gameplay, don't really like using the scope that much but I think I'm gonna start doing it more since the hitbox seems way more generous and it's also hitscan, I missed some easy shots there by not using it, the lack of auto-aim hurts. Also should start doing more damage, have to balance that better. She's infinitely more fun to play than mercy imo, though I have to step up my game. Having to play mercy on attack or koth is just so unfun to me, and sometimes we need more healing (if the 2nd tank is Hog or Zarya I feel I can do much more for the team as Zen, but if we have Rein with D.VA/ Winston it's a bit harder, owzers feeds way too much the orb isn't enough
That last team we faced had some shitty characters for attack but a funny coordination. Glad we won though, ending a night losing to attack sym/torb would make me commit sudoku.
3 more games and you should reach master. Did you play all you needed today to avoid decaying?