Imagine this scene: A young, handsome man just going into a fun game of Overwatch - let's call him CRABLORD. He's Master rank and hopes deep within his heart that this next game will be coordinated and fun like all the rest he has played today. Oh sweet naivety.
Little does he know, that at the exact same time he queues up, another more sinister player also queues up. His name is... IPLAYDPS and he's on his second account. At the beginning of the match, young CRABLORD notices that the dps and healer slots fill up leaving only tanks so he mentions that he is only okay as Reinhardt. It was that phrase, the exact phrase that IPLAYDPS' dad had said to him right before he left never to return, that caused IPLAYDPS to wail into his mic, "shut the fuck up..!" Realizing that he had acted in a way that any functional adult would look back on 5 years later in embarrassment, IPLAYDPS quickly left the voice channel and switched to Widow thinking to himself, "Oh man I really hate my dad I'm going to show him."
And that was the story of how I got to lose a game before it even began.