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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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Yes... poor you. Everyone goes on about the poor children who were raped, but no one's talking about how them being raped has affected you. Darn attention whores. You're the real victims in all of this.

Sigh, I never meant for anyone to get that impression.
I'd like you guys to realize is how devastating this event has been to the Penn State community. It is fucking horrible that all these prior upstanding individuals let this creature continue to wreak havoc on the childrens' lives. It is fucking horrible that something could have been done to prevent this if someone had opened their mouth.

It is now hard for a lot of people to swallow what happened (if you don't understand this then maybe you never had a role model). I think the statue should be taken down from the front of the stadium, but I'm not going to rush over there to take it down.

I have a couple of really good friends who are PSU fans-one is an alumna, the other grew up just outside State College. One of them had family that worked with Sandusky and Second Mile, the other was a victim of rape prior to starting her freshman year at PSU. Both of them idolized Joe Paterno-and both of them are devastated by the recent developments with Paterno.

The girl who had been assaulted finally came forward-after fifteen years-and shared her story, then promptly organized, and continues to organize, several events to raise money and awareness for RAINN. The other girl still loves Penn State, and struggles to reconcile what she thought Joe Paterno was with what he appears to be today. She still loves Penn State, but she's quickly and quietly distanced herself from the local PSU alumni group, who tend toward being the more rabid Paterno supporters. Someone left a note on her car basically calling her a child rape enabler, just because she committed the unforgivable sin of having a PSU sticker on her car. That made me terribly sad.

So I get where you're coming from, but at the same time, it's getting tiring reading and hearing from PSU fans acting as if they're somehow victims in this whole thing. The media, or blogs, or message boards aren't responsible for how Penn State students are being viewed-they're doing a perfectly good job of skewering themselves. I mean, the students who renamed Nittanyville absolutely did the right thing, and who slammed those kids incessantly on their Facebook page? Hint: it wasn't the media.


I have a couple of really good friends who are PSU fans-one is an alumna, the other grew up just outside State College. One of them had family that worked with Sandusky and Second Mile, the other was a victim of rape prior to starting her freshman year at PSU. Both of them idolized Joe Paterno-and both of them are devastated by the recent developments with Paterno.

The girl who had been assaulted finally came forward-after fifteen years-and shared her story, then promptly organized, and continues to organize, several events to raise money and awareness for RAINN. The other girl still loves Penn State, and struggles to reconcile what she thought Joe Paterno was with what he appears to be today. She still loves Penn State, but she's quickly and quietly distanced herself from the local PSU alumni group, who tend toward being the more rabid Paterno supporters. Someone left a note on her car basically calling her a child rape enabler, just because she committed the unforgivable sin of having a PSU sticker on her car. That made me terribly sad.

So I get where you're coming from, but at the same time, it's getting tiring reading and hearing from PSU fans acting as if they're somehow victims in this whole thing. The media, or blogs, or message boards aren't responsible for how Penn State students are being viewed-they're doing a perfectly good job of skewering themselves. I mean, the students who renamed Nittanyville absolutely did the right thing, and who slammed those kids incessantly on their Facebook page? Hint: it wasn't the media.
Thanks for the thought out response. I get what you mean. You're right


I can honestly see how this would suck for anybody who was from there. I mean, if I ever found out anything horrible like that about an organization I had bought into whole heartedly and happily, I could see myself very much upset about all of this. If I was a family member of any of the top players in this game, too, I could see myself distraught or devastated.

But, and this is divorced from my sympathies for the people who undoubtedly are upset and confused because of this incident, there is something very wrong when threatening a college football program threatens to end both a college and a small town's economy, or can allegedly do that.
Penn State people are an interesting case study in something...

I forgot everyone is a crusader with this story.

...and less than an hour later...

Oh so now students are child rape supporters because they won't go tear down a statue. Screw you

I wonder what Penn State course teaches their students to paint with a very broad brush, but to feign righteous indignation if the same broad brush is used on them?

Judging from the comments of thousands of Penn State apologists on the internet, it seems like it must be one of the most popular courses on campus.
People lining up around the block to take a picture with the statue.

What is wrong with people?

Oh Penn State students it's not really Joe Paterno it's not a real man it's a metal man.

I know it's not real popular around these parts, but the Bible sometimes kicks all kinds of ass...

Isaiah 44:9-20

9 All who fashion idols are nothing, and the things they delight in do not profit. Their witnesses neither see nor know, that they may be put to shame. 10 Who fashions a god or casts an idol that is profitable for nothing? 11 Behold, all his companions shall be put to shame, and the craftsmen are only human. Let them all assemble, let them stand forth. They shall be terrified; they shall be put to shame together.

12 The ironsmith takes a cutting tool and works it over the coals. He fashions it with hammers and works it with his strong arm. He becomes hungry, and his strength fails; he drinks no water and is faint. 13 The carpenter stretches a line; he marks it out with a pencil. He shapes it with planes and marks it with a compass. He shapes it into the figure of a man, with the beauty of a man, to dwell in a house. 14 He cuts down cedars, or he chooses a cypress tree or an oak and lets it grow strong among the trees of the forest. He plants a cedar and the rain nourishes it. 15 Then it becomes fuel for a man. He takes a part of it and warms himself; he kindles a fire and bakes bread. Also he makes a god and worships it; he makes it an idol and falls down before it. 16 Half of it he burns in the fire. Over the half he eats meat; he roasts it and is satisfied. Also he warms himself and says, “Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire!” 17 And the rest of it he makes into a god, his idol, and falls down to it and worships it. He prays to it and says, “Deliver me, for you are my god!”

18 They know not, nor do they discern, for he has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, and their hearts, so that they cannot understand. 19 No one considers, nor is there knowledge or discernment to say, “Half of it I burned in the fire; I also baked bread on its coals; I roasted meat and have eaten. And shall I make the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?” 20 He feeds on ashes; a deluded heart has led him astray, and he cannot deliver himself or say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”
It should be plainly obvious why people are lining up to take pictures with Jopa right now... They know the statue isn't going to be there much longer.

That being said, it still stands to reason that the reason why they are taking the pictures is because they do still revere him )besides all the rape enabling). Let humans be humans I guess, picking and choosing what they want to acknowledge Nd ignore...
Is there a translation for those of us who don't speak bible?

I'll give it a shot...

It's basically saying people who make idols -- people who manufacture their own gods -- are fools, and these objects that they end up valuing so highly are ultimately worthless. And anyone who crafts such an idol will ultimately be shamed, and the truth -- that their idols are only the works of mere men -- will be known, and they will respond with fear as they are shamed.

It then talks about how people invest so much in making these false gods.

And because they've put so much into making these idols, it makes it that much harder for them to see the truth. They are blind to the truth, and cannot think to question the truth. They are self-deluded into believing in the fake god no matter what, because otherwise they'd have to admit they've sacrificed so much for what was ultimately a lie.


IMO, it's remarkable how appropriate these words are to describe the JoePa worshipers.


This is exactly why Penn State needs to get the death penalty for like 20 years. The diseased culture infesting the area needs to be purged completely. I'm sure not every Penn State student still idolizes Paterno, but its patently obvious that there's still a very sizable percentage that does, and that group still doesn't understand what they've done wrong.
I'll give it a shot...

It's basically saying people who make idols -- people who manufacture their own gods -- are fools, and these objects that they end up valuing so highly are ultimately worthless. And anyone who crafts such an idol will ultimately be shamed, and the truth -- that their idols are only the works of mere men -- will be known, and they will respond with fear as they are shamed.

It then talks about how people invest so much in making these false gods.

And because they've put so much into making these idols, it makes it that much harder for them to see the truth. They are blind to the truth, and cannot think to question the truth. They are self-deluded into believing in the fake god no matter what, because otherwise they'd have to admit they've sacrificed so much for what was ultimately a lie.


IMO, it's remarkable how appropriate these words are to describe the JoePa worshipers.

Or Mitt Romney.
I'm always impressed by those who can instantaneously relate an appropriate Bible verse for any situation. Good on you Pristine

I'm writing a screenplay with a lot of Catholic stuff in it, so I've been reading a LOT of religious stuff lately for research.

Woah. I'm too lazy to fact check you but I'm impressed!

It's absolutely true. In fact, in the story of the Temptation of Christ, Satan tried to use the Bible to tempt Jesus himself.

Matthew 4:5-7

5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[a]”

7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”


a. Psalm 91:11,12
b. Deut. 6:16

They don't call him "the Father of Lies" for nothin'. Like a great conman, you tell 'em something they know as true to sell them your lie.


So supposedly it's coming down tonight. The idiots outside the statue said administration came to them and told them (yeah I'm not holding my breath)


How's the wrong side of history and child rape enablement?
I just meant it in the sense that people are really extreme (yes it is warranted) about their opinions and sometimes it comes across as disgenuine. I'm not trying to start anymore fights.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I just meant it in the sense that people are really extreme (yes it is warranted) about their opinions and sometimes it comes across as disgenuine. I'm not trying to start anymore fights.

My point is that the rape of one child is greater in gravity than an economy or health of a system that thrived under its hiding. Can we agree on that? Would you press a button that chose between those two outcomes? JoePa did - and enriched himself in so doing.
I just meant it in the sense that people are really extreme (yes it is warranted) about their opinions and sometimes it comes across as disgenuine. I'm not trying to start anymore fights.

How exactly are people being "extreme" when they are experiencing anger and disgust over a man basically being allowed to continue to rape little boys' asses just so a football team can carry on and use their undeserved squeaky-clean record and reputation to have statues erected for them, honors named for them, hall-of-fame inductions bestowed on them, as well as picking up top recruits and continuing to roll in the big donations and big season ticket and branded merchandise sales?


My point is that the rape of one child is greater in gravity than an economy or health of a system that thrived under its hiding. Can we agree on that? Would you press a button that chose between those two outcomes? JoePa did - and enriched himself in so doing.
No way. State College's economy will be fine if there is no football for however many years. I don't for one second believe it. PSU needs sanctions


Why has everyone outside of Penn State turned on Joe Paterno so rapidly? Has the man not done any good in his life?
Why has everyone outside of Penn State turned on Joe Paterno so rapidly? Has the man not done any good in his life?

He was head coach at Penn State for almost 46 years. 11 of those years were years in which he chose to not report a child rapist right down the hallway from his office. So that means almost 25% of his career was tainted with the stink of enabling a child rapist.

Let's say you work in an office. You are a super-nice guy pretty much every day, but every Wednesday you come into the office, call all the women cunts, kick every guy in the nuts, trash the place, and generally behave like a detestable prick...how quick do you think the office would turn on you?


He was head coach at Penn State for almost 46 years. 11 of those years were years in which he chose to not report a child rapist right down the hallway from his office. So that means almost 25% of his career was tainted with the stink of enabling a child rapist.

Let's say you work in an office. You are a super-nice guy pretty much every day, but every Wednesday you come into the office, call all the women cunts, kick every guy in the nuts, trash the place, and generally behave like a detestable prick...how quick do you think the office would turn on you?

No matter how good a man is, he will always be remembered at his worst

I think that is a famous quote I butchered


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I have to admit I like the statue coming down for all the wrong reasons. Well, maybe some of the right ones too, of course.

I hate so deeply that athletics could become so powerful at a university that a university president would be subjugated to a football coach.

Death penalty, please. Sorry, Penn State alumni and fans...an example must be made. Let all universities know who must ultimately be responsible.


I have to admit I like the statue coming down for all the wrong reasons. Well, maybe some of the right ones too, of course.

I hate so deeply that athletics could become so powerful at a university that a university president would be subjugated to a football coach.

Death penalty, please. Sorry, Penn State alumni and fans...an example must be made. Let all universities know who must ultimately be responsible.

I feel like a lot of you pining for the death penalty are going to deeply disappointed.
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