His eHP is only 375 in turret mode still, it's not a big difference if you've got someone able to unload on a stationary target.So I think bastion dies now just as fast as he used to before the buff.
His eHP is only 375 in turret mode still, it's not a big difference if you've got someone able to unload on a stationary target.So I think bastion dies now just as fast as he used to before the buff.
that reaper not edgy enoughIs it just me or does reaper get destroyed by orisa
none of them have thrown a shield right on top of the enemy for my reaper to play inOwzers had a really nice POTG with Orisa last night, it was on Lijiang: Garden. You know how Roadhogs like to stay right outside the CP fishing for hooks (environmental kills). Owzers alt fired right over the moat, dragged 2 people (one of them was a scumbag Roadie). I realised then that Orisa is a great counter for Roadhog on that map in particular. She can bait the hook with fortify and then alt fire his ass into moat.
If I had to rank Day 1 Orisa skills in the PS4 GAF group last night, it would be:
1.)2.)LiK3.)Owzers4.) Everyone elseUltimaPooh
rein is an anchor for a slow push dps team or defensive dpsBut blizzards vision with her was to make her a second option for reinhart right? with the "anchor tank" and all that.
What do you guys think she needs for her to be able to act like a reinhart type?
I'm pretty sure Jeff or someone else at Blizzard said that she was not intended as a Reinhardt replacement option. Rein is hardly mandatory these days so i would rather they continue to develop more unique heroes to encourage varied playstyles and approaches.
Is Orisa still immune to Rein's charge or did they fix how that worked?
that reaper not edgy enough
none of them have thrown a shield right on top of the enemy for my reaper to play in
rein is an anchor for a slow push dps team or defensive dps
i think orisa is an anchor for the support hero. to prevent harass from only one tracer or genji and maybe pharah against your supports? but she definitely can't handle the heat if the enemy is going full dive comp tho like, winston, pharah, tracer/genji all going at you.
that reaper not edgy enough
none of them have thrown a shield right on top of the enemy for my reaper to play in![]()
The shield one was in Comp.I'm dying. They must be new.
Is Orisa still immune to Rein's charge or did they fix how that worked?
Playing on PC and noticed that Sombra's "BOOP" voice line isn't playing since the update, has anyone else noticed that? It doesn't work in a match or at the hero gallery for some reason.
Mangachu opened up a clinic last night on Pharah. It's almost NSFW.
Still immune with Fortify and it's beautiful.
Immune as in she doesn't even take damage? while Reinhardt takes a 175hp hit?
It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Atleast alter the description to read "Takes 50% less damage, unless you're a charging reinhardt, then lol get rekt"
Why not go further? When Roadhog hooks you while you're Fortified, he takes a 100hp damage, is stunned, and dragged to where Orisa is.
Someone had a bitter experience against an Orisa.
this will definitely contribute to healthy balance discussions & overall community positivity :lol
everything is sooo hyperbolic now
Immune as in she doesn't even take damage? while Reinhardt takes a 175hp hit?
It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Atleast alter the description to read "Takes 50% less damage, unless you're a charging reinhardt, then lol get rekt"
Why not go further? When Roadhog hooks you while you're Fortified, he takes a 100hp damage, is stunned, and dragged to where Orisa is.
I haven't even played since she was updated into the game lol
I just don't understand why it works the way it does and am exasperated. It genuinely makes NO sense according to the game mechanics.
Had a pretty good match with Junkrat. Don't think I realized before that you can stop Reinhart's charge with the steel trap lol. Not getting damaged by his explosions now helps quite a bit.
I always set up a trap for the obvious places a Rein would charge. Gets them every time. It's fun.
Immune as in she doesn't even take damage? while Reinhardt takes a 175hp hit?
It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Atleast alter the description to read "Takes 50% less damage, unless you're a charging reinhardt, then lol get rekt"
Why not go further? When Roadhog hooks you while you're Fortified, he takes a 100hp damage, is stunned, and dragged to where Orisa is.
Immune as in she doesn't even take damage? while Reinhardt takes a 175hp hit?
It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Atleast alter the description to read "Takes 50% less damage, unless you're a charging reinhardt, then lol get rekt"
Why not go further? When Roadhog hooks you while you're Fortified, he takes a 100hp damage, is stunned, and dragged to where Orisa is.
Roadhog dragging himself into a fortified Orisa should definitely be a real thing!
Data was showing Rein was massively overrated on attack prior to the Orisa patch. Him going down in pickrate isn't a bad thing (tho Orisa is probably just as bad or worse on attack.)Orisa + Zarya tank combo makes Rein practically a useless character. Seriously...it's dumb.
That would be amazing
Give Doomfust that ability!
"COCKBLOCK!" - Any ability used on Doomfust returns back to enemy
Roadhogs would be shook!
Data was showing Rein was massively overrated on attack prior to the Orisa patch. Him going down in pickrate isn't a bad thing (tho Orisa is probably just as bad or worse on attack.)
Is the background music borked on Overwatch PS4 after the latest patch?
Data was showing Rein was massively overrated on attack prior to the Orisa patch. Him going down in pickrate isn't a bad thing (tho Orisa is probably just as bad or worse on attack.)
I'm getting salty right now. This never happens when I'm losing of course.PS4 servers are shitting itself today
Totally not because I picked OrisaPS4 servers are shitting itself today
PS4 servers are shitting itself today
Look getting rid of the self inflicted damage by bombs is the greatest thing to ever happen to Junkrat. I just got 41 eliminations,okay. That's huge for my terrible self.
One week until usable in comp.I played a competitive and Orisa was not available (grayed out profile pic, no one had her chosen). What's going on?
I played a competitive and Orisa was not available (grayed out profile pic, no one had her chosen). What's going on?
Oh ok.