This is basically what I got from that.
"Sorry I've been an asshole but people were assholes to me as children so it's ok for me to be an asshole as a fully-grown adult."
It gets better as it goes on but I feel like he spends the first two paragraphs painting himself with the most sympathetic brush available.
Is this an apology or a sob story to make me feel bad for him?
I just don't get why this is being met with such hostility and sarcasm and biting wit.
Is this an apology for something in particular?
I don't understand how people who want the world to be a better place can be so hostile when someone who they feel is making it worse is taking steps to change themself and it's not instantaneous.
I just don't get why this is being met with such hostility and sarcasm and biting wit.
He's trying to be a better person. He's trying to fight against years of conditioning and life and everything that shaped him as a child that has lead him to be in this state. Why is this a bad thing? Why do you have to shit on him and make fun of him? Do you actually want a better world with people improving themselves to be better people?
I don't understand. What is the world you want? What is the end purpose in mind? What are you doing to achieve that by doing this?
I don't understand how people who want the world to be a better place can be so hostile when someone who they feel is making it worse is taking steps to change themself and it's not instantaneous.
I just don't get why this is being met with such hostility and sarcasm and biting wit.
He's trying to be a better person. He's trying to fight against years of conditioning and life and everything that shaped him as a child that has lead him to be in this state. Why is this a bad thing? Why do you have to shit on him and make fun of him? Do you actually want a better world with people improving themselves to be better people?
I don't understand. What is the world you want? What is the end purpose in mind? What are you doing to achieve that by doing this?
They want to be angry. No one really cares if problems are fixed. They want to attack people, raw meat.I don't understand how people who want the world to be a better place can be so hostile when someone who they feel is making it worse is taking steps to change themself and it's not instantaneous.
I just don't get why this is being met with such hostility and sarcasm and biting wit.
He's trying to be a better person. He's trying to fight against years of conditioning and life and everything that shaped him as a child that has lead him to be in this state. Why is this a bad thing? Why do you have to shit on him and make fun of him? Do you actually want a better world with people improving themselves to be better people?
I don't understand. What is the world you want? What is the end purpose in mind? What are you doing to achieve that by doing this?
I don't understand how people who want the world to be a better place can be so hostile when someone who they feel is making it worse is taking steps to change themself and it's not instantaneous.
I don't understand how people who want the world to be a better place can be so hostile when someone who they feel is making it worse is taking steps to change themself and it's not instantaneous.
I just don't get why this is being met with such hostility and sarcasm and biting wit.
He's trying to be a better person. He's trying to fight against years of conditioning and life and everything that shaped him as a child that has lead him to be in this state. Why is this a bad thing? Why do you have to shit on him and make fun of him? Do you actually want a better world with people improving themselves to be better people?
I don't understand. What is the world you want? What is the end purpose in mind? What are you doing to achieve that by doing this?
I'm imagining a lot of these people at an AA meeting, listening to some guy talk about his past and his addiction, and booing them afterward and saying, "I'll believe you'll stop when you fucking stop, you pathetic addict. Nice try with the fucking sob story though!"
Because people aren't interested in giving Mike K a million chances to change?
Because most of those people are the same kinds of people that they profess to hate.
No, I'm not. The idea that people must be forgiven regardless of what they've done is one of the most insidious and powerful tools in the abuser's toolkit. This is what drives people back into the arms of parents who mistreated them their whole life; what keeps victims of physical abuse from leaving their spouses; what prevents serious institutional reform of organizations like the Catholic church that have cosigned and hidden abuse for decades.
If you talk to people who have serious training in counseling abuse survivors, one of the things they'll tell you upfront is that you don't have to forgive people, and that in many cases, it's much healthier to never forgive people who have mistreated you; it's much more important to keep the knowledge of why what was done to you was fucked up, and break the cycle by not repeating any of it.
So yeah, I'm not big on forced forgiveness.
Why not? If the chance for change exists I think its better to give that chance than deny it and turn said person into a pariah. Maybe I'm just optimistic but even if he hasn't made a 180 degree turn from his original attitudes, he is at least making some incremental moves and learning something about how the people he's hurt are feeling and why.
One, who said this? Alternatively, what is the better you are describing?I don't understand how people who want the world to be a better place can be so hostile when someone who they feel is making it worse is taking steps to change themself and it's not instantaneous.
Because it reads as being self-serving?I just don't get why this is being met with such hostility and sarcasm and biting wit.
Is he? He avoids this language in the statement. He talks about "our" being better, he talks about PAX being better. He doesn't talk personally about being better. He spends the first four paragraphs blaming his past for his current attitudes, then moves on to say that he wants what he creates to be better.He's trying to be a better person. He's trying to fight against years of conditioning and life and everything that shaped him as a child that has lead him to be in this state. Why is this a bad thing? Why do you have to shit on him and make fun of him? Do you actually want a better world with people improving themselves to be better people?
I take medicine to control my anxiety and depression but there is no pill I can take to stop being a jerk. That’s a deeper problem and it’s something I’m working on.
These are more philosophical and not really questions anyone but oneself can answer so uh... ???I don't understand. What is the world you want? What is the end purpose in mind? What are you doing to achieve that by doing this?
I don't understand how people who want the world to be a better place can be so hostile when someone who they feel is making it worse is taking steps to change themself and it's not instantaneous.
I'm imagining a lot of these people at an AA meeting, listening to some guy talk about his past and his addiction, and booing them afterward and saying, "I'll believe you'll stop when you fucking stop, you pathetic addict. Nice try with the fucking sob story though!"
Pretty much. These type of supporting comments would probably drive anybody back to the bottle.
Reading some of the vitriol in this thread would make one think Gabe was the anti-christ Hitler clone who punched babies and took pleasure in eradicating endangered species over live TV.
Jim Sterling proves you are wrong. His change over the past 5 years has been impressive.hmm.
if I learned something from my 30+ year of life, is that man don't change, unless some kind of divine intervention struck him.
boogie, while I agree that I hope he's an infinitely better person in 10 years, I also feel like taking a non-judgmental approach means that you refuse to have a stake. It's like claiming to be apolitical. It's just a refusal to take part in the conversation or being willing to be worried about what that stake means.I have read mike's little thing and I have read most of your comments on it and I wanted to come in here and just... i dunno. I don't know what this post will be but I'm writing it anyways.
I grew up in hell. The things Mike went through would be what I'd have considered a 'relaxing sunday afternoon' compared to the actual shit I waded through. I most certainly did not grow up to be a bully, or an asshole, or anything in between.
Mike has most certainly been a bully. Mike has most certainly been an asshole. I'm so very glad to see him recognize that and decide its something that he wants to change. Its something he NEEDED to change because he was doing his company, the people that work for him, and himself a terrible disservice. He was also negatively impacting gamers.
While I pride myself in trying to 'rise above' the shit I went through I spent a good amount of my life angry. I'm still pretty angry about it now and I can get angry at the drop of a hat. I used to scream, rage, break shit, and bully people. When the internet was still new I raided message boards and posted profane pictures and took out that rage on the internet.
I have zero judgement though for Mike. I honestly don't. Some people would say that we're different. I'd say we're exactly the same, though we may be at different stages of our recovery. I honestly think none of us have any room to judge the guy and I hate seeing people here doing so.
Mike is at a point that I was at when I was about 10 years ago. I hope that 10 years from now he is an infinitely better man that I will ever be. I have nothing but love and hope for the guy and I'm so glad to see he has seen the error of his ways. It will do the gaming community and his company a world of good.
I have read mike's little thing and I have read most of your comments on it and I wanted to come in here and just... i dunno. I don't know what this post will be but I'm writing it anyways.
boogie, while I agree that I hope he's an infinitely better person in 10 years, I also feel like taking a non-judgmental approach means that you refuse to have a stake. It's like claiming to be apolitical. It's just a refusal to take part in the conversation or being willing to be worried about what that stake means.
I feel like as people have a greater stake in things, they begin to realize this. Judgment is not a personal attack (usually). It is attempting to understand, analyze and propose changes for improvement.
I grew up in hell. The things Mike went through would be what I'd have considered a 'relaxing sunday afternoon' compared to the actual shit I waded through.
1) I'm not browbeating him (though I would say that you are browbeating me).This is the kind of irony I'm talking about. How do you not see what you're doing here? He's allowed to have his opinion to not feel very judgmental, just as you're allowed to have yours - and no amount of goading can change that. To keep your analogy going, if he was apolitical, that's perhaps due to his personal outlook that puts priorities on some things and lesser priorities on others. You do the same exact same thing. Humans are not built to be continuously outraged at everything in the world. Browbeating others for not viewing everything you personally view as the Most Important Thing Ever is no different that Mike being an asshole that one time and it's utter insanity that people who think and act like you believe you're any different.
1) I'm not browbeating him (though I would say that you are browbeating me).
2) I never said it was the most important thing ever; your hyperbole, not mine.
3) When was anyone "outraged" about this? I'm certainly not. I'm responding to it.
Making up your own mind doesn't just "happen." It is an aggregate process.1) I simply will not accept, acknowledge or engage with anybody who employs the 'I'm rubber and you're glue' defense past 3rd grade. You say he needs to change his opinion on the matter, I'm saying you, him and everybody needs to allow people to make up their own minds. If you feel bullied by that, well, I don't really know what to tell you.
Creating a thread is not an indicator of outrage. Responding to a thread's topic isn't either. I would say this is a conclusion you drew on your own.3) Since when was anybody outraged? Seriously? How about since this entire thing began, leading up to and including this thread? How is that even a question?
Making up your own mind doesn't just "happen." It is an aggregate process.
Jump to minute 21 or watch the whole thing:
Creating a thread is not an indicator of outrage. Responding to a thread's topic isn't either. I would say this is a conclusion you drew on your own.
if I learned something from my 30+ year of life, is that man don't change, unless some kind of divine intervention struck him.
Let's try to recontextualize this. Imagine you have a kid, and they do some bratty but normal kid thing, like not sharing a toy at recess. In response, this other kid's parent gets mad and socks them in the face, gives them a black eye, they have to go home, stay out of school for a few days, giant swelling, can't see right, the whole nine yards.
Are you telling me that in this scenario, you'd accept an apology for that? That you'd make your kid, who was defenseless and did nothing remotely proportional to deserve it, accept an apology? That you'd ever consider that person remotely safe to be around children again? Forgiveness is proportional to behavior.
I'm somewhat curious as how you came to yours.So, your position is that there is no outrage against PA and/or Mike? Explain how you came to this position. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding all of the posts calling him disgusting, acidic, horrible, etc.
Again, plenty of people had shitty childhoods and didn't behave like that.
And he's apologized for those things and wants to change who he is. You can be leery of him, sure. You can wait and see if he's sincere. It sure seems that he is the way he wrote it. But holding onto past offenses after the offender has asked for true forgiveness from an open heart is now on you, not on them.
If I punch you in the face and then later apologize and say "I'm sorry, I realize now I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me. I won't ever do it again, I want to change. Just watch me change, but give me that benefit of the doubt" And I said it in a deeply contemplative way that shows I'm sincere and I was foolishly ignorant that my actions caused true harm to you. And you said "screw you man, unforgivable!" Then... you're no better or less ignorant than that person used to be. Especially if my actions are counter to my past and then you say 3 years from now, "Nah you're a jerk you punched me in the face that one time!" I agree, it's too early to tell on his actions. I'm just saying benefit of the doubt should be given if sincerely asked.
Hence I find it ironic that some posters aren't saying "Well he was a serious jerk, but he seems sincere and sorry and has made steps recently. So I'll give him the benefit and see how it goes." but instead "Nah son, you're done. Unforgiven forever!" thus becoming the unsympathizing ahole they are rallying against.
Lol... Just like this poster below me.![]()
Kids are innocent and nice.