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PA - The Truth Comes Out (Interplay)




Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I didn't laugh out loud, but I still found it somewhat amusing.

22% Video Game Reference, 45% setup, and 33% sex joke.

aoi tsuki

i was expecting a "fuck" and i got some sophmoric humor. Still fairly funny. i could see Will Ferrell playing the part of the bum in the upcoming movie.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I think the real problem here is that they can do so much more than this, but they don't. There's all sorts of stuff that could be mined from the Interplay situation, and it's not that the sex job by itself is totally unfunny - it's just a big waste compared to what they're capable of.

I think that's why I currently like VG Cats better than PA. However good or bad it is, VG Cats makes me feel like they're trying. PA just feels like they're cruising along on their established image and rarely shifting out of first gear.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
it is sad that with all the ammo that could have been used for Interplay... a gaming topic... they used a "sex joke" again... I understand when times are slow in the game industry.... but... oh well... wasn't so bad...


It wasn't LOL, but it made me smile. Thumbs up! They need another Ninja Gaiden type one, that one made me laugh so hard I thought I was dying.


MrPing1000 said:
Perry Bible has increased the standard i expect for strips
If The Perry Bible Fellowship which Google showed me is the same as you're talking about, it gets my vote.

Wow, after doing a search and looking at other Perry Bible strips, I can at least say some good came from this PA related thread.



I've only read 4 PBF comics thus far...and I consider the best comic strip I've ever read. Going through more at the moment...


Hang out with Steve.
OT but just went through the archive of the Perry Bible Fellowship cartoons... it's a little hit & miss, but there are definitely some brilliant strips in there.


aoi tsuki said:
i was expecting a "fuck" and i got some sophmoric humor. Still fairly funny. i could see Will Ferrell playing the part of the bum in the upcoming movie.
LOL it's funny becuase it's true



I usually dont hate PA or give the ubercritical panel judgements.
This time got to make an exception, just because it goes against the mass: I liked the first panel, was disappointed by the last 2. 2nd is just repeating the initial joke, and the sex joke doesnt have much to do with the matter... or is there something about Interplay which I dont know?

Thanks for mentioning Perry Bible, looks good for a bookmark =)

Edit: +1 for PB, really amusing.
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