Man of Steel is a movie that desperately wants to show you Superman cutting loose without being burdened by retelling his origin because the creators thought the audience was tired of sitting through that. When they couldn't find a way around it, they tried to short cut it through half-assed flashbacks and internal conflicts that never materialize in any meaningful way. It ends up feeling like two tonally different films by the end. With the last third being a completely exhausting exercise in blowing shit up without any level of audience buy-in.
"You came to watch Superman beat the ever loving shit out of Zod? Right, we'll get there but we have to TRY and give this all meaning and make it feel like more than what it is. It has to be a character examination tied up into conflict resolution tied up into the real movie we want to make: Superman fucking shit up!"
Pacific Rim is a movie that doesn't try to hide its completely predictable nature or make its characters any deeper than they need to be. It presents you just enough to buy-in and get on the ride and doesn't ask much else. It's also very conscious of how much action real estate it affords the audience. It's never overwrought and the very concept it presents doesn't ask the audience to do more than enjoy the spectacle and care just a little about the three primary characters (Becket, Mako and Pentecost).
"You want to watch big ass Robots beat the ever loving shit out of Godzilla? Right, here you go".
That's the key difference between the two. Man of Steel isn't a serious film. It's pretending to be one and it does so poorly. If they wanted to explore the nature of Superman and the conflict he lives with in being an alien caring for a people he towers above, they could have made that the central focus of the movie and integrated Superman cutting loose far more intelligently. Instead they WANTED to make Pacific Rim but had to hide it under a veil of seriousness.
You can dislike Pacific Rim for being what it is and I'm generally accepting of the dissenting opinions in the thread. I can totally understand how folks would walk away thinking its all cheesy with paper thin characters. Generally more spectacle than substance but at no point does the movie ever try to convince you that it is more than what it is and it's why I'll take it over the tedious borefest that Man of Steel was.
This is absolutely accurate.