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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

I like to think I do alright with Winston on KOTH maps, but man this barrier cooldown buff makes him feel great. I can protect my teammates without having to wait an eternity to also jump on an opportunity to dive!
Hey Overwatch Bros and Broettes, just a quick question.

I'm a pretty big scrub with a SR of about 1000 ~ 1100 right now. That's fine. I like playing "bad" characters and I haven't been active since about season 2. I placed in Bronze and have been trying to play Sombra, but not to the point where I'll screw the distribution of roles on the team (e.g. If we need a healer then I play as Mercy. If we need a tank, then I play as D. Va.)

My question is, I'm currently 1-7 with Sombra, but feel like I'm getting better with her. Sometimes I get BMed for using her. Seeing as we're all in Bronze and just trying to get better, is it considered rude if I keep trying to play her in Comp? I don't feel like playing her in QP is really going to help that much, but if she's so glaringly weak, then I am really screwing my team? I just think she's fun. DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO GO BACK TO PLAYING MEI?

Tl,dr Can Imkeep playing suboptimal characters like Sombra in Bronze Comp, or should I be doing boring, optimal picks all the time?

My personal rule of thumb is that I need to be at 55%+ win rate in QP with a new character, with a healthy number of games played, before I drag them over to Comp. I would certainly advise something like this in Bronze Comp, since the salt and meta-worship is surprisingly present there at times.
Orisa is good for me. I like her kit. Might be the only other tank I main after Dva. So if people need an Orisa, I'm there for them.

Buffed Junk is amazing. I can play with my crazy style even more now.

Need to try buffed Zen later today. Should be a good time.

I ran a few QP games with him (everyone instalocks Orisa right now) and he went from being the lowkey Bastion slayer to basically nullifying him. The combo of Ironclad nerf and 100% alt-fire accuracy stops him.

Orisa's kit is really cool. I think the separation of okay and great players is going to come from mastering that mini-gravitron. The pull is just quick enough that it feels satisfying to land a good one and not so OP that it's bullshit to play against.
Is there a good guide to the how much various actions contribute to a character's ult?

I play Zarya and realized I'm probably not maximizing how quickly I can build my ult (generally focusing on charge level instead).


*starts a custom game with ai*

Lets see, be on a defense team for a control point map against a team of Meis that have max speed, health, and projectile.

.....What have I done.


Is there a good guide to the how much various actions contribute to a character's ult?

I play Zarya and realized I'm probably not maximizing how quickly I can build my ult (generally focusing on charge level instead).
Ults are built by dealing damage or healing damage, and also slowly generate automatically over time.

Heroes gain 5 charge every second.
Heroes gain 1 charge for every 1 point of damage done.
Damage done to barriers does not generate ultimate charge.
Heroes gain 1 charge for every 1 point of self-healing done.

So yeah, focusing on getting charge with Zarya is how you get Graviton faster. Higher charge = more damage = faster ult.

Regenerating shields do not count towards Ult charge and neither does Mercy's passive regeneration, but Roadhog's self-heal and Soldier 76's healing station do count, for example.
I ran a few QP games with him (everyone instalocks Orisa right now) and he went from being the lowkey Bastion slayer to basically nullifying him. The combo of Ironclad nerf and 100% alt-fire accuracy stops him.

Orisa's kit is really cool. I think the separation of okay and great players is going to come from mastering that mini-gravitron. The pull is just quick enough that it feels satisfying to land a good one and not so OP that it's bullshit to play against.

Owzers had a really nice POTG with Orisa last night, it was on Lijiang: Garden. You know how Roadhogs like to stay right outside the CP fishing for hooks (environmental kills). Owzers alt fired right over the moat, dragged 2 people (one of them was a scumbag Roadie). I realised then that Orisa is a great counter for Roadhog on that map in particular. She can bait the hook with fortify and then alt fire his ass into moat.

If I had to rank Day 1 Orisa skills in the PS4 GAF group last night, it would be:

4.) Everyone else


I guess the losing streak kicked in. I lost a lot on my last loss too.

Man, when it sucks it sucks.

Owzers had a really nice POTG with Orisa last night, it was on Lijiang: Garden. You know how Roadhogs like to stay right outside the CP fishing for hooks (environmental kills). Owzers alt fired right over the moat, dragged 2 people (one of them was a scumbag Roadie). I realised then that Orisa is a great counter for Roadhog on that map in particular. She can bait the hook with fortify and then alt fire his ass into moat.

If I had to rank Day 1 Orisa skills in the PS4 GAF group last night, it would be:

4.) Everyone else

That's cause I didn't get to play yet!


Orisa is really not that good. She is just too easy to kill and very slow. Like i said she needs more health. Bastion and most of the DPS heroes are destroying her.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
*starts a custom game with ai*

Lets see, be on a defense team for a control point map against a team of Meis that have max speed, health, and projectile.

.....What have I done.

Enjoy your Legendary vote!


Is it just me or does reaper get destroyed by orisa

Orisa is pretty killer at his best range. Fortify, shield, and 150-300 dps. Her lack of accuracy doesn't matter much at Reaper's effective range.

I forgot about the changes and was wondering why I was suddenly tearing up Widows and Pharahs with my off-angle, long-range snipes. Good times!

I haven't messed around with his charged shot yet. The new accuracy and increased recovery time should make that a solid attack.


Isn't it cheaper to buy them directly? I mean, the electricity bill, time you could be using your PC or PSR, and the potential wear. Yeah I know it is for loot boxes; I wonder if Blizzard will patch it.

Yea, but you know people. They just wanna leave it on and get it that way. Shame they ruined it for everyone else.
UGH, Blizzard, you're killing me!

Ran into a great group of people last night and joined them after stomping a game on Numbani. Proceeded to go on a winning streak and got my SR up to 2798. I then went for the "one more game" and we had a GREAT hold on Route 66. I'm talking all we had to do was push past the corner on Attack hold great. We go on Attack and MY GAME CRASHES AND I LOSE 50 SR BECAUSE IT THINKS I QUIT.

Blizzard, pls.
But what else can you do when her hitbox is insanely huge?

Maybe they could increase the firing rate of her gun and lower the spread at close range since they nerfed the ammo capacity. They could also make fortify not give ult charge to people shooting her when it's up (if it does - I haven't tested this aspect yet).

Her barrier is to easy to get around for divers and she can't punish people quickly up close like Rein can. Faster and more accurate gun damage like D.va might help.


Ehh, it's way too early on Orisa. She can't substitute a Reinhardt or be a single tank, but as a second or third tank she seems fine. The potential for environmental kills on Lijiang, Nepal, and Ilios Well seems like she will be a common choice on those maps in particular.


Exactly, totally not that type of hero, people will just get themselves killed.

But blizzards vision with her was to make her a second option for reinhart right? with the "anchor tank" and all that.

What do you guys think she needs for her to be able to act like a reinhart type?


I can think of loads of effective ways to use Orisa's alt fire, but my brain never thinks fast enough in the moment to execute any of them
But blizzards vision with her was to make her a second option for reinhart right? with the "anchor tank" and all that.

What do you guys think she needs for her to be able to act like a reinhart type?

I'm pretty sure Jeff or someone else at Blizzard said that she was not intended as a Reinhardt replacement option. Rein is hardly mandatory these days so i would rather they continue to develop more unique heroes to encourage varied playstyles and approaches.


Just had a reaper fail to kill me from zero range multiple times as bastion lol. Dominated on Dorado defence so hard they didn't even get through the first arch haha
But blizzards vision with her was to make her a second option for reinhart right? with the "anchor tank" and all that.

What do you guys think she needs for her to be able to act like a reinhart type?

She could use some tweaking...

But so far she is an anchor tank... For the most part. You can't just put her shield down and hope that's the only line of defense.

Her anchor comes into play through her abilities to crowd control and negate ults. I mean it's built into like all of her emotes and voice lines... She's a super up traffic cop.

So that means not picking a place and dropping her barrier... It means putting the barrier to aid in other members of your team. It can be used for choke points but not always. It helps with stopping Ults. Her half ability sucks a team into a certain position. Last night I used it too suck a 3 or 4 man together and then our Zarya ulted.

Her ult helps give your team the advantage when you need it... And to utilize it they have to be in an area near it.... So it's good to anchor around Orisa.

If you're not gonna stick around a Rein or Orisa there is not point in picking them and at that point the comp really doesn't need them.
Putting me with the shitiest teams ever tonight, "How do I ultra move" - Real quote.

Was actually beat by "How do I drive the car".
He was talking about the objective.

Edit -Holy shit "Stop blocking my shots with your shield". Teammate Bastion to my Rein...Kept running in front and dying.


Went from 10 game winning streak to the same about losing streak between yesterday and today have not won a single game. Do not understand what's with the huge swing the games haven't even been close.... All one sided.


Went from 10 game winning streak to the same about losing streak between yesterday and today have not won a single game. Do not understand what's with the huge swing the games haven't even been close.... All one sided.

This same luck killed my 5 game win streak.

I dunno why this happens. Been waiting for PS4 gaf to get on for duo/trios


Putting me with the shitiest teams ever tonight, "How do I ultra move" - Real quote.

Was actually beat by "How do I drive the car".
He was talking about the objective.

Edit -Holy shit "Stop blocking my shots with your shield". Teammate Bastion to my Rein...Kept running in front and dying.

I'm dying. They must be new.
I was playing mostly Tracer on my smurf account that I made. It's honestly really easy to carry as Tracer diamond rank and below as long as you can stay alive and pick off the healers every fight. I already got my smurf to 3950 in just a few days of playing Tracer and Soldier 76 mainly. I think Tracer and Roadhog are the best heroes to carry at lower ranks.

On a side note, it's crazy how people spend $100+ to have someone boost their account into masters. I thought it was just a running joke, I didn't know people actually did it. I don't see the point of boosting an account to a certain rank when that person will just fall out since they couldn't even get there on their own.

Any videos of you playing Tracer? I remember you posting a few D.Va games.

Damn. What can you do against that lol
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