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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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Political cartoons holy shit:


Infidelity is worse than covering up child abuse according to cartoonist Glenn MCoy.


How are these two incidents even remotely comparable?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Political cartoons holy shit:


Infidelity is worse than covering up child abuse according to cartoonist Glenn MCoy.


Is the guy really trying to say that what Clinton did was worse? REALLY?

Post that in the PoliGAF thread, too.


As much as it pains everyone to accept it, from a pure success standpoint they'll never be relevant again, and that's largely because they haven't been relevant on the field for years. They haven't beaten a top 5 team since 1999, they haven't beaten a top 10 team since 2001, and despite having a high graduation rate and a maintaining a respectable defense... they haven't done much of anything to be considered important. They'll likely be knocked down to a mid-tier Big 10 level school, a correction very analogous to SMU (I agree with you wholeheartedly about that, BTW).

Definitely have beaten a top ten after 2001. PSU vs. OSU when they were #6 in 05 came to mind right away.
This is pretty much true, they've been running an offense that would be considered outdated if it was 15 years ago. They've been propped up and propping up Paterno's win record against small schools or mediocre programs. Part of that comes from the NCAA rewarding average football with all these shitty bowl games that generate big profits for these schools.

And the Paterno family response was crazier than I thought it would be. Your own investigation? Get bent you fuckin idiots. They should shut up, but they won't. They won't because they're mad and friggen scared beyond belief. Also because they're too god damn stubborn, just like Joe. In a way, I guess let them talk, because the more they do, the more ridiculous and desperate they sound.

The NCAA boss's comments were a bit more serious sounding than I thought they would be. Let's hope they have the integrity and the balls to follow through on it.

Pretty much my same reaction. No, you DON'T get to go around doing "your own investigation". The real world doesn't work like Penn State. They don't worship the ground you walk on and they don't alter reality to suit your petulant wants, Paternos. You can make up more fairy tales if you want, nobody but your delusional cultist fans would buy it, and those fans would buy anything you say regardless, so you're not accomplishing anything there except show everyone else how little you really differ from Joe.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Pretty much my same reaction. No, you DON'T get to go around doing "your own investigation". The real world doesn't work like Penn State. They don't worship the ground you walk on and they don't alter reality to suit your petulant wants, Paternos. You can make up more fairy tales if you want, nobody but your delusional cultist fans would buy it, and those fans would buy anything you say regardless, so you're not accomplishing anything there except show everyone else how little you really differ from Joe.

Yeah, it doesn't make much sense to me, either.
I don't know what's worse about that cartoon, the offensively absurd message or the guy's totally shit drawing ability.

If you have to write names on your celebrity caricatures for people to be able to identify them you have no business being a cartoonist.
I don't know what's worse about that cartoon, the offensively absurd message or the guy's totally shit drawing ability.

If you have to write names on your celebrity caricatures for people to be able to identify them you have no business being a cartoonist.

American political cartoons usually have the names of the people drawn attached to the characters. That ugly drawing style with exaggerated features is also a tradition of American political cartoons.

So, I'm going with the message.
American political cartoons usually have the names of the people drawn attached to the characters. That ugly drawing style with exaggerated features is also a tradition of American political cartoons.

So, I'm going with the message.
Yeah, names on people, and art styles like that, are quite standard in American political cartoons. It's the message that's the problem.

That is so ridiculous that I feel like I'm missing something.
What you're missing is that you're apparently not a crazy-far-right person who remembers the Clinton-hating days of the '90s... that cartoon is ridiculous and the comparison completely out of line, but... given how much the Republicans hated Clinton, I'm not nearly as surprised as perhaps I should be, sadly.
Yeah, that political cartoon can go to hell. I like how he thinks simply putting quotation marks around "scumbag" somehow makes a good argument.

I mean, there's fucking hard evidence damning Paterno with the e-mails of him actively covering up the issue, but FUCK he just put quotation marks! Can't argue with that logic!
If I were to give a presentation on why college shouldn't be available to everyone, I'd make a one-slide PowerPoint with this picture, drop the microphone, and moonwalk out of the auditorium.

Penn State students camp out to protect statue

Yes, the poster at left reads "Protect the Paterno Statue" and yes, that's a tent intended to house both the (unidentified) student and a friend through the night if need be. (They told Kaufman more students would be on the way, though we're not sure whether any were.

The poster already had plenty of company, as this photo from Blue-White Illustrated -- featuring signs reading "This statue isn't going anywhere" and "JoePa is still our hero" -- clearly shows.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yep, that guy looks like just the type of person I'd expect to be guarding that statue.


How about a compromise? Instead of taking down the Paterno statue, someone places a statue of Sandusky raping a child in front of it. JoePa's statue remains unharmed and it will look like he was delighted to allow Sandusky's crimes to continue. Win-Win...


butthurt Heat fan
If I were to give a presentation on why college shouldn't be available to everyone, I'd make a one-slide PowerPoint with this picture, drop the microphone, and moonwalk out of the auditorium.

Penn State students camp out to protect statue


I don't anticipate the riots that will happen once the statue is gone.

I'm on the side of tearing the statue down. This cult of personality built around Paterno is disgusting.
How about a compromise? Instead of taking down the Paterno statue, someone places a statue of Sandusky raping a child in front of it. JoePa's statue remains unharmed and it will look like he was delighted to allow Sandusky's crimes to continue. Win-Win...

To complement your proposed Sandusky statue, I propose replacing the current Paterno statue with one that looks like this.



Political cartoons holy shit:


Infidelity is worse than covering up child abuse according to cartoonist Glenn MCoy.

Paterno knew about the long-term sexual abuse of children and did nothing. He allowed abuse to continue.

Clinton and Lewinsky, two consenting adults, engaged in an affair culminating in messy oral sex.

This guy seriously thinks there's no difference between these two people?

They should pull down that statue Saddam Hussein style; with a big chain and a tank and then let people beat the thing with shoes.
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