If democrats don't get their act together fast, Roe v. Wade is going down the toilet. The only wall pro-choice has is Kennedy and RBG, and they are both old as fuck and ain't gonna last 8 years.
Democrats better reject any prolife mother fucker they put on the table (if the filibuster isn't gutted).
If Roe v. Wade somehow got overturned it wouldn't last long in my opinion. Women have had these rights for too long, they wouldn't take that loss sitting down. Last week's marches would be nothing compared to the national shutdown that would occur. They might as well try to be bring back slavery while they're at it.
Of more concern in my opinion is the continued chipping away at abortion rights. Continuing for them to be technically legal, but making it as difficult as possible. That's what we really need to fight against, because it's much more difficult to drum up opposition.