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OXM Scores [come argue about Halo 2 in here]


I hope so. I'm a little shocked it didn't make it in. Co-op was one of the reasons the game is so popular, and while it is still in Halo 2, I'm really surprised the effort wasn't there to extend upon Halo and take Co-Op to the next level over Live!

And it isn't even offered over system link. I mean, what the fuck? Seriously. They got bombarded with questions about adding co-op through System Link and Xbox Live! after the release of Halo and their answers were always vague like "We know, we know, we are looking into it." I think they grossly misjudged how popular co-op mode was in Halo.
Mrbob said:
I hope so. I'm a little shocked it didn't make it in. Co-op was one of the reasons the game is so popular, and while it is still in Halo 2, I'm really surprised the effort wasn't there to extend upon Halo and take Co-Op to the next level over Live!

And it isn't even offered over system link. I mean, what the fuck? Seriously. They got bombarded with questions about adding co-op through System Link and Xbox Live! after the release of Halo and their answers were always vague like "We know, we know, we are looking into it."

That's probably why they were so tight lipped about it, they didn't know if it was going to make it in or not and I'd imagine they were trying to get it to work very late into the project. As for not announcing that it wouldn't be in the game when they had the gold announcement... well they didn't ever say it would be in, and you generally don't talk about features you don't have.
teepo said:
Halo (adj) - Based on or in accordance with general agreement, use, or practice
You can't respond to my proposal any more than than unkasa could. His points and examples worked against him in the end, but at least he tried to actually validate a point of view with something.

All of the shitheads want to tell me that Halo's gameplay was just run-of-the-mill,
None of the shitheads can explain why.


Blame! said:
It begins. Eat it, fanboys!


That's probably why they were so tight lipped about it, they didn't know if it was going to make it in or not and I'd imagine they were trying to get it to work very late into the project.

That could be the case, but these questions came like two months after the release of Halo. They have had nearly three years...!!


Mr. Lemming said:
That's probably why they were so tight lipped about it, they didn't know if it was going to make it in or not and I'd imagine they were trying to get it to work very late into the project.

The game went GOLD on 10/11. They had to know even before sending to MS for certification. Again, they have weekly reports on status for the fans, and could've easily cleared up on the issue, considering it was THE QUESTION EVERYONE HAD. They simply IGNORED the fans. That is what gets me.

They deserve all the backlash on this. They asked for it.

Bungie = BUNGIe
Blame! said:
It begins. Eat it, fanboys!
Oh good.
Fanboy arguements are for saps.

I loved Half-Life. I loved Halo.
I'm gonna love Half-life 2 I'm gonna love Halo 2.

I'm just waiting for one detractor to have the responsibility to back their comments up. I'll respect any illustrated point of view.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I hope so. I'm a little shocked it didn't make it in. Co-op was one of the reasons the game is so popular, and while it is still in Halo 2, I'm really surprised the effort wasn't there to extend upon Halo and take Co-Op to the next level over Live!
Well, people will need to buy the PC version next Christmas for some feature.


IJoel said:
The game went GOLD on 10/11. They had to know even before sending to MS for certification. Again, they have weekly reports on status for the fans, and could've easily cleared up on the issue, considering it was THE QUESTION EVERYONE HAD. They simply IGNORED the fans. That is what gets me.

They deserve all the backlash on this. They asked for it.

Bungie = BUNGIe

Hopefully they'll announce something soon that says they are offering it via a content download on Live! And soon.

Well, people will need to buy the PC version next Christmas for some feature.

I doubt it. GearBox waffered on the same issue with Halo on the PC. Said it could be done but they didn't have enough time.


I'm new here, but it seems fairly typical that all you fuckers who jump on the Bungie backlash bandwagon will eat your words in huge mouthfuls and back track till the cows come home when or if Bungie does patch up the game.

Here's a suggestion: why not hold off on stupid shit like "FUCK YOU BUNGIE" until you know for sure what the fuck is going on.



Blame! said:
I'm new here, but it seems fairly typical that all you fuckers who jump on the Bungie backlash bandwagon will eat your words in huge mouthfuls and back track till the cows come home when or if Bungie does patch up the game.

Here's a suggestion: why not hold off on stupid shit like "FUCK YOU BUNGIE" until you know for sure what the fuck is going on.


Here's a suggestion, why not ANSWER A SIMPLE QUESTION on a game that's already done, when it doesn't have anything to do with the plot.

I am sure they definitely worked to try to get it in, but again, what I'm most disappointed at is how misleading they have been with regards to this. They could've said "As of now it's not in the game, but we're trying to get it via Xbox Live. This doesn't represent any assurance on it, however."

Simple, not misleading and certainly clears up the issue. Again, my disappointment stems from how poorly they've handled the issue when they could've easily cleared it up. It's not even a remotely confusing question.


IJoel said:
Here's a suggestion, why not ANSWER A SIMPLE QUESTION on a game that's already done, when it doesn't have anything to do with the plot.

I am sure they definitely worked to try to get it in, but again, what I'm most disappointed at is how misleading they have been with regards to this. They could've said "As of now it's not in the game, but we're trying to get it via Xbox Live. This doesn't represent any assurance on it, however."

Simple, not misleading and certainly clears up the issue. Again, my disappointment stems from how poorly they've handled the issue when they could've easily cleared it up. It's not even a remotely confusing question.

Right, and this validates your tantrum, how? Fucking "hardcore" gamers, I swear.
I'm not gonna get excited about it, but if Bungie would confirm for me, right now, whether or not System Linked Co-Op is in Halo 2, I'd really appreicate it.

The plan is to play through single player in Co-Op with a good friend the first time through. I got my hopes really high for a second, and now I'm just kind of hanging.


IJoel, you need to simmer down. Take a few breaths or something. Relax! :D

It is disappointing, no doubt. But there still is a chance that it'll make it into the game post release.

The plan is to play through single player in Co-Op with a good friend the first time through. I got my hopes really high for a second, and now I'm just kind of hanging.


Same here. But the OXM review says two player co-op on one Xbox only.


Mrbob said:
IJoel, you need to simmer down. Take a few breaths or something. Relax! :D

It is disappointing, no doubt. But there still is a chance that it'll make it into the game post release.

Same here. But the OXM review says two player co-op on one Xbox only.

Oh, I'm not really pissed off... I mean, this is all gaf 'figure of speech'.

Those that don't get it haven't been in here long enough to understand it. I love the work Bungie has done. I'm still disappointed in how they've handled the issue when it's the #1 question everyone has. However, it IS a game. :p


Code_Link said:
May wanna change your plans...
The plan was to sit in his basement and play through Halo 2 in split screen. System linking it was just a happy suprise that I refuse to get angry about, if it's not true.


For those who for some reason make the weird comment, "You can't play co-op because you have no friends lol am i rite roofles!", you have to remember that the older you get the harder it is at times to get together to game. That is what makes Xbox Live! so great. A couple of my buddies who played an obscene amount of Halo co-op with have moved hours away, so it really isn't feasable to get together on a whim. You gotta plan things ahead of time like how we all have off of work November 9! :D We were looking forward to being able to play co-op over Live! and hoped it would be in Halo 2.


IJoel said:
And to this I say FUCK YOU BUNGIE.

It IS disappointing that co-op on Live didn't make it, but what IS more disappointing is how Bungie just kept people hanging without a response.

Again, FUCK YOU Bungie for being damn VALVe with the fans.

Bungie respect -100000

/me puts on fanboy suit

Bungie confirmed it as being out at the beginning of the month.

Their site is down at the time of this posting, but the confirmation was here:http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?story=rumorbuster&p=676412

The text was/is:

"There's two player co-op, but that's it. Four player co-op is quite possible, but it would be a mess in split-screen. Spartans would overwhelm the Covenant with sheer weight of numbers. There'd be so many Spartans on your tiny split screen, that you'd have to blast through them just to get at the bad guys. It would also be absurdly easy. And with that many Spartans, we should probably be invading the Covenant Homeworlds, not the other way around."

And that was on Friday, October 1.

I was disappointed, but I'm confident that the team vs team quality will more than make up for it.

And anyways, I think that to truly do XBL Coop justice, you have to make it scale to more than just 2 players - 4, 8, etc. And that would require more than the kludging they do to get split-screen coop in.


Joe said:
guys, the game rocks hard and its better than halo1. dont worry.

I'm sure it does but you are missing the point man. It doesn't mean we won't love the game but lack of co-op on Live! (and more importantly their ambigous answers to questions for years on the subject) is a damn big omission. Honestly, they should get a little heat for this by letting this topic wafer for years and then letting the answer come out in a review instead of hammering this down right away. I'm not saying to hate on Bungie, as I know they busted their asses off to get this game done, but when you don't address the most wanted feature in the sequel they are placing themselves in front of the fire.

The text was/is:

"There's two player co-op, but that's it. Four player co-op is quite possible, but it would be a mess in split-screen. Spartans would overwhelm the Covenant with sheer weight of numbers. There'd be so many Spartans on your tiny split screen, that you'd have to blast through them just to get at the bad guys. It would also be absurdly easy. And with that many Spartans, we should probably be invading the Covenant Homeworlds, not the other way around."

Yeah but that doesn't confirm or deny Xbox Live! Co-op. It just denies four player co-op.

Mike Works said:
Argh, there's no online co-op? That really fucking sucks. I would rather have that then deathmatch.

We actually agree on something, amazing!


Kordos said:
/me puts on fanboy suit

Bungie confirmed it as being out at the beginning of the month.

Their site is down at the time of this posting, but the confirmation was here:http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?story=rumorbuster&p=676412

The text was/is:

"There's two player co-op, but that's it. Four player co-op is quite possible, but it would be a mess in split-screen. Spartans would overwhelm the Covenant with sheer weight of numbers. There'd be so many Spartans on your tiny split screen, that you'd have to blast through them just to get at the bad guys. It would also be absurdly easy. And with that many Spartans, we should probably be invading the Covenant Homeworlds, not the other way around."

And that was on Friday, October 1.

I was disappointed, but I'm confident that the team vs team quality will more than make up for it.

And anyways, I think that to truly do XBL Coop justice, you have to make it scale to more than just 2 players - 4, 8, etc. And that would require more than the kludging they do to get split-screen coop in.

They never denied co-op on Live. It was asked many many times during their Q&A and they just completely ignored it.

I do think there are technical reasons why they probably can't do this, and this probably has to do with the AI decision tree rate which is probably faster than an average online connection. Again, while it is disappointing that they didn't include it in, what is more disappointing is how they just didn't clear the issue as soon as they knew.

Hopefully they are still trying to implement it on Live, by some means of a downloadable content, but I'm not holding my breath.


IJoel said:
They never denied co-op on Live. It was asked many many times during their Q&A and they just completely ignored it.

That's true, they don't deny it explicity, but they do say that a.) it's only two-player, and b) it's only split-screen.

I couldn't imagine a scenario where I'm sitting in Boston playing Halo 2 coop and my screen is split, and my buddy in New York is controlling the bottom screen. If they were going to give it online capabilities, they'd have made it fullscreen for each client, no?


Ramirez said:
The fact that they ignored the questions and never gave any hint should have tipped you guys off.

Not really. With almost any other game I would agree. But Bungie has shrouded Halo 2 in so much secrecy it is hard to tell without a definite answer.


ManaByte said:
Call of Duty is the best WWII FPS on the PC, but to say it's better than Halo is the rumblings of a crack whore.

Well, pass that crack, because CoD is the most beautifully realized FPS I've played in the past 5 years. CoD was the visceral culmination of terrific ambience, aggressive AI, and the terrifying rush of war. It combined everything that makes the best shooters what they are. By comparison, Halo was ploddingly generic.

the thing about COD is it's only great once because once

I agree. Definitely the most memorable experience I've had when playing a FPS.

What is so conventional about Halo's gameplay? Please tell me, cuz, bless me, me and my 80 Halo friends have just been overlooking it.

Boring level design; enemy AI that, while impressive, isn't good enough to make you look past the game's glaring shortcomings; barely any scripting in the game -- no, instead, you simply trudge through repetitive levels, blasting anything you encounter.

tired ass gameplay that bored your friends to tears.

It was dull.


IJoel said:
They never denied co-op on Live. It was asked many many times during their Q&A and they just completely ignored it.

I do think there are technical reasons why they probably can't do this, and this probably has to do with the AI decision tree rate which is probably faster than an average online connection. Again, while it is disappointing that they didn't include it in, what is more disappointing is how they just didn't clear the issue as soon as they knew.

Imagine them doing this for every feature in the game and you know what it's like to be a Fable fan. :(


Joe said:
guys, the game rocks hard and its better than halo1. dont worry.

That's all I care about. I'm hoping it doesn't play anything like Halo 1. Can you elaborate on what makes it better? How do you know?


unkasa said:
That's all I care about. I'm hoping it doesn't play anything like Halo 1. Can you elaborate on what makes it better? How do you know?

From the new OXM:

Halo 2 is a work of gaming art. It's the culmination of so many finely tunes facets that suggesting such meager plaudit as "Game of the Year Nominee" fails to do justice to the to the entire experience packaged on one XBox disc. Its fundamentally successful execution of so many disparate, challenging expectations and desires is as amazing from a development standpoint as it is rewarding to you - us - the gamers.

Sounds like he liked it. :D
unkasa said:
Well, pass that crack, because CoD is the most beautifully realized FPS I've played in the past 5 years. CoD was the visceral culmination of terrific ambience, aggressive AI, and the terrifying rush of war. It combined everything that makes the best shooters what they are. By comparison, Halo was ploddingly generic.

I agree. Definitely the most memorable experience I've had when playing a FPS.

Boring level design; enemy AI that, while impressive, isn't good enough to make you look past the game's glaring shortcomings; barely any scripting in the game -- no, instead, you simply trudge through repetitive levels, blasting anything you encounter.

It was dull.


unkasa said:
That's all I care about. I'm hoping it doesn't play anything like Halo 1. Can you elaborate on what makes it better? How do you know?

Can you shut the fuck up, you were owned moron, give me a fucking break, CoD was good yes, i dont deny that, but damn, comparing it to Halo and saying Halo is crap because it DOESNT have scripted sequence? HOLY FUCK...

~Black Deatha


Black Deatha said:

Can you shut the fuck up, you were owned moron, give me a fucking break, CoD was good yes, i dont deny that, but damn, comparing it to Halo and saying Halo is crap because it DOESNT have scripted sequence? HOLY FUCK...

~Black Deatha

I would argue that what makes Halo so good is that the best encounters are not scripted - the AI is smart enough to respond to new tactics each time.


Boring level design; enemy AI that, while impressive, isn't good enough to make you look past the game's glaring shortcomings; barely any scripting in the game -- no, instead, you simply trudge through repetitive levels, blasting anything you encounter.

Wtf? Halo has a ton of scripting.
unkasa said:
Boring level design; enemy AI that, while impressive, isn't good enough to make you look past the game's glaring shortcomings; barely any scripting in the game -- no, instead, you simply trudge through repetitive levels, blasting anything you encounter.

It was dull.

I think, perhaps this is a case of apples to oranges. CoD, draws from scripting in a way that is similar to how Halo drew from having a more free range feel to it. An example might be taken from Assault on the Control Room, where you can grab that Banshee as opposed to the Scorpion. Granted that's kind of a glitch but I think it illustrates the point.

As for the enemy AI.. well maybe you should give legendary a try. I suppose you'll likely say all that it does is increase number and how quickly they acquire you as a target and inflict damage, but isn't that what a more effective enemy does anyway?

The repetitive levels I assume you mean the levels in which you enter the ForeRunner structures. Let's think for a moment, they're structures, that sort of implies well, structure. So yes, rooms would look similar that sort of makes sense to me.

As for blasting everything you encounter... well, isn't that sort of the point it's a first person SHOOTER.


The Guivre said:
As for the enemy AI.. well maybe you should give legendary a try. I suppose you'll likely say all that it does is increase number and how quickly they acquire you as a target and inflict damage, but isn't that what a more effective enemy does anyway?
person SHOOTER.

The enemies take and dish more damage and there are more of them, that much is obvious. But their AI is different as well - the have faster reflexes, make better tactical decisions and are generally more aggressive. It's like playing a different game, since you have to approach many situations very differently.


I don't want to get too involved in this Halo/CoD argument as I like both but do prefer Halo more.

I would like to add that the shield system added another layer of strategy that I have yet seen replicated in other FPS games. You had your health, but also your rechargable shield. It's not a standard system where you see you have so much health, you take so many shots and you know you are toast. You had a shield which protected you against various attacks, and different weapons taking off more or less of your sheild depending on its usage and strength. Somtimes when low on health you had to decide when and where to attack, knowing you can take some damage but not alot, especially when playing on Legendary. To add to this, Elites had their own rechargable shields as well which could mix into the strategy.


not an idiot
unkasa, just give it up, everytime you post you look more stupid than before and that's saying something.. hell, you didn't even understand one of your quotes at all, the one you quoted about COD only being great "ONCE". Your response shows you didn't understand that.

But by all means, keep derailing the thread with your tripe... but by the very definition, you're trolling. Nice job asswipe, now we have to deal with your idiot posts before the thread can get back to the co-op discussion.


I have seen the single player game played through and it is what i consider a ***king masterpiece.

There are some minor issues, and the story itself isn't all that great. The game has a weak ending also. But this aside it delivers.

I would call it Halo's equal single player wise. But as a full package it has Halo owned. The only thing i cant really judge is the RTS aspect. I haven't seen it played on hard settings. But i do sense its very much like Halo when it comes down to strategic play.

Oops Sorry.


not an idiot
floyd, put that stuff in the spoiler tags please... i know you didn't directly reveal anything, but some people don't wanna know ANYTHING at all, including what others think about certain points in the game. i know it's weird, but it's a big deal to some.
No co-op over LIVE is not such a surprise to me, but not having it over system-link is a complete bummer. Its kinda like co-op is an afterthought or something and for me, its the best part of the game. Its why I still play it 3 years later. My buddy and I were gonna link up two TVs for launch and everything. Now we just have one which isn't nearly as cool for obvious reasons. That just sucks. I'm a huge fan of Halo and so is my buddy so this is a real downer for us. We already planned to play in two seperate rooms and everything.

Thanks, Bungie. I really hope that playing on split-screen doesn't mean the graphics have to take a hit. From the day we finished Halo 1 together on Legendary, we promised to play through Halo 2 together and experience it all as a team. I'm gonna be pissed if the details are toned down and I don't see it all at first because we're playing split-screen.


I don't know. Something isn't right here. Something just isn't adding up.

I mean, lets look at the pic again:


Bungie had been asked a million times about co-op for Halo 1.5 or Halo 2 and never gave a straight answer. It is the most requested thing fans wanted out of ht sequel. And now it isn't in the game? Doesn't make sense. Did MS/Bungie purposefully ask OXM to not talk about it or deny its existence? I dunno. I keep thinking back to a Bungie interview a long time ago when they talked about being able to play a single player campaign with multiple players. Having one person as the main character Master Chief, and then having the rest swap in and out of Covenant characters. When they get taken out they move to another Covenant character. Could something like this be in the game? Who knows...idle speculation on my point.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
unkasa said:
Boring level design; enemy AI that, while impressive, isn't good enough to make you look past the game's glaring shortcomings; barely any scripting in the game -- no, instead, you simply trudge through repetitive levels, blasting anything you encounter.

It was dull.

I have to agree. I'm really looking forward to Halo 2, but Halo 1 was fucking boring. Way overhyped because of Xbox's dismal early lineup.


Nevermind. Forget any thought of online co-op at all.

From RYAN_OXM (OXM Staff) -

There is no Xbox Live co-op. There is no System Link co-op. I don't know what's up with Xbox.com.au or whatever, but the only form of cooperative play is via split-screen on one Xbox. The screen can split vertically if you're using a widescreen TV, though which gives each person a bit more real estate. I know you guys are probably just clinging to every last bit of hope that it will be there (I probably would be too if I were in your shoes), but it's split-screen only.
Ryan McCaffrey
Assistant Editor
Official Xbox Magazine

unkasa said:
Boring level design
I asked that you stick to the gameplay. I'll overlook this.

enemy AI that, while impressive, isn't good enough to make you look past the game's glaring shortcomings
WHAT SHORTCOMIIIIIIIIIIIINGS ? You wanna be like every other shithead who just says that something sucks? Or do you want to be responsible enough to list examples. Did you ever see a Gamespot review that listed in it's Cons: "Has Shortcomings"

barely any scripting in the game
You want hardcore scripting, go play Time Crisis, it's really good. Scripting undercuts replay value. Do you only rent?

no, instead, you simply trudge [oh you know he didn't bring up the levels twice] blasting anything you encounter
It's a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER! You just might SHOOT THINGS. A lot. How much blasting did you do in COD? More or less? What level of blasting are you comfortable with?

It was dull.
Arguing with you is dull. I asked you to list why Halo is conventional, and you come back and talk vaguely about how it was dull instead.

Get the fuck back to the IGN forums


ArcadeStickMonk said:
I asked that you stick to the gameplay. I'll overlook this.

WHAT SHORTCOMIIIIIIIIIIIINGS ? You wanna be like every other shithead who just says that something sucks? Or do you want to be responsible enough to list examples. Did you ever see a Gamespot review that listed in it's Cons: "Has Shortcomings"

You want hardcore scripting, go play Time Crisis, it's really good. Scripting undercuts replay value. Do you only rent?

It's a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER! You just might SHOOT THINGS. A lot. How much blasting did you do in COD? More or less? What level of blasting are you comfortable with?

Arguing with you is dull. I asked you to list why Halo is conventional, and you come back and talk vaguely about how it was dull instead.

Get the fuck back to the IGN forums

I agree with everything this guy said. Especially that last point.
ArcadeStickMonk said:
I asked that you stick to the gameplay. I'll overlook this.

WHAT SHORTCOMIIIIIIIIIIIINGS ? You wanna be like every other shithead who just says that something sucks? Or do you want to be responsible enough to list examples. Did you ever see a Gamespot review that listed in it's Cons: "Has Shortcomings"

You want hardcore scripting, go play Time Crisis, it's really good. Scripting undercuts replay value. Do you only rent?

It's a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER! You just might SHOOT THINGS. A lot. How much blasting did you do in COD? More or less? What level of blasting are you comfortable with?

Arguing with you is dull. I asked you to list why Halo is conventional, and you come back and talk vaguely about how it was dull instead.

Get the fuck back to the IGN forums





There must be something about online co-op play in a FPS that is exceptionally difficult to implement, otherwise I expect we'd have seen it be more standard by now. I don't know why everyone expected online co-op out of Halo 2. It would be nice to have, but I don't believe for a second that it was the "most requested" feature for the sequel. That honor would belong to online multiplayer in general.

And yeah, CoH is fun once through, but I've played Halo three times through and it's still great every time. It hasn't aged as well as some FPS (although far better than the yawnfest that is now Half-Life...if you played that one after 1999, you were out of luck in terms of understanding what was so great about it), but Legendary is a different trip every time.

Freeform combat >>>>> scripting.
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