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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
How is that posting an excuse? I stated in your quote that it wasn't.

The atmophere at penn state is not a good excuse for McQueary to suddenly lack moral fiber. He lacked it when he shouldn't have. Period.

EDIT: that doesn't mean we shouldn't look into how an atmoshpere like this was permitted, just that it shouldn't excuse people from the heat they're about to get.


Fenderputty said:
The atmophere at penn state is not a good excuse for McQueary to suddenly lack moral fiber. He lacked it when he shouldn't have. Period.
...when did I say it was a good excuse? You are skewing information.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
How is that posting an excuse? I stated in your quote that it wasn't.

I can see that post being construed as "It's not [indefensible]" which is probably what Fenderputty thought. I read it as you agreeing that it's not defensible, but maybe I'm wrong.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
That's not my point. It's not about him simply running away, it's about the story surrounding his actions. I posed the question before, what if McQueary was presented that same scenario in a alley or with a lowly janitor?

- McQueary was promoted rapidly after that date.

- He was fine with the school changing his "anal rape" situation to "horseplay". Sandusky was able to maintain an office on campus until LAST WEEK.

- He is still holding onto his current position, will be coaching this weekend. The board did not fire him so it is unlikely you will hear ANY comments from him in a immediate future.

There is an absurd amount that will be revealed in the coming weeks.

I'm not seeing your point.

C Jones

eznark said:
Nature v. nurture arguments mean nothing to me. I don't care if the guy was raised a coward or was turned into a coward. I care about what he is and how he behaves now.

He is a cowardly piece of shit who fled like a child when confronted with a situation that he could have changed for the better.
I heard on the radio people that people 50/50 in that scenario: it's fight or flight. I have no study numbers and I can't tell you exactly which "expert" the host got the info from though.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
...when did I say it was a good excuse? You are skewing information.

You've been so gung ho about having Joe Pa fired and what not, yet reading your posts about McQueary, you seem to show some compassion towards him. Whats the deal here?
GoldenEye 007 said:
I don't know how Penn St. is going to be able to not fire McQueary either.

It's touchy.

Technically, he's a whistle-blower, protected by a patchwork of various laws, so the university simply firing him opens up the university to massive legal issues, compounded by the fact that he's likely never going to be able to find another job elsewhere ever again if he's let go by Penn State.


eznark said:
Just to be clear, and because people seem to be missing it, this is the 6-4 220 physically fit scumbag who ran and called daddy instead of stopping the violent rape of a 10 year old boy:


This guy was too chicken shit, too much of a coward and too dim-witted to know he should stop a 10 year old boy from literally getting fucked?!

This guy was so helpless and frightened by an old man that he had to call pappa to find out what to do next?


I agree with you 100%.

But that man was not just an old man. Hell, you can say from his past that his power were greater than DA. A DA that just happened to be missing.

If Sandusky actually ran a pimping ring to rich old people. He is and known to be a very powerful person. It is not a coincident that he was so open , yet untouchable. Almost God fatherish.

But still I know what you mean, and I agree.


C Jones said:
I heard on the radio people that people 50/50 in that scenario: it's fight or flight. I have no study numbers and I can't tell you exactly which "expert" the host got the info from though.

I don't doubt it. 50% of people are cowards? Probably. I'd guess a far higher number of Penn State alums are cowardly pieces of shit after their display last night, though.

But that man was not just an old man.
If an old man has his cock inside a 10 year old boy I'm not thinking about how much money he has, I'm thinking about the best way to make him dead.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
...when did I say it was a good excuse? You are skewing information.

Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
His actions aren't that of a coward, they are telling story of the type of atmosphere that was already ongoing at Penn State.

You're partially excusing his behavior due to atmosphere at Penn State right there. They are the actions of a coward. I couldn't care less how he became that cowardly.


Everything you guys are stating about McQueary was available as soon as that report was. I get it, I would have acted differently and he should have as well. The point now is why did he act differently? This football program clearly had a culture already in place to accommodate Sandusky.

Reason I want to know why the way he acted is now you are looking at perjury charges in all likelihood. There is more to this than simply a guy not reacting to help a ten year old boy.


Fenderputty said:
You're partially excusing his behavior due to atmosphere at Penn State right there. They are the actions of a coward. I could care less how he became that cowardly.
So basically you are saying you don't care about learning what actually happened at Penn State. Are you a student there?

tycoonheart said:
You've been so gung ho about having Joe Pa fired and what not, yet reading your posts about McQueary, you seem to show some compassion towards him. Whats the deal here?
I'm not showing any compassion. I want to know what happened.


Amory Blaine said:
If you see something like that happening, you call the fucking police. If you think you're going to have a heart attack because of it then order an ambulance while you're at it, but call the cops.

Edit: and not only that, but in the grand jury report it says that the janitor who supposedly was profoundly affected by what he saw was more concerned about keeping his job than helping the kid, so screw him too

Though stopping Sandusky in the act and calling the police is the rational thing for someone McQuery's size to do, my point is McQuery probably had an acute stress reaction (emotional shock) from seeing something so terrible and his judgment was impaired at the time it happened.

Why he remained at Penn St, became WR coach, didn't follow up, etc. are all valid questions that he needs to answer. I don't think he will be able to defend his inaction in the years after the incident. He definitely shouldn't be coaching on Saturday.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Everything you guys are stating about McQueary was available as soon as that report was. I get it, I would have acted differently and he should have as well. The point now is why did he act differently? This football program clearly had a culture already in place to accommodate Sandusky.

Reason I want to know why the way he acted is now you are looking at perjury charges in all likelihood. There is more to this than simply a guy not reacting to help a ten year old boy.

I give zero shits about how his actions are viewed by the law. He won't go in front of a jury for extreme cowardice.

I'm judging him as a human being, fuck whatever plea bargain he cuts.


eznark said:
I give zero shits about how his actions are viewed by the law. He won't go in front of a jury for extreme cowardice.

I'm judging him as a human being, fuck whatever plea bargain he cuts.
What does perjury have to do with cowardice?
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
So basically you are saying you don't care about learning what actually happened at Penn State. Are you a student there?

No ... I even stated so in a post. Granted it was an edit, but I"m trying not to spam the page.

I think the investigation should continue. I think we should look into the in and outs of how this all came to be.

I just don't think the "system" McQueary worked under should provide him protection for his actions or lack thereof.

Hari Seldon

eznark said:
I don't doubt it. 50% of people are cowards? Probably. I'd guess a far higher number of Penn State alums are cowardly pieces of shit after their display last night, though.

Its assholes like you disparaging the entire university that is causing the psychological response to defend it at any cost.


Fenderputty said:
No ... I even stated so in a post. Granted it was an edit, but I"m trying not to spam the page.

I think the investigation should continue. I think we should look into the in and outs of how this all came to be.

I just don't think the "system" McQueary worked under should provide him protection for his actions or lack thereof.
What are you talking about? It already has!


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
What does perjury have to do with cowardice?

Nothing, and I have no idea where the fuck you're trying to go with this discussion. My post about that ginger fuck was inspired by Dr. Phil's defense of him as a "victim" and has nothing to do with his standing among the equally as despicable DA's office.

Its assholes like you disparaging the entire university that is causing the psychological response to defend it at any cost.

Don't want your university disparaged, don't take to the streets to defend a guy who enables sex criminals.

C Jones

Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Everything you guys are stating about McQueary was available as soon as that report was. I get it, I would have acted differently and he should have as well. The point now is why did he act differently? This football program clearly had a culture already in place to accommodate Sandusky.

Reason I want to know why the way he acted is now you are looking at perjury charges in all likelihood. There is more to this than simply a guy not reacting to help a ten year old boy.
Read my post a few posts up. Flight in this situation is not uncommon.


Hari Seldon said:
Its assholes like you disparaging the entire university that is causing the psychological response to defend it at any cost.

Well, it's a shame the majority of the people out and about last night was in reaction to Paterno getting fired and not little children getting raped. The outrage is misplaced and it's sickening.


eznark said:
Nothing, and I have no idea where the fuck you're trying to go with this discussion. My post about that ginger fuck was inspired by Dr. Phil's defense of him as a "victim" and has nothing to do with his standing among the equally as despicable DA's office.
Then you apparently aren't as familiar with the entire story as I am. I was continuing with your statement and suggested there are different ways of looking at McQueary's involvement alone.
CrankyJay said:
Well, it's a shame the majority of the people out and about last night was in reaction to Paterno getting fired and not little children getting raped. The outrage is misplaced and it's sickening.

There are 44,000 students on the University Park campus. A fraction of that number was out yesterday. The fact that you are trying to lump the whole university together with the rapist is sickening.


TheNatural said:
Listening to these Penn State fans cheering as some kind of rally makes me sick. People need their fucking priorities straight.

It blows my mind. Imagine if this were another Catholic priest scandal.


outlawedprod said:

"During our own investigation, years later, the mother told us that she had been specifically instructed by state police not to speak with reporters. No charges were filed against Sandusky in 1998. With the mother cowed into silence, the incident remained buried. "

This is exactly what I am afraid off. Sandusky was above the law. And McQueary and everyone knew that. And were probably knew that reporting to COPS would mean nothing.

Again , not making excuse for McQueary. But he could be scared of his life.
samus i am said:
There are 44,000 students on the University Park campus. A fraction of that number was out yesterday. The fact that you are trying to lump the whole university together with the rapist is sickening.

There were enough students there to convince me that the youth of today is ignorant as fuck.
Hari Seldon said:
Its assholes like you disparaging the entire university that is causing the psychological response to defend it at any cost.


Yes, I'm sure outside pressures are causing all these people from Penn State to act absolutely crazy.


Perhaps a hat of some type would stop this offending outside influence from causing "the psychological response" you speak of.

Perhaps a hat lined with aluminum foil or something...


samus i am said:
There are 44,000 students on the University Park campus. A fraction of that number was out yesterday. The fact that you are trying to lump the whole university together with the rapist is sickening.

I fought this fight yesterday. I hate saying it but its pointless. Theyre not going to see your way about this.

JumpingTheGun said:
Jesus Christ its like any kind of power in the whole fucking town was in on it in some way.

Im curious as to what right the police have in saying something like that. Did they threaten her or just ask her? If Im a parent and my child is involved in something like this and the police kindly ask me to keep my mouth shut, fuck em. Im talking.


Pristine_Condition said:

Yes, I'm sure outside pressures are causing all these people from Penn State to act absolutely crazy.

It's everyone's fault but theirs.

That is not how psychology works when backed into a corner.
Keep passing the buck, I'm not stopping you. No one has blamed Bush/Obama yet. That's gotta be coming at some point.

C Jones

Pristine_Condition said:

Yes, I'm sure outside pressures are causing all these people from Penn State to act absolutely crazy.


Perhaps a hat of some type would stop this offending outside influence from causing "the psychological response" you speak of.

Perhaps a hat lined with aluminum foil or something...
I think he was speaking for himself too. When people crap on the entire uni I would think it drives him nuts.


samus i am said:
There are 44,000 students on the University Park campus. A fraction of that number was out yesterday. The fact that you are trying to lump the whole university together with the rapist is sickening.

It's a good thing you misunderstood what I said, because I'm talking about the students who were out last night, and not about the entire campus.

Read again:

Well, it's a shame the majority of the people out and about last night was in reaction to Paterno getting fired and not little children getting rape

Not sure where I mentioned the entire campus. Can you point it out to me?
JumpingTheGun said:
There were enough students there to convince me that the youth of today is ignorant as fuck.

I hate comments like this. So they not only represent the views of everyone that goes to Penn State, but also the entire youth of today? That is hyperbolic as fuck.


eznark said:
I don't doubt it. 50% of people are cowards? Probably. I'd guess a far higher number of Penn State alums are cowardly pieces of shit after their display last night, though.

If an old man has his cock inside a 10 year old boy I'm not thinking about how much money he has, I'm thinking about the best way to make him dead.

You would enjoy reading the novels of Andrew Vachss, I did. He is also crusading against pedophilia and child abuse. He writes nice crime novels


His books:

Hari Seldon

CrankyJay said:
Well, it's a shame the majority of the people out and about last night was in reaction to Paterno getting fired and not little children getting raped. The outrage is misplaced and it's sickening.

Yeah, just like apparently all of London and Vancouver are filled with idiots over rioting over far less than this. And virtually every other major college town at some point or another.


Hari Seldon said:
Yeah, just like apparently all of London and Vancouver are filled with idiots over rioting over far less than this. And virtually every other major college town at some point or another.

Not sure why you're bringing other cities or colleges into this...or why you and others think I'm generalizing about an entire campus.

Most people who were out last night were in support of Joe Pa, and not the victims. How is this factually incorrect?


samus i am said:
I hate comments like this. So they not only represent the views of everyone that goes to Penn State, but also the entire youth of today? That is hyperbolic as fuck.

Now this, this I agree with.
beast786 said:
This is exactly what I am afraid off. Sandusky was above the law. And McQueary and everyone knew that. And were probably knew that reporting to COPS would mean nothing.

Again , not making excuse for McQueary. But he could be scared of his life.
Never even considered this, but it's sounding more and more possible.

Hari Seldon

CrankyJay said:
Not sure why you're bringing other cities or colleges into this...or why you and others think I'm generalizing about an entire campus.

Most people who were out last night were in support of Joe Pa, and not the victims. How is this factually incorrect?

You generalized it about an entire campus with:
I'd guess a far higher number of Penn State alums are cowardly pieces of shit after their display last night, though.
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