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Path of Exile |OT| Loot 3.0

I don't think ex:chaos will crash. One huge chaos sink (zana mods) is much less of a sink in legacy league that before.

It's crashed every league at one point. I'm not opposed to it going back down to 60ish honestly just 85+ not even a month in is too much for me. At the rate I've been able to play last few weeks with work and a newborn it'll take me 3 times the amount of time to get finishing pieces on my characters of the prices keep rising at the rate they are now.

I might just need to bite the bullet and get a choir of the storm and a vinktars so I can just finish out my vaal sparker I had started with. Currently making a cleave slayer with new cleave jewel but need starforge and cospris will to get it to where I want it to be with it but that will set me back about 7ex which I'm nowhere near close to having.

Tom Penny

Gotta farm up that 9-10 Exalt then son.
I could buy one but it would deplete me. Not sure it's worth it. I probably should though for future totem builds.

So got the core map to Drop. I Vaal it. Basically one shot the three mini bosses then get double Malachi boss lol no bueno 0_O


That's a very good character Joe. You got a lot better equip than my char in standard, except for the Kaom's I guess. Your helmet is really insane and your ammy is really nice too. I used an Astramentis I had lying around, but heck, yours is pretty close on stats alone, never mind all the other stuff you got. I saw a Marble once very suitable for what I was going for, but it was like 300ex iirc, LOL.

I also see that you go Chaos Golem instead of Stone Golem. That's the benefit of so many endurance charges and Chieftain over Juggernaut. Good stuff.

Tbh I run golemless. With no minion support skills or items they pretty much die instantly, especially the melee ones. Once I get my 3r +1 RotF golems are going away. EDIT: Speak of the devil I got one for 5 chaos when there were two other ones for 2ex up there welp; it's only 3r 2l but that's enough, only need empower on the PoF. Now I can get BV back on CWDT 1 and go back to mass spamming molten shell. Such a nice qol upgrade.
Think I found my currency maker this league. Cobalt Jewel crafting. I've so far spent 20c on mats on investment. Sold 60c worth of Jewels. With another left to sell, which is worth about 15-25c. Mainly looking for attack speed, lightning damage, intelligence, damage, phys damage, area damage, or energy shield. I get alt till i get two of those, regal for a third and sell for about 15-30c. If the regal bricks and the first two nodes are good enough, I'll sell for about 3-5c. Anything less, scour and repeat.
Think I found my currency maker this league. Cobalt Jewel crafting. I've so far spent 20c on mats on investment. Sold 60c worth of Jewels. With another left to sell, which is worth about 15-25c. Mainly looking for attack speed, lightning damage, intelligence, damage, phys damage, area damage, or energy shield. I get alt till i get two of those, regal for a third and sell for about 15-30c. If the regal bricks and the first two nodes are good enough, I'll sell for about 3-5c. Anything less, scour and repeat.

That's not bad. I've been corrupting viridian jewels mostly gotten a few chill of corruption which were selling for 20c.

Should probably try actual jewel crafting although I don't know if I'd have the patience for rolling them haha. I should probably 9bably craft some for my vaal sparker.
That's not bad. I've been corrupting viridian jewels mostly gotten a few chill of corruption which were selling for 20c.

Should probably try actual jewel crafting although I don't know if I'd have the patience for rolling them haha. I should probably 9bably craft some for my vaal sparker.

I'll buy about 10-20c in alts and 10c in regals/scours. I haven't taken a loss yet. It takes a little longer to sell, but it's good money and doesn't take long to burn through those alts.

A decent two mod jewel with a bricked regal will sell for about 5c. A decent three mod jewel will sell from 15-100c. Then if you have three really good rolls you exalt for the GG jewel. Which I haven't done yet. I'm scared to actually use an exalted right now since they're worth 85c on LSC.

I just sold a Viridian Jewel for Exalted. I chaos spammed that one. Took about 10c.

Physical Damage with Bows
Increased Attack Speed With bow
Increased projectile damage
Increased projectile speed.


Increased Maximum Life % are really valuable too (as is Increased ES%). 6%+ with some damage mods on there can easily scale up into the exalts range.

Life based characters are super thirsty for those % increased in max life.
Increased Maximum Life % are really valuable too (as is Increased ES%). 6%+ with some damage mods on there can easily scale up into the exalts range.

Life based characters are super thirsty for those % increased in max life.

Definitely. I'd like to craft some Viridian Jewels, too. But there's much more money making potential with cobalts thanks to the high chance of increased maximum energy shield.

If I get a +int, attack speed/lightning damage/damage, and increased energy shield. Big money. Haven't got that combo yet. I've come close.


If you could invite HypatFire that'd be cool.

Also I'm reeeeeeeally considering switching my chieftain RF to berserker - gotta warcry spam to keep comparable LPS values, but it seems like that mod would be valuable on -%regen and -%maxres maps. I'd lose about 600 health and 5.5% LPS actual, but gain 36% more damage and 7% more LPS effective.
I've decided my next character is going to be a golemancer. Made some decent sales today. About 100c in jewels. Bought 3 Primordialy Harmony jewels. Going to get two more then roll the character. Then to farm up the 8-10ex needed for the rest of the jewels. -_-
I've decided my next character is going to be a golemancer. Made some decent sales today. About 100c in jewels. Bought 3 Primordialy Harmony jewels. Going to get two more then roll the character. Then to farm up the 8-10ex needed for the rest of the jewels. -_-

I just looked up Primordial Might.

I just looked up Primordial Might.


I know. But I've always wanted to try it. The build I'm rubbing off of doesn't necessarily need the Primordial Might. It's a huge QoL and clear speed boost, but the clay shapers and the harmonies are more important. I think I'm going to keep farming currency till I can get 6 harmonies then roll the build. Got four right now. Could buy three more but I don't want to drain my currency tab out.

I've been wanting to do a golemancer build since breach. All in all, it'll be a 10-20ex investment.


So I've swapped my RF marauder from Chieftain to Berserker.

It's pretty dramatically increased map clear speed (a combination of much faster shield charge - had 38% melee speed before, now 79%, cuts down the recovery animation heavily - and the significant RF dps increase), and I feel much less reliant on flasking to survive incoming damage over my base LPS, which is a huge boon on longer boss fights. Tore thru two minotaur maps incident free. It also let me swap to a foil RotF (had to drop 2.5ex on a 21 PoF tho), which let me overcap resists on ele weakness maps without having to use endurance charges to do it, which has been convenient too.

All in all it's faster and I feel like I have better control now, which is great. Would recommend.
So I've swapped my RF marauder from Chieftain to Berserker.

It's pretty dramatically increased map clear speed (a combination of much faster shield charge - had 38% melee speed before, now 79%, cuts down the recovery animation heavily - and the significant RF dps increase), and I feel much less reliant on flasking to survive incoming damage over my base LPS, which is a huge boon on longer boss fights. Tore thru two minotaur maps incident free. It also let me swap to a foil RotF (had to drop 2.5ex on a 21 PoF tho), which let me overcap resists on ele weakness maps without having to use endurance charges to do it, which has been convenient too.

All in all it's faster and I feel like I have better control now, which is great. Would recommend.

Interesting build. Looks fun to play.

Unless I plan on dropping about 5-10ex on gear on this Mortem Morsu character. I'm about maxed on what I can do. Sitting at 4800 health with 11k dps with level 19 gems. Bosses melt very quickly and I clear the trash fairly fast. I imagine a big dps boost when I get to 20 gems and even more if I'm lucky enough to Vaal a 21 added chaos. I'm clearing up to tier: 12 depending on the mods. I can't stay resist capped with ele weakness. I don't really want to dump any more currency into this character. Honestly, if I miraculously get 21 on my added chaos, I'll just sell it and fund the golemancer build I want to do. 21 added chaos damage go for a ton.

Potential User Data Breach

Late on Thursday, March 23rd (NZT), we became aware that there was an external intruder illegally connected to our office network and that he had compromised several machines. We immediately severed all internet connectivity and began the process of reformatting all computers and rebuilding a new clean network with increased security measures in place.

While we have no evidence that private user information was taken, we cannot rule this out. The personal information that we store can include:
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A salted and hashed password.
Recent IP addresses used to access the game and website.
For users who have had goods shipped to them, a name and physical address.

To reiterate, we have no evidence that the above data was accessed, but our investigation is still ongoing.


Interesting build. Looks fun to play.

Unless I plan on dropping about 5-10ex on gear on this Mortem Morsu character. I'm about maxed on what I can do. Sitting at 4800 health with 11k dps with level 19 gems. Bosses melt very quickly and I clear the trash fairly fast. I imagine a big dps boost when I get to 20 gems and even more if I'm lucky enough to Vaal a 21 added chaos. I'm clearing up to tier: 12 depending on the mods. I can't stay resist capped with ele weakness. I don't really want to dump any more currency into this character. Honestly, if I miraculously get 21 on my added chaos, I'll just sell it and fund the golemancer build I want to do. 21 added chaos damage go for a ton.


The first minotaur run from earlier, also the first time I've ever run it so I almost get blapped a few times on the boss because I went in blind and had to figure out what he's doing. Pretty sure I had a -90% curse effect mod in there because my DPS felt relatively low.


^^ video of what 'normal' mapping speed looks like.

I think I can pretty conclusively say berserker is better than cheiftain for RF at this point.


I think I can pretty conclusively say berserker is better than cheiftain for RF at this point.

Even Juggernaut is better and that has always been the case. Chieftain just has a lot of life regen and an easier time generating Endurance Charges in some instances but it is hardly the #1 recommended choice.


Even Juggernaut is better and that has always been the case. Chieftain just has a lot of life regen and an easier time generating Endurance Charges in some instances but it is hardly the #1 recommended choice.

I considered juggernaut as well, and while it too has it's conveniences over chieftain (principally just better endurance charge gain/sustain against bosses) there was a nearly non-existent functional change in terms of DPS and play.

Really the thing about berserker is that there's still more than enough %LPS on the tree to sustain RF without warcry spam, but even then I've found the guaranteed on demand health (which is not affected by -% regen modifiers, and is significantly more LPS than is achievable with either juggernaut or chieftain) to be a huge boon, both for bosses and general clearing.

And that's not even acknowledging that berserker is simply doing much more DPS than either jugg or chief, which is survivability in its own right. Berserker is the best choice if you want to play a life-based RF build so far as I've been able to play/pob out.

Pohx has pretty conclusively demonstrated that ES RF builds are categorically better regardless though, so there's that. Builder puts him at 18k ES and 520k DPS - those numbers are hard to argue with. Even assuming the titties gear (no foil koam's because come on now really) I'm gonna cap at ~11.5k life and ~450k DPS.


Gonna pick up PoE again as I've been away for some time.

This new Legacy league sounds pretty great. Will be an interesting way to catch up on the leagues I missed.

These Ascendancy classes look kinda crazy. I've always preferred melee in this game for whatever reason; the Duelist subclasses in particular really sound up my alley (Gladiator and Champion especially). Think I'm going to build some kind of cleave hyperspam stuff.
Started my golemancer today. Was able to purchase a 7th harmony. Already invested just under 3ex into the build. Still need another 7-9ex just in jewels.-_- Cobalt crafting is netting me quite a bit of currency and profit though. Really easy to hit 3 decent affixes and rolls to sell jewels for 15c+. For every 20c of investment I make I'm getting a 40-60c return.
Yeah this is insane. Probably going to increase. Especially with all these reports of botting.

Gonna pick up PoE again as I've been away for some time.

This new Legacy league sounds pretty great. Will be an interesting way to catch up on the leagues I missed.

These Ascendancy classes look kinda crazy. I've always preferred melee in this game for whatever reason; the Duelist subclasses in particular really sound up my alley (Gladiator and Champion especially). Think I'm going to build some kind of cleave hyperspam stuff.

I've been working on a cleave duelist with the new threshold gem. Put it to the side as the only way to get the character where I want it requires 5+ ex and can't bring myself to spend that much with the way exalts are going.
Yeah this is insane. Probably going to increase. Especially with all these reports of botting.

I've been working on a cleave duelist with the new threshold gem. Put it to the side as the only way to get the character where I want it requires 5+ ex and can't bring myself to spend that much with the way exalts are going.

I picked the wrong time to invest in a build that is going o cost minimum 10ex. What did I get myself into?


Bull on a Donut
There was a huge crash about halfway through breach. Exalts were at 70 then crashed to around 35c about halfway through the league. Then went back to 50-60 for the rest.

It's crashed every league at one point. I'm not opposed to it going back down to 60ish honestly just 85+ not even a month in is too much for me. At the rate I've been able to play last few weeks with work and a newborn it'll take me 3 times the amount of time to get finishing pieces on my characters of the prices keep rising at the rate they are now.

I might just need to bite the bullet and get a choir of the storm and a vinktars so I can just finish out my vaal sparker I had started with. Currently making a cleave slayer with new cleave jewel but need starforge and cospris will to get it to where I want it to be with it but that will set me back about 7ex which I'm nowhere near close to having.

The problem is that there is no chaos sink to combine with RMT manipulation to crash the price as hard as past leagues. Last league at that midway point a ton of people had finished their builds and were just mapping reds and wanted Perandus every map (which cost chaos). This, combined with quite a few concerted RMT'rs mass buying chaos and selling ex -- crashed the price.

This league the only chaos sink is good ol chaos crafting. So sure, maybe at some point the price will start to trend down as chaos crafting is extremely value right now relative to ex -- and the market adjusts to that -- but I wouldn't expect that Breach-like crash.

There are botters every single league and will be proportionaly more as PoE gets more and more popular. However, I don't think botting is the major contributor (to chaos value) at all. It was a pretty safe bet at the very start of the league that chaos' value would be extremely low considering it sat at 1:50 in a league where every single player in red maps was blowing 4 (3? don't remember) chaos PER MAP run. That's an obscene amount of chaos demand on top of regular chaos crafting and the value was still 1:50. Take away that enormous sink and you have a free falling currency.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Being able to chaos leaguestones would fix everything.

I'm not even playing this league LUL.


They failed in making the new Zana mods enticing to use. Right now I would just rather buy Breach league stones (even white) over using it to get monster life on the maps.

Tom Penny

Is there a baseline or tricks for CI builds like must haves like stun reduction etc. It never works out when I do them and they have far more advantages then life builds as far as I know just because it's easier to get a higher "life" pool. They always end up squishy and I don't know why.


Is there a baseline or tricks for CI builds like must haves like stun reduction etc. It never works out when I do them and they have far more advantages then life builds as far as I know just because it's easier to get a higher "life" pool. They always end up squishy and I don't know why.

The trick to playing any CI/LL build is having lots of money. Either to roll your own stupid high ES gear or buying other people's stupid high ES gear.


Is there a baseline or tricks for CI builds like must haves like stun reduction etc. It never works out when I do them and they have far more advantages then life builds as far as I know just because it's easier to get a higher "life" pool. They always end up squishy and I don't know why.
You either equip Valerian Ring, Chayula amulet, Skyforth (lul) or use Kiara's Determination flask.

You also need some way to leech ES back or regen/recharge it fast.

Life based builds generally also have Evasion and/or armor for additional mitigation but that tends to be less effective against harder content which is why large pools of HP is still the best.

You can have further damage mitigation with stuff like Fortify off of Whirling Blade/Leap Slam/Shield charge, endurance charges from Warlords mark which also gives leech and defensive curses like Temp chains and Enfeeble.

ES builds can easily attain 10k whereas life based builds can get to 6-7k just barely without heavy sacrificing (like you can get higher life with Kaom's Heart... but then you are using Kaom's Heart).

Tom Penny

You either equip Valerian Ring, Chayula amulet, Skyforth (lul) or use Kiara's Determination flask.

You also need some way to leech ES back or regen/recharge it fast.

Life based builds generally also have Evasion and/or armor for additional mitigation but that tends to be less effective against harder content which is why large pools of HP is still the best.

You can have further damage mitigation with stuff like Fortify off of Whirling Blade/Leap Slam/Shield charge, endurance charges from Warlords mark which also gives leech and defensive curses like Temp chains and Enfeeble.

ES builds can easily attain 10k whereas life based builds can get to 6-7k just barely without heavy sacrificing (like you can get higher life with Kaom's Heart... but then you are using Kaom's Heart).

That's what I mean. Other than my totem builds T13+ maps starts to get hard for me even though my DPS is fine. Not enough mitigation. So I want to eventually figure how to go CI effectively. Not sure how they don't know this and just simply make strength to life ratio higher to even it out.


That's what I mean. Other than my totem builds T13+ maps starts to get hard for me even though my DPS is fine. Not enough mitigation. So I want to eventually figure how to go CI effectively. Not sure how they don't know this and just simply make strength to life ratio higher to even it out.
They are definitely aware of that imbalance and they will be addressing it in 3.0 presumably.

That and double dipping. Also presumably.

I think the main issue is simply that there aren't enough high enough life nodes versus ES nodes. Very easy to get 6% ES nodes randomly here and there but when you see a 6% life node you salivate.
The botting is pretty rampant this league though. I saw 5 of the same witch with the same gear all stack on top of each other following the same pathing. Everytime I go to highgate I see characters like "asdhfjashfkajs" clearly following scripted paths the same as the others.

It's mostly been witches with tabula, lioneyes, and a wand. Clearly farming harvest for exalt card drops.

The rising popularity of the game means more chaos are in rotation which increases botting to RMT the currency and people trying to get exalts. Even if they introduce a chaos sink with leaguestones the price of exalts will probably be relatively high until active population drops off and botting drops as a result of slower sales through RMT sites.

Exalts need to drop more when the league has a higher population IMO. Otherwise the more popular the game gets the higher and higher exalt prices will get. Although that idea could get out of hand really quickly.

I will say that the leaguestone mechanic is half baked though. No rare/unique/craftable stones is a really missed opportunity.
The botting is pretty rampant this league though. I saw 5 of the same witch with the same gear all stack on top of each other following the same pathing. Everytime I go to highgate I see characters like "asdhfjashfkajs" clearly following scripted paths the same as the others.

It's mostly been witches with tabula, lioneyes, and a wand. Clearly farming harvest for exalt card drops.

The rising popularity of the game means more chaos are in rotation which increases botting to RMT the currency and people trying to get exalts. Even if they introduce a chaos sink with leaguestones the price of exalts will probably be relatively high until active population drops off and botting drops as a result of slower sales through RMT sites.

Exalts need to drop more when the league has a higher population IMO. Otherwise the more popular the game gets the higher and higher exalt prices will get. Although that idea could get out of hand really quickly.

I will say that the leaguestone mechanic is half baked though. No rare/unique/craftable stones is a really missed opportunity.

I agree. Though I'm starting to believe that 2.6 and legacy league is a beta for what they plan to implement into the core game and possibly standard. Botting is bad, and it's only going to get worse and more difficult for GGG to handle as the game becomes more and more popular. It'll be interesting to see what they do to combat it. If they even can.

Also, I finally got my golemancer up to 41 so and got the the +1 golem ascendancy. This build is a blast. It's hilarious and satisfying to watch four flame golems just wreck the entire screen. It's essentially turned the gaame into a walking/loot simulator. Extremely fun to watch. I recommend anyone to give this build a shot.
Minion changes in 3.0 (beta)!


* Zombies 45% more dmg
* Fewer skeletons, 135% more dmg, faster to cast
* "We're hoping to have improvements to how spectres are stored, with the eventual goal of having spectres persist through logouts."

My summoner agrees with these changes. Atm skeletons are nice in theory but casting 20 of them was such a hassle that I just put a totem to do it. But that reduces their dmg and lowers them to "meat shield" -status. Maybe you could cast them now. Maybe.

If they manage to do spectre change, I'm all for doing a spectre summoner in 3.0.

Also, THE minion spreadsheet (2.6):
Minion changes in 3.0 (beta)!


* Zombies 45% more dmg
* Fewer skeletons, 135% more dmg, faster to cast
* "We're hoping to have improvements to how spectres are stored, with the eventual goal of having spectres persist through logouts."

My summoner agrees with these changes. Atm skeletons are nice in theory but casting 20 of them was such a hassle that I just put a totem to do it. But that reduces their dmg and lowers them to "meat shield" -status. Maybe you could cast them now. Maybe.

If they manage to do spectre change, I'm all for doing a spectre summoner in 3.0.

Also, THE minion spreadsheet (2.6):

I'm really enjoying my golemancer character so far. But I don't have Primordial Might yet and I think GGG either needs to fix their AI or let the players when, who, and what they attack via their cursor and drastically increase​ their movement speed to match the players. Improving the AI, having golems move to cursor and attack from there and improving movement speeds would be HUGE QoL updates to it. You shouldn't need to buy a nearly 4ex jewel just to have the golems be aggressive enough and not just stand around when there are enemies around.

Also I died on Merc Dom right when he switched forms. It was hilarious watching the Golems kill Dom while I was dead.
I'm really enjoying my golemancer character so far. But I don't have Primordial Might yet and I think GGG either needs to fix their AI or let the players when, who, and what they attack via their cursor and drastically increase​ their movement speed to match the players. Improving the AI, having golems move to cursor and attack from there and improving movement speeds would be HUGE QoL updates to it. You shouldn't need to buy a nearly 4ex jewel just to have the golems be aggressive enough and not just stand around when there are enemies around.

Also I died on Merc Dom right when he switched forms. It was hilarious watching the Golems kill Dom while I was dead.

Golemancer sounds and looks like a fun option, but how expensive is it to build a golemancer that is viable..let's say up to and including T15 maps? Or, how about "dried lake farm" -level? I know some jewels are in exalt-class prices but how mandatory are they?
Golemancer sounds and looks like a fun option, but how expensive is it to build a golemancer that is viable..let's say up to and including T15 maps? Or, how about "dried lake farm" -level? I know some jewels are in exalt-class prices but how mandatory are they?

The jewels are pretty much mandatory as I'm finding out right now. I'm at 7 Primordial harmonies right now and the golems tend to stand around and be fairly slow. That's what the might is for. That's 3.7 Ex right now, but if you go a little slower or invest more into and have a large ES pool you can go without.

The Anima stone is a must have when you get higher into maps. Gets you two more Golems and a huge damage boost when you add a lightning and ice golem to it.

But as of right now I'm breezing through Dried Lake at 64.

This build can do shaper, Uber atziri, and all of the guardians. Not sure how they perform in Uber lab though. They'll finish off shaper even if you're dead when you have the anima stone and might jewels which are 8-9 ex combined.
Noob question, do the jewels have to be at a certain item level to get the best rolls?

Item level on jewels do not matter. Rings/Ammys it does matter.

I am really excited about those Minion changes. I played summoner build almost every league for about the first 3/4 years of playing this game. Will definitely go back and try them out in the beta.

The jewels are pretty much mandatory as I'm finding out right now. I'm at 7 Primordial harmonies right now and the golems tend to stand around and be fairly slow. That's what the might is for. That's 3.7 Ex right now, but if you go a little slower or invest more into and have a large ES pool you can go without.

The Anima stone is a must have when you get higher into maps. Gets you two more Golems and a huge damage boost when you add a lightning and ice golem to it.

But as of right now I'm breezing through Dried Lake at 64.

This build can do shaper, Uber atziri, and all of the guardians. Not sure how they perform in Uber lab though. They'll finish off shaper even if you're dead when you have the anima stone and might jewels which are 8-9 ex combined.

I would love to play golemancer but the jewels are crazy expensive. Even more so than meta/FOTM builds.
Item level on jewels do not matter. Rings/Ammys it does matter.

I am really excited about those Minion changes. I played summoner build almost every league for about the first 3/4 years of playing this game. Will definitely go back and try them out in the beta.

I would love to play golemancer but the jewels are crazy expensive. Even more so than meta/FOTM builds.

Yea, it's expensive but it's powerful and fun to play. Need about 8 Harmonies. Those are 30c a piece right now. So 2.5 Ex for that. Might is 3.5-4 ex and Anima Stone is 4-5 ex. So all in all 10-15ex investment. But you're able to stack MF gear everywhere else. It's fairly easy to get 100+ quant and rarity with decent end game rings and a biscos.

It'll kill shaper, Uber atziri, and guardians even while you're dead. It's pretty broken.
Got super lucky today. Got an Exalted and a Reliquary Key drop today, and sold quite a bit of stuff so I was able to finally buy a Primordial Might Jewel for 2ex50c. Makes the golems actually fight enemies ahead of you. It's nice. Still need the anima stone though.


I got my first Reliquary Drop today that I sold for a good chunk of chaos without even thinking about it.

If anything GGG dropped the ball the hardest with the Reliquary Keys. Those got me super pumped for the league instead they are just super high end lottery tickets for the no lifers, not something the average player should even bother pursuing.
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