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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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You think fans would have stopped paying to watch their team?

If anything as had been said many times, Paterno would have been considered a HERO, seen bigger than he was had he done that. The guy who put those kids first above all else.

They would have made that statue of him out of gold if he called the police when he heard.

Obviusly, PSU would have put "Hey, we had a child rapist as our defensive coordinator" as there recruitment letter to all young 17 yr old and there parents.

yes,That would have no effect at all . but, hey gold statue for joe pa. and a child rapist working his majic right under his nose.

For the love of ...
You think fans would have stopped paying to watch their team?

If anything as had been said many times, Paterno would have been considered a HERO, seen bigger than he was had he done that. The guy who put those kids first above all else.

They would have made that statue of him out of gold if he called the police when he heard.

I'm being trolled, right?


The teams on PSU's schedule should refuse to play them, regardless of whatever penalties PSU receives.

While an interesting idea, I believe the way the contracts are written out, those teams would have to buy out the contract and pay Penn State for the cancellation. So unless the NCAA helps them out with a death penalty, their budget dictates still playing Penn State.


My Member!
Better than slavery reparations

Which was my response to the same tired 'if someone in the family gets arrested their family suffers' crap. Glad to know the strawman in this thread have basically fallen to "Penn State students should suffer because they're like Sandusky's sons" level.

I'm out of here. You guys enjoy your nuclear fallout not caring about who it hits, just because you want your pound of flesh from the mythical Penn State "name."

I'll be hoping somehow laws can be changed in the future so people like Sandusky get the chair, while you guys can stick to the oh-so-relevant retribution of yelling "take that Sandusky!" at the TV when the Penn State team of 18-20 year olds gets beat by Indiana or something en route to 4-8 year. You tell 'em! They deserve to suffer for their crimes!

Obviously my priorities are in the wrong place here.


Gold Member
When a corporation gets fined for doing unethical shit, it's not a sufficient excuse to say "well we've fired the leadership involved" and then avoid the payment. You wouldn't see crowds of apologists crying "this is unfair because it's ordinary workers who're being punished herp derp".

Yea, the question that needs to be asked is whether or not it's one bad actor - one bad employee - or an institutional problem. If it's an institutional problem, then it's usually a toxic corporate culture that breeds the type of environment where bad employees prosper.

There's really no doubt here: this is an institutional problem. From the top-down, winning football games and public relations was put above the wellbeing of children. As such, it's not enough just to fire a few people. The whole institution needs to change.

And the reaction from the Paterno family and "Happy Valley" troubles me for just that reason.
Which was my response to the same tired 'if someone in the family gets arrested their family suffers' crap. Glad to know the strawman in this thread have basically fallen to "Penn State students should suffer because they're like Sandusky's sons" level.

I'm out of here. You guys enjoy your nuclear fallout not caring about who it hits, just because you want your pound of flesh from the mythical Penn State "name."

I'll be hoping somehow laws can be changed in the future so people like Sandusky get the chair, while you guys can stick to the oh-so-relevant retribution of yelling "take that Sandusky!" at the TV when the Penn State team of 18-20 year olds gets beat by Indiana or something en route to 4-8 year. You tell 'em! They deserve to suffer for their crimes!

Obviously my priorities are in the wrong place here.

Nah, please stay. You're such a good samaritan to all the poor, poor people stuck in the crossfire of the evil, egotistical "nuclear fallout". You got it exactly right about how people are going to watch football games for the sole purpose of "sticking it" to Sandusky, that's all people here are thinking about.

The funniest part about this little rant is that your attempted sarcasm in the last sentence is, coincidentally, quite apt for your posts. Your priorities really ARE pitifully misplaced.
I know absolutely nothing about college football and the story on ESPN has a bunch of college football terms that I don't quite understand so can someone here explain:

What in a nutshell is the "death penalty" for a school and why or how could the penalties for Penn State be worse? I should probably get around to watching the 30 for 30 on that one right?

OK, coming from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't know anything about US college sports, TheNatural's arguments seem a bit insane. Just for the sake of argument can someone explain to me if what he says actually has any merit?

Just out of curiosity, I ventured into the Penn State subreddit. A lot of people there seem to be really torn up by the potential loss of the football program. Is this weirdo cult like devotion to college football common in football schools in America? Like does this go on at USC or uh...I don't know any other big college football schools.


Super Sleuth
I know absolutely nothing about college football and the story on ESPN has a bunch of college football terms that I don't quite understand so can someone here explain:

What in a nutshell is the "death penalty" for a school and why or how could the penalties for Penn State be worse? I should probably get around to watching the 30 for 30 on that one right?

OK, coming from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't know anything about US college sports, TheNatural's arguments seem a bit insane. Just for the sake of argument can someone explain to me if what he says actually has any merit?

Just out of curiosity, I ventured into the Penn State subreddit. A lot of people there seem to be really torn up by the potential loss of the football program. Is this weirdo cult like devotion to college football common in football schools in America? Like does this go on at USC or uh...I don't know any other big college football schools.

Death penalty is completely eliminating a particular program for a set amount of time, a year, two years, something like that. It is called the death penalty because the time it was applied in College football (Southern Methodist University in Texas) it killed the program for decades. Only now is that program starting to recover. A school like PSU would recover much faster though.


Gold Member
What in a nutshell is the "death penalty" for a school and why or how could the penalties for Penn State be worse? I should probably get around to watching the 30 for 30 on that one right?

It means the school cannot field a football team for a certain amount of time, at all. No games, no practices, no players, nothing.

Just out of curiosity, I ventured into the Penn State subreddit. A lot of people there seem to be really torn up by the potential loss of the football program. Is this weirdo cult like devotion to college football common in football schools in America? Like does this go on at USC or uh...I don't know any other big college football schools.

Yes, it's very common, especially in the south - and a few spots in the midwest. Penn State is weird though because it has this cult of personality that revolves around a guy who coached the team for 40 years and also happened to protect and enable a child molester for at least 13 of them. For most schools, coaches come, they leave their mark on the team, win some ballgames, and move on with the institution being the source of pride/loyalty. Penn State seems to have derived most of its self-worth and image from this one guy and his football team.
Death penalty is completely eliminating a particular program for a set amount of time, a year, two years, something like that. It is called the death penalty because the time it was applied in College football (Southern Methodist University in Texas) it killed the program for decades. Only now is that program starting to recover. A school like PSU would recover much faster though.

I'm watching the Pony Excess right now on ESPNU. Actually the "repeat offender" violation was nicknamed the "death penalty" before SMU got it.


I know absolutely nothing about college football and the story on ESPN has a bunch of college football terms that I don't quite understand so can someone here explain:

What in a nutshell is the "death penalty" for a school and why or how could the penalties for Penn State be worse? I should probably get around to watching the 30 for 30 on that one right?

OK, coming from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't know anything about US college sports, TheNatural's arguments seem a bit insane. Just for the sake of argument can someone explain to me if what he says actually has any merit?

Just out of curiosity, I ventured into the Penn State subreddit. A lot of people there seem to be really torn up by the potential loss of the football program. Is this weirdo cult like devotion to college football common in football schools in America? Like does this go on at USC or uh...I don't know any other big college football schools.

PSU fans are casual compared to the fans in a state like Alabama.
Scouts and high level analysts? You mean the "sources"? Puh-lease.

The NCAA's punishement allows the program to continue operating, continue generating revenue for the big10 and its member institutions. It's a loss of 60 scholarships total and postseason bowl bans for who knows how long.

The alternative (death penalty) is a COMPLETE loss of scholarships for a year or more, guarantees the loss of your coaching staff and most of your current players.

You tell me which one of these two is more devastating.

Yeah, let's ignore the word of sources who are actually close to the situation, for the word of another anonymous source who's got nothing to do with college football other than talking about it on a message board.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Scouts and high level analysts? You mean the "sources"? Puh-lease.

Nope--not one anonymous source.

Multiple scouts whose living revolves around college football and ESPN analysts as well.

Penn State made money by lying? If they had reported Sandusky immediately nothing would have come of it, they wouldn't have lost money - and they made none protecting him.

There's was no competitive advance reaped here.
So why do you think they didn't report Sandusky to the authorities?


Nope--not one anonymous source.

Multiple scouts whose living revolves around college football and ESPN analysts as well.

More like ESPN talking heads. Come on people, use your heads. Do you actually believe that a scholarship reduction and bowl ban is actually WORSE than completely shutting down an Athletic Program for multiple seasons? Ridiculous.

No. A quick google would reveal that SMU was not the first to get the so-called Death Penalty.


When a corporation gets fined for doing unethical shit, it's not a sufficient excuse to say "well we've fired the leadership involved" and then avoid the payment. You wouldn't see crowds of apologists crying "this is unfair because it's ordinary workers who're being punished herp derp".

No, the institution is being punished, and yes that means the institution might have to slash some wages. That's their fault. I really don't see why this is so hard to understand for some people.

Exactly. Penn state had a cultural problem is going to be punished accordingly


More like ESPN talking heads. Come on people, use your heads. Do you actually believe that a scholarship reduction and bowl ban is actually WORSE than completely shutting down an Athletic Program for multiple seasons? Ridiculous.

No. A quick google would reveal that SMU was not the first to get the so-called Death Penalty.

It isn't the analysts or "talking heads", it's the sources who know what the penalties are who are talking to ESPN, CNN, CBS, etc., who are saying Penn State will prefer the Death Penalty to what they are getting.
It isn't the analysts or "talking heads", it's the sources who know what the penalties are who are talking to ESPN, CNN, CBS, etc., who are saying Penn State will prefer the Death Penalty to what they are getting.

No, no. They're talking heads. Just listen to the random dude on the internet forum, he knows what's up.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
They shouldn't send Sandusky to jail - what about his wife, his family, and the unmolested kids his charity might have helped? What's going to happen to them? Why should they be punished for his crimes? Totally unfair.
This thread is a mess.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Come on, let's get out of here and wait until the NCAA has their say.

Apparently, there's also going to be a fine of $30-60 million that will go towards an abused kids fund, according to CBS.


That's a good move, but I'm confident the alumni donations will cover that in a week, so it's a wash.

Not impressed with the fine at all.

There is so much more money flowing through that university and I'm positive alumni will offer to pay that in a heartbeat.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
More like ESPN talking heads. Come on people, use your heads. Do you actually believe that a scholarship reduction and bowl ban is actually WORSE than completely shutting down an Athletic Program for multiple seasons? Ridiculous.

No. A quick google would reveal that SMU was not the first to get the so-called Death Penalty.

I've heard several legal experts say that the NCAA only has the power to shut down a sport for one season as their laws are written.

Again, several scouts and analysts who know this system inside and out say that losing scholarships for multiple years is, YES, worse than the shutdown for one year.

They know what they're talking about.
The meltdowns, they have started:

From Black Shoe Diaries

Dear NCAA, might as well punish me with your punitive, unprecedented, ad-hoc punishment. All the best, Mr. Rosewater

I, Mr. Rosewater, do find myself guilty of graduating, supporting, dreaming, funding, and overall smiling with giddy nostalgic happiness at the now pummeled institution we now call The Pennsylvania State University, or as you call it "Penn State".

There are several actions you can take to punish me for my past affiliations. But I want to let you know that I am currently re-tiling my shower stalls. I was going to go with blue and white but the guy at Home Depot said red and yellow might be better because, you know, I am guilty of Jerry Sandusky's horrible crimes against children.

I confess: I knew who Jerry Sandusky was before the rest of the country became aware of his existence and his virulent transgressions. He was what our football culture labeled "Defensive Coordinator". I knew that all the way back in 1992 when I first set foot on campus in State College, Pennsylvania. Guilty!!!

I apologize. You want to exact punishment now without any due process or consideration of my point of view. Okay. But before you take me to the showers - hahahaha - I want to let you know that as of now my opinion of the four "leaders" cited in the Freeh Report is less than favorable. I've almost given up on them. I hope I'm wrong but man it does not look good.

Hey, by the way, have you guys watched Game of Thrones on HBO?

Man, those Dragons kicked butt! Hey, maybe you'll let us change our mascot from Nittany Lions to Baby Dragons. Yeah!! And maybe we'll change "Penn State" to the "House of the Undying"? You know, to separate ourselves from pedophilia to a magical house of magic?

Okay, okay, on to the punishment. Look, I don't have much money. But take it and keep it in your bank account. What else? I've got two cats that I love. Send them to the shelter? I dunno. Does Mark Emmert love cats? Maybe he can take care of them. Pussy cats are all alike, right? What else? The Penn State football team? Okay. I'm not affiliated with the football department but if you think it'll hurt me then go for it. I mean, after all, whatever makes you feel justice has been served. I'm cool like that. I respect your position. What else? Take away my HBO? That's fine. There's nothing else on until Game of Thrones returns next year. Take HBO away for five years? That's fine. I've read all the books so I know what will happen. Take away my books? That's fine. I have it memorized. Take away my memory?

Have you been watching too many movies?

Hey hey, whatever. I didn't know you had access to fictional technology. Wipe away my memories. I don't need them. I've always believed we are doomed to our destinies anyway.

Suspend Black Shoe Diaries? Okay. We are all Penn State affiliated. And it is founded on our football culture. You know, cuz no other school has football culture except us. We are all about football unlike USC, Alabama, Notre Dame, Florida State, Appalachian State (they beat Michigan), and Michigan. Nope. They can't touch us when it comes to tradition and heritage and the tradition of heritage.

In fact, punish all of us punitively and rest assured those other schools will think twice about reporting child abuse or any other sex crime to the police behave and comply accordingly.

Yes, take away my life and everyone else's lives and passions so that child abuse may be wiped from this planet. Because punishing us will temper the sexual urges of pedophiles. Thank God the statue was taken down!! Having it stand would mean more children will be raped. It would be a reminder to the masses that children would be raped. Not only do the Masses not want to be reminded, they also won't do anything about it because surely they cannot donate money to child abuse foundations and such because the economy is in the Pitts. Just like it's easier for sports journalists to decry the existence of Penn State than it is to enter their credit card numbers to a charity dedicated to such crimes because it's unwise to broadcast your credit card number to the public. I mean, someone might steal Stephen A. Smith's identity!!!

Look, I get it. You, the NCAA, are punishing me because there's no other way for you to fight child abuse, right? There's no other way a powerful, rich, organization can bring justice to these heinous crimes other than to take my HBO away.

You're right. I can't think of another way.

I don't even know what to bold, because it's all crazy.

edit: Also, HOLY SHIT.

All you lawyers out there might find that this is incorrect, but I looked up the Pennsylvania Laws governing failure to report suspected child abuse, and confirmed it to be a third-degree misdemeanor, which is one step above summary offenses (Stuff that you just get a ticket for).

In Pennsylvania, the fine for DUI is higher than for this crime, and I sincerely doubt that any of these gentlemen would have received jail time for being found guilty, IF THEY ARE. So far, this is a question that remains to be seen, since the trials have not even started yet.

This may be crass, but my opinion is that this crime is being exaggerated by the media and public for two reasons:

1) because it concerns young boys, rather than young girls. Young girls are being raped by family members at a frequency approximately equal to the time it took to write this blurb.....not newsworthy since they happen so often, and,

2) because it produced an opportunity for the media and public to crucify Joseph Paterno (who reportedly SEEMS TO have suggested a course of action, which may or may not have been followed, with Jerry being left to predate using PSU as bait). Bad result, with causes that may have had a chance to be exposed in future trials.


This may be crass, but my opinion is that this crime is being exaggerated by the media and public for two reasons:

1) because it concerns young boys, rather than young girls. Young girls are being raped by family members at a frequency approximately equal to the time it took to write this blurb.....not newsworthy since they happen so often,

Paterno's no better when it comes to the rape of girls. One of his players was accused of raping a girl.

JoePa said:
There’s so many people gravitating to these kids. He may not have even known what he was getting into, Nicholson. They knock on the door; somebody may knock on the door; a cute girl knocks on the door. What do you do?

Geez. I hope—thank God they don’t knock on my door, because I’d refer them to a couple of other rooms.
That's why he didn't report Sandusky. I mean, don't you feel for this guy? There's all these little kids getting naked in the shower. What would you do?
No. A quick google would reveal that SMU was not the first to get the so-called Death Penalty.

The "Death Penalty" is officially called the Repeat Violator Rule, and was instituted in 1985. There were instances of shutting down a program before that, specifically when Kentucky basketball got busted for point shaving in the 1950s, but it wasn't THE Death Penalty. They introduced it because the rampant cheating in the 80s was getting ridiculous.

Watch Pony Excess, there are pictures of recruits in their new cars in local papers. Hell, the only reason SMU got busted was because they had contracts(!) to pay their players.


Damn why did someone have to post that "Onward State" facebook page. The things people on there are saying make me want to break something... yet I can't stop reading it.
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