truly101 said:
I don't know that the NCAA has a statute for child sodomy. Someone mentioned lack of institutional control and you can certainly make a case for that. This would be the first time I'm aware the NCAA would lay down infractions in regards to someones physical or mental well being. It would be one hell of a precedent. Next time there is a Duke Lacross case where the rape does happen, or the player murder at UVA or any other situation, does the NCAA need to impose sanctions? Where does the line draw?
I do not think there is a case for LOIC either. LOIC is clear in specifying that it is a systemic lack of compliance of NCAA rules that would cause such a charge to be levied.
I do not believe NCAA has jurisdiction in this case since none of their bylaws cover this. Unless they have some catch-all bylaw for following the law in regards to other non-athletics situations, which I highly doubt.
Any sanctions from this are going to come from a court of law, the office of the Penn St president - after the dust settles within the Penn St administration, the state legislature, the governor's mansion, or state board of governors.