If that is the case how come Mcrees pickrate is still drastically lower than soldiers in high level and pro?
In organized teams, soldier is still way better.
Ish. Soldier's pickrate is a bit higher, but I did point out McCree's is on the rise. If you want the real honest ass reason Soldier has a higher pickrate, it's just that it's generally easier and safer to throw a Soldier into your team, esp on defense.
Higher pickrate =/= flat better is a concept to think about. When you start getting into metagaming and examining pickrates, there's a lot of nuance rather than just "oh this thing picked more often is better." That's often true, but it's typically pretty marginal. The nuance comes down into where and why Soldier is being picked. Is it because he's just always better than McCree? Or is it that it's more likely you have a world class Soldier on your team rather than a McCree? Or is it that Soldier's marginal increase in safety is more valuable to teams not confident in calling out an opening offensive gamble? Spoiler: It's a combination of the last two more than the first one.
There are like so many more factors into top level pickrates other than just "this thing is better than the other" which is where real metagaming happens. You gotta look at all that shit plus some personal experience to get the full picture.
So like, yeah Soldier is generally the
safer pick than McCree, but it's not always
optimal. There's a lot of stuff to unpack there wrt how Overwatch works competitively but that's a diff story.