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Pakistan clashes over Hebdo cartoon

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Yeah, no Muslim ever tackles any questions. /s

No such things as Muslim Philosophers, intellectuals, scholars or the like.

Dude, what is wrong with you? Have you lost the ability to think clearly?

Tell me. Is the Koran the word of God as delivered to prophet or not?

How's things going for the Muslim intellectual in Saudi Arabia getting 1000 lashes?
What do you make of Charlie Hebdo's founder saying the slain editor (Charb) dragged the team members to their deaths?

Charlie Hebdo founder: Slain editor 'dragged' team to their deaths

Sounds like victim blaming to me, which is a deplorable offense if you ask me.

They were killed for doing something that is perfectly legal, and the magazine continued to do it after Charb's death (and pushed it to an unprecedented degree with millions of copies printed), so I don't see any point in saying he dragged them to do it.



If you believe in something that has no proof to back it but it makes you a happier person/it doesn't harm anyone then go for it. Different beliefs work for different people and different people have different needs. I only have an issue when people ignore facts or attempt to belittle other beliefs as an attempt to make themselves feel like they have the correct belief.
Tell me. Is the Koran the word of God as delivered to prophet or not?

How's things going for the Muslim intellectual in Saudi Arabia getting 1000 lashes?

You're so ignorant.

There is a century long tradition of philosophical and ideological thinking in Islam. Most clearly seen through the 4 Maddhabs (Schools) of Islam. Read a goddamn book.

I can reccomend you Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 1798-1939; heres a PDF link to go


Yeah, no Muslim ever tackles any questions. /s

No such things as Muslim Philosophers, intellectuals, scholars or the like.

Dude, what is wrong with you? Have you lost the ability to think clearly?

Some people think the ideology of ISIS and Taliban IS the true ideology for a number of reasons, cannot reason with such thinking if its set in stone
You're so ignorant.

There is a century long tradition of philosophical and ideological thinking in Islam. Most clearly seen through the 4 Maddhabs (Schools) of Islam. Read a goddamn book.

I can reccomend you Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 1798-1939; heres a PDF link to go



You are completely missing the point.

Is the Koran the word of God as delivered to the prophet or not?
Some people think the ideology of ISIS and Taliban IS the true ideology for a number of reasons, cannot reason with such thinking if its set in stone

Have some respect and talk to me directly (assuming you are talking about what I said) instead of just spewing sad strawman arguments to someone else.


Yeah, no Muslim ever tackles any questions. /s

No such things as Muslim Philosophers, intellectuals, scholars or the like.

Dude, what is wrong with you? Have you lost the ability to think clearly?

I haven't seen any question tackling here. I've just seen enormous stretches of logic from religious people who's only agenda is proving that their religious text is right.
I am a former muslim who is athiest. I wonder what these great philosopher of islam say about me

They will all qoute the Quran, let him who believe believe, let him who disbelieve, disnelieve

There is no worldly punishment and the only one mentioned in the Quran is in the afterlife but hey if you are not a muslim it means you don't believe in the afterlife so let's wait and see whose right

It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will believe and let him who will disbelieve” (18:30) no worldly punishment

Chapter 2 verse 109 states: “Whoever takes disbelief in exchange for belief has undoubtedly gone astray from the right path” again no wordly punishment

Those who believe, then disbelieve, then again believe, then disbelieve and then increase in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them nor will He guide them to the right way. (4:138)

Again no worldly punishment

All say there is an afterlife punishment so if a hadith says there is a worldly punishement due to apostasy it is contradicting Hadith so which is valid, the word of God as per all muslims or a man written history written 200 years later whose accuracy depends on if it doesn't contradict Quran
Well here was my post.

I don't think it was too complex but let me simplify it things and provide an example.

In the modern world, religion requires you to believe in a lot of things for which there is no evidence for. A omnipotent god, flying horses, people surviving crucifixion, witches, Djinn, etc. That you take these things on faith.

To do this, you have to let go of rational thinking . . . let go of requiring evidence . . . let go of requiring logic . . . just submit yourself to the narrative and believe. Become obedient and follow what your priest, holy book, imam, Rabbi, etc. says.
Your approach is wholly ass backwards. I understand if you think its a bunch of fairy tales nonsense, but faith requires suspension of disbelief. That's what faith is! How much have you really read any of the holy books that you crap on in your every post (and in EVERY THREAD)? Don't give me "well I dont need to know pixie fairy dust dont exist". Just dont. If you do read them, they actually talk about people like you who did not understand what faith actually is.
Man was created from a clot of blood. You have to believe that because it comes from the messenger as the perfect word of god. Clot of blood? What? What about evolution? OK, forget evolution. Where did the clot of blood come from? Another god? Did animals evolve, create blood, and then god took that blood and create man?
Yeah dude. You think you are so fucking smart because you ask these questions, and no one else does. The arrogance that reeks from your words.

STOP ASKING THESE QUESTIONS! JUST SHUT UP AND SUBMIT TO PERFECT WORD OF GOD. Don't question god! Don't mock god! Don't mock the prophet! BE OBEDIENT! Don't draw cartoons of the prophet! Boko Haram!
Islam = submission = no questions, infidel! is a view only an orientalist could come up with. Bravo. You have a very narrow view of religion, which only looks at the bad elements that have transpired out of it, and canvass the entire board with that brush. True to Dawkins' God Delusion school of criticism I see, but hardly surprising. Sure, lets also throw in Boko Haram to neatly bowtie my stupid argument about lack of critical thinking in Islam. Tell me, do you honestly believe this guy is mentally sound?
Here's a question. If god is so powerful and so merciful . . . what does god allow so many of these atrocities to be performed in her name? Is she not powerful enough to stop them? Does she not mind having these people commit atrocities in her name? How do you guys reconcile this? Christians handwave this with 'free will' and what not. But I thought nothing occurs without Allah willing it. Or does Islam just use the 'free will' rationalization as well?
You are not going to be convinced at all by anything anyone will say in response to you. Why even bother? Be honest with yourself.


They will all qoute the Quran, let him who believe believe, let him who disbelieve, disnelieve

There is no worldly punishment and the only one mentioned in the Quran is in the afterlife but hey if you are not a muslim it means you don't believe in the afterlife so let's wait and see whose right

It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will believe and let him who will disbelieve” (18:30) no worldly punishment

Chapter 2 verse 109 states: “Whoever takes disbelief in exchange for belief has undoubtedly gone astray from the right path” again no wordly punishment

Those who believe, then disbelieve, then again believe, then disbelieve and then increase in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them nor will He guide them to the right way. (4:138)

Again no worldly punishment

All say there is an afterlife punishment so if a hadith says there is a worldly punishement due to apostasy it is contradicting Hadith so which is valid, the word of God as per all muslims or a man written history written 200 years later whose accuracy depends on if it doesn't contradict Quran

I swear I thought I asked what the great philosophers think about it. You know for example the great philosophers of 4 schools of Sunni .

But thanks for typing all that

Edit: lol, how it would be the hadith contradicting? It doesn't say don't punish in this life. Hadith can add without being contradicting.
I swear I thought I asked what the great philosophers think about it. You know for example the great philosophers of 4 schools of Sunni .

But thanks for typing all that

Edit: lol, how it would be the hadith contradicting? It doesn't say don't punish in this life. Hadith can add without being contradicting.

let him who believe believe, let him who disbelieve, disbelieve

It doesn't get any clearer than that tbh


let him who believe believe, let him who disbelieve, disbelieve

It doesn't get any clearer than that tbh

Unfortunately I am a believer who now disbelieve.

The difference is clear as a day.

Love to know where you got that quote for full reference :)

I love the fact you again clearly ignore the great philosophers part
Unfortunately I am a believer who now disbelieve.

The difference is clear as a day.

Love to know where you got that quote for full reference :)

I love the fact you again clearly ignore the great philosophers part

ummm its qouted in the Quran in my qoute you yourself qouted..........


Since this topic is being discussed......take the time to read.

Apostasy and Religious Freedom in Islam

In the Qur'an, God's plan for humankind is not that everyone should follow the same path; instead, belief is left to individual conscience and personal reflection, and should be sincere. From the perspective of the Qur'an, forcing belief on another does not result in genuine belief, which is an essential element of faith. The Qur'an therefore condemns hypocrisy and hypocrites in many verses, and exhorts sincerity (9:68; 63:1). It also condemns attitudes that promote blind imitation of ancestral precedents at the expense of independent thought and personal conviction (2:170). The Qur'an declares: "Had God willed it, He would have guided all to the right path" (see 10:99; 13:31; 16:9). Furthermore, on the Day of Judgment individuals will stand before God and be questioned about what they did or failed to do (10:41). Accountability is thus very closely connected to the individual and the personal responsibility to choose (4:115; 72:23).

For the Qur'an, revealed religion is sacred and each scripture must be approached with respect. Both Judaism and Christianity, for example, are respected as "religions of the book" alongside Islam (5:69; 3:113-114). The same degree of respect, however, is not shown to belief-systems that involve practices such as idol worship, which were widespread in Arabia at the time of revelation: these beliefs and practices are not recognized as legitimate by the Qur'an. Despite this, the Qur'an urges Muslims to deal with all people - including idolaters - with respect, as long as they too show respect (49:11). The Qur'an also strongly rejects the idea of forcing anyone to adopt Islam, or of initiating hostilities toward any non-Muslim communities with whom Muslims had peaceful relations (9:4). As such, the Qur'an reflected a remarkable degree of tolerance towards other religions (5:69) at a time when religious tolerance was not generally the norm.

There is little disagreement among Muslim scholars on the legitimacy of conversion from one faith to another outside Islam. However, conversion of an individual from Islam to another religion has been consistently banned, and severe punishment applied as a deterrent. The question remains as to the extent to which the prohibition on conversion from Islam and its punishment are based on clear Qur'anic and prophetic guidance, and whether there is room to argue for moving away from the death penalty for conversion to simply consider conversion a sin, not a punishable crime.

An examination of the Qur'an suggests that it does indeed uphold the view that individuals had the freedom to convert from Islam - if they desired - in a broad sense. The Qur'an makes it clear that individuals in Mecca were free to decide not to follow the Prophet and his teachings (17:15; 18:29; 6:104), although it criticizes those Muslims who converted from Islam: "The truth [has now come] from your Sustainer: let, then, him who wills, believe in it, and let him who wills, reject it" (18:29). Similarly, the Qur'an strongly emphasizes that individuals should not be compelled to believe in Islam: "There is no coercion in matters of faith/religion" (2:256). The Prophet's duty was to deliver the message, not to determine who should or should not believe this message (4:80; 24:54; 5:99; 64:12; 3:20; 88:21).
On a number of occasions, the Qur'an declares that those who move away from the true path of God and the Prophet are to be condemned and punished in the life after death (4:115; 72:23). However, in line with its view of individual and personal responsibility for matters of belief and religion, the Qur'an seems to allow Muslims the option to convert to their former religions or to any other religion during their lifetime (3:20; 64:12), even though it declares that this action will lead to the individual's eternal damnation. The Qur'an also deals with what appears to be apostasy in several verses; but despite condemning those individuals who had - in some cases, repeatedly - committed the sin of apostasy (63:3), the Qur'an envisaged a natural death for them, rather than capital punishment.

There is no evidence to indicate that the Prophet Muhammad himself ever imposed the death penalty on an apostate for the simple act of conversion from Islam. Such penalties were imposed by the Prophet in a number of specific cases, and were related to crimes other than apostasy. Notably, a report in the hadith collection of Bukhari (one of the most important and reliable collections of hadith for Sunni Muslims) details a man who came to Medina and converted to Islam. Shortly after his arrival, this man wanted to return to his former religion and asked the Prophet for permission to do so. The Prophet let him go without imposing the death penalty, or any other punishment.

In early Islamic history, the question of apostasy appears to have been closely associated with the security of the Muslim community, and was defined in relation to combating treachery and aggression. As I've argued elsewhere, the issue of apostasy at the time was closely related to both the identity and the survival of Muslims. Unbelief (kufr) on its own was not used in the Islamic legal tradition as a justification for war or for any form of capital punishment. Nonetheless, the Qur'an asserts it is an individual's responsibility to follow the approved path or not to follow it (27:92; 10:108).

The vast array of Qur'anic texts and the practice of the Prophet thus demonstrate that while apostasy itself is strongly discouraged, they leave the issue to the individual, respecting the right of the individual to believe or not to believe, to remain a Muslim or to leave Islam.

Sourced from: http://www.abc.net.au/religion/articles/2014/05/23/4010689.htm


It must be terrible being constantly offended by the actions of people living thousands of miles away.

This isn't limited to Pakistan. Look at how many things people in the West are offended about or protest against everyday even if it doesn't concern them or affect them at all. Unless you were trying to be ironic with the post.


The fact that there's Muslim countries punishing for apostasy or blasphemy doesn't mean their interpretation is indisputably accurate. Just basing off from reading posts in this thread, it's clear how many people are misinformed and are quick to generalize and hold negative attitudes.

There is no worldly or capital punishment for apostasy or blasphemy in the Quran. It's very much the opposite.


There is no genuine or sincere belief if you are forced to hold on to a belief system out of the fear of death penalty or something.
No you didn't

You said quran quote of "let him who believe believe, let him who disbelieve, disbelieve"

Where is that quote from?

Unless I am blind

chose your favorite: http://apostasyandislam.blogspot.com/

let me reiteriate them again

Those who believe, then disbelieve, then again believe, then disbelieve, and then increase in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them nor will He guide them to the way.
No wordly punishment

And say, ‘It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will, believe, and let him who will, disbelieve.’ Verily, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose flaming canopy shall enclose them. And if they cry for help, they will be helped with water like molten lead which will burn the faces. How dreadful the drink, and how evil is the Fire as a resting place!
No Wordly punishment

and further

"And so, O Prophet, exhort them, thy task is ONLY to exhort; thou canst NOT compel them to believe." [88:21-22]

and again

[13:41] And whether We make thee see the fulfilment of some of the things with which We threaten them or whether We make thee die, it makes little difference, for on thee lies only the delivery of the Message, and on Us the reckoning.

religious based punishment does NOT lie in the hands of Man.


I am a former muslim who is athiest. I wonder what these great philosopher of islam say about me

Honestly, if you're a former Muslim and now an atheist, then that's your personal choice and it is your own personal matter. It is much better than being a hypocrite and outwardly pretending to have belief in something when you internally (in your mind) reject it all.


Persecution Complex
That you're a murtad....I'm sure that you're aware of what goes along with that.

If beast is going to hell for not believing a specific religion or because he disavowed his faith I'll be right there with him with some beer and watching the Lions win Superbowl 81. Hopefully it happens before our time is up though.

Amazing how one can believe gay people go to hell for an eternity but someone who kills themselves in the name of their religion goes to heaven. That goes for any of (the 3 main Abrahamic religions, not 100% sure of the others). I want no part of that God.
If beast is going to hell for not believing a specific religion or because he disavowed his faith I'll be right there with him with some beer and watching the Lions win Superbowl 81. Hopefully it happens before our time is up though.

Amazing how one can believe gay people go to hell for an eternity but someone who kills themselves in the name of their religion goes to heaven. That goes for any of (the 3 main Abrahamic religions, not 100% sure of the others). I want no part of that God.

God can chose to have a gay person in heaven if God wills he should and can chose to have someone who killed themselves in the name of religion to Hell if he killed to murder, if he killed when attacking, if he killed an innocent (muslim or non-muslim) etc etc, and as Jihad of sword is not valid in an age where no one is vying to finish off Islam militarily thus the only death which likely is going to heaven (where he kills himself) is he if kills himself trying to stop an attacker from killing innocents. Welcome to the God of Islam.
Your approach is wholly ass backwards. I understand if you think its a bunch of fairy tales nonsense, but faith requires suspension of disbelief. That's what faith is! How much have you really read any of the holy books that you crap on in your every post (and in EVERY THREAD)? Don't give me "well I dont need to know pixie fairy dust dont exist". Just dont. If you do read them, they actually talk about people like you who did not understand what faith actually is.
I own all of the holy books and have read from them all. I can't say I've read them from cover to cover, they tend to put me to sleep. Maybe if they had some useful information, they could keep me awak.

Yeah dude. You think you are so fucking smart because you ask these questions, and no one else does. The arrogance that reeks from your words.
Again, straight to ad hominem. Make your argument instead of insults. I expect better from you. But I do realize that you are working from weak material, so I understand.

Islam = submission = no questions, infidel! is a view only an orientalist could come up with. Bravo. You have a very narrow view of religion, which only looks at the bad elements that have transpired out of it, and canvass the entire board with that brush. True to Dawkins' God Delusion school of criticism I see, but hardly surprising. Sure, lets also throw in Boko Haram to neatly bowtie my stupid argument about lack of critical thinking in Islam.
Why does no one answer a simple yes or no question that I ask?
Is the Koran the word of god as delivered to the prophet?

Oh . . because the the answer to that question will complete destroy your argument. That's right. Never mind.

I know . . . it is hard to argue from weak material.

You are not going to be convinced at all by anything anyone will say in response to you. Why even bother? Be honest with yourself.
I'm not expecting to be changed. I have solid arguments. I just hope to enlighten others.
I own all of the holy books and have read from them all. I can't say I've read them from cover to cover, they tend to put me to sleep. Maybe if they had some useful information, they could keep me awak.

Again, straight to ad hominem. Make your argument instead of insults. I expect better from you. But I do realize that you are working from weak material, so I understand.

Why does no one answer a simple yes or no question that I ask?
Is the Koran the word of god as delivered to the prophet?

Oh . . because the the answer to that question will complete destroy your argument. That's right. Never mind.

I know . . . it is hard to argue from weak material.

I'm not expecting to be changed. I have solid arguments. I just hope to enlighten others.

do you really have to ask. of course All Muslims know that Quran is the word of God delivered to the Prophet(saw) of Islam

I don't have the time to watch propaganda. Make your argument to me.

Propaganda? Did you even click it to see before you wrote the word propaganda? lol
I love religion.

oops typo lol, its 2 am here here cut me some slack. did you click the youtube videos for your education? they will be helpful for someone of your point of view to be honest. many people are confused by misinformation and deserve to be educated on common facts.

I would hate to see
as the contribution to the conversation lol


If beast is going to hell for not believing a specific religion or because he disavowed his faith I'll be right there with him with some beer and watching the Lions win Superbowl 81. Hopefully it happens before our time is up though.

Amazing how one can believe gay people go to hell for an eternity but someone who kills themselves in the name of their religion goes to heaven. That goes for any of (the 3 main Abrahamic religions, not 100% sure of the others). I want no part of that God.

Depending on how you want to interpret, hell isn't an "eternal" concept in Islam and there are different "layers" of hell and heaven.


http://quransmessage.com/articles/is the punishment of hell eternal FM3.htm

There is also the concept that eventually no human soul will remain in hell and everyone will enter paradise.

From Sahih Muslim Book 1 Number 359
Abdullah b. Mas'ud reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I know the last of the inhabitants of Fire to be taken out therefrom, and the last of the inhabitants of Paradise to enter it. A man will come out of the Fire crawling. Then Allah, the Blessed and Exalted will say to him: Go and enter Paradise. So he would come to it and it would appear to him as if it were full. He would go back and say: O my Lord! I found it full. Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, would say to him: Go and enter Paradise. He would come and perceive as if it were full. He would return and say: O my Lord! I found it full. Allah would say to him: Go and enter Paradise, for there is for you the like of the world and ten times like it, or for you is ten times the like of this world. He (the narrator) said. He (that man) would say: Art Thou making a fun of me? or Art Thou laughing at me. though Thou art the King? He (the narrator) said: I saw the Messenger of Allah laugh till his front teeth were visible. And it was said: That would be the lowest rank among the inhabitants of Paradise.



"Verily a day would come over hell when there shall not be a single human being in it" (Kanzul Ummal Vol. VII, page 245).

"A time will come when no one will be left in Hell; winds will blow and the windows and doors of Hell will make a rattling noise on account of the blowing winds." (Tafsir-ul-Maalam-ul-Tanzil under verse Hud:107)


These threads involving Islam are always fun to watch from afar. The same usual suspects show up trying to explain away some horrific or incomprehensible event while quoting the Quran or Haddiths, and never actually succeeding in coming off as either reasonable or intellectually honest.

I'd wager any sum that not a single interpretation of Islam, no matter how liberal, will ever make sense to the majority of citizens in the Western world. Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations is a great primer on this subject and should be read by anyone who has interest in Islam's integration with Western culture.
I own all of the holy books and have read from them all. I can't say I've read them from cover to cover, they tend to put me to sleep. Maybe if they had some useful information, they could keep me awak.
They dont have useful information for you, because people such as yourself, calling religious believers idiots and being arrogant douche rockets, are mentioned countless times in the books. Nothing has really changed since then. I thought that would have stood out on your readings, no?
Again, straight to ad hominem. Make your argument instead of insults. I expect better from you. But I do realize that you are working from weak material, so I understand.
Calling you an arrogant person is an insult? Oh my, I didn't know you were such a sensitive person. I apologize.
Why does no one answer a simple yes or no question that I ask?
Is the Koran the word of god as delivered to the prophet?
Because you're asking is Jesus the Son of God to Christians. You fucking know the answer dude. We all see clearly what you're trying to do here, which is to deter this about the posters and the individuals rather than discuss anything else.
Oh . . because the the answer to that question will complete destroy your argument. That's right. Never mind.
Hilarious. Go to sleep, and relish the internet points you scored.
I'm not expecting to be changed. I have solid arguments. I just hope to enlighten others.
For a second, I thought you were going to ask me if I heard the good word.

I love religion.

You can't properly spell Qur'an without sounding like an ignorant hillbilly (KORAYN!!!), and you're making fun of unintentional typos? A few posts ago you were trying to explain us the Arabic grammar.
So, are people willing to admit Bill Maher was right yet?

This was a 200 person protest. In a part of the world with limited access to education, widespread poverty, and conflict. But no this is entirely due to Islam. I also like how the other thread about the counter protestors got almost no attention here.


Good thing they don't speak English fluently, or they'd know the statement "making cartoons is the worst act of terrorism" is enough to destroy the human brain


This was a 200 person protest. In a part of the world with limited access to education, widespread poverty, and conflict. But no this is entirely due to Islam. I also like how the other thread about the counter protestors got almost no attention here.

Uneducated, you say?
Have look at this. Bunch of lawyers burning french flags and calling for an international law againsy blasphamy.

This shit really just seems like a way for people to blow off steam. It's become an excuse to rile up people.


No one tripped balls when this happened.


This was a 200 person protest. In a part of the world with limited access to education, widespread poverty, and conflict. But no this is entirely due to Islam. I also like how the other thread about the counter protestors got almost no attention here.
So the thing Bill Maher said that was wrong was...?


These threads involving Islam are always fun to watch from afar. The same usual suspects show up trying to explain away some horrific or incomprehensible event while quoting the Quran or Haddiths, and never actually succeeding in coming off as either reasonable or intellectually honest.

I'd wager any sum that not a single interpretation of Islam, no matter how liberal, will ever make sense to the majority of citizens in the Western world. Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations is a great primer on this subject and should be read by anyone who has interest in Islam's integration with Western culture.


Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" is a joke. He pretty much lays everything out in a vague binary framework as if "Islam" and "east" and "west" are wholly homogenous entities that can be easily defined and laid out in front of us.

Sorry but things aren't black and white like that. I find it hilarious that you're "recommending" it, especially when Huntington's work has been lambasted (thoroughly) by many academic scholars.
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