So how do trappers work? I can't wrap my head around what a person playing as a trapper does. Do you run around in circles, laying traps around you and laugh out loud hysterically as mobs walk into them?
Which keystones/skills do you take? What's your approach?
Trappers work with the Sunblast belt that make your traps explode "instantly".
You have 3 sets of traps, basically, or 4, depending on the variation:
a. Your CC: trap-multiple traps-cold snap-elemental proliferation
b. Your aoe damage: Fire Trap-increased burning damage, I guess, do not remember.
c. Your main single target spell: Bear trap, quality culling strike for +damage, etc.
d. Ethereal knives, either as a multitrap, or manual cast, or cast on crit, depending on what you do.
Arctic Armor is usually a staple, with insanely high mana pools (achieved via Eldritch Battery+evasion/mana chests, for example), and you pretty much three-shot bosses with the high level bear traps, kill all groups almost instantly via fire traps/ethereal knives, and are never in real danger thanks to traps overwriting your cold snap's cooldown period.
There are some very small time periods when you cant do anything, but those do not ever last more than a few seconds, and are presented mostly at high health bosses and/or exiles. You run around then, yes, but that is like....2% of the gameplay.