Is this an apology or a sob story to make me feel bad for him?
You guys are a tough crowd. He apologized. How about give the man the benefit of the doubt and wait and see.
Is this an apology or a sob story to make me feel bad for him?
He never implies that his behavior is okay in any way. Not really sure where you're getting that from. It seems more like he's explaining, not excusing.
When winding up an arrow to fire at PA, you want it to be about Gabe's total ignorance over trans issues and not the absolutely ridiculous dickwolves controversy. Gabe reacting to people suggesting he supported "rape culture" with withering sarcasm didn't seem particularly out of sorts to me at all. It was a circus of escalating nonsensical outrage.
Social Justice Warriors tend to look for fiendish motives that aren't pertained to being genuinely sorry when it comes to apologies.
First post nails it.
He's been an prize asshole and now he says he doesn't want to be an asshole. Giving him the benefit of the doubt costs me nothing.
If it turns out to be just so many words and he's still an asshole, then I'll be among those calling him out on it. But maybe, just maybe, he's sincere and wants to change. That would be good. One less asshole in a world overflowing with them.
How about actually apologizing to specific people for the specific hate-filled things he said? He said "sorry" but he didn't even say what he was sorry for.
Because he did that already, several times. Now he's identifying the root of the problem.
Baby steps.
What's he guilty of? His name doesn't really ring a bell for me.
actions are louder than words.
You guys are a tough crowd. He apologized. How about give the man the benefit of the doubt and wait and see.
Tired of the high horse hyprocrites
Basically he is permanently labeled as a fiend by people who would also crumble if they were put under the microscope.
I am no saint either and I make no claims to such. You just have to be willing to be humble and admit wrongdoing. Why do you guys insist on driving the Hate train further. You act like he murdered somebody
The problem with social justice jerks is that there is nothing "Social" about their behavior. They encourage these hate driven witch hunts and refuse to acknowledge that we are all human beings and that adjusting to change isn't easy for everyone.
I like that these conversations are being had and society is trying to push for more awareness but turning people into internet whipping boys and promoting hatred and contempt towards those of opposing views is not accomplishing anything.
Get over your conspiracy theory bullshit and start trying to actually empathize and connect with people. Love makes us better people. Thats a fact.
It really doesn't.
Yeah. I honestly don't get why an acknowledgement and general apology isn't enough. When exactly does the line get drawn and people move on with their lives? The guy said some things some people took exception to. He's acknowledged that he was out of line. I don't see why a protracted apology citing everyone from 'offended from Idaho' is required specifically.
To be honest I don't fully understand Mike's transgressions, but do people here *really* believe he's out there twirling his moustache, smirking to himself while thinking, "Ha! That bullshit, publicly embarrassing apology I just made sure did pull the wool over the communities eyes! Now because I admitted that I've become what I beheld I can continue being an insensitive asshole and noone can criticize me because I already said sorry once!"
To be honest I don't fully understand Mike's transgressions, but do people here *really* believe he's out there twirling his moustache, smirking to himself while thinking, "Ha! That bullshit, publicly embarrassing apology I just made sure did pull the wool over the communities eyes! Now because I admitted that I've become what I beheld I can continue being an insensitive asshole and noone can criticize me because I already said sorry once!"
This is basically what I got from that.
"Sorry I've been an asshole but people were assholes to me as children so it's ok for me to be an asshole as a fully-grown adult."
It gets better as it goes on but I feel like he spends the first two paragraphs painting himself with the most sympathetic brush available.
It's just so ironically sad too.I can't believe some people are angry at him for this...
When I read the topic title, I guessed it wasn't going to be an apology and was actually going to be another self absorbed essay about his life and sob stories of him being bullied. Grow the fuck up already guys, your life isn't that tragic.
I feel like I'm missing some drama here to get so many posters riled up. What did he do that was so bad? This isn't just about the dick wolves thing years ago right?
I am also kind of missing the point...
Dickwolves Comic makes rape reference
People get offended
Gabe brushes off the criticisms and proceeds to instigate the offended parties further by making dick wolves t shirts etc....
Honestly his treatment of his critics was more offensive than the actual comic IMHO
But without the rape culture angle the Social Justice pricks wouldn't have the push they needed to rage bait Gabe into making himself look even more like an asshole
It escalated further from there... I am sure some other people can fill in the blanks since I stopped following shortly after it got ridiculous
This would have been a lot more sincere if he spent more time apologising for specific things he has done and said and where relevant what he is going to do to make amends rather than making excuses for the way he is. A lot of us were bullied when we were children and we didn't grow up to be massive arseholes like he is.
Ah ok.
I found the Dickwolves hilarious and was pretty much on his side in that. So have no problem with that.
You guys are a tough crowd. He apologized. How about give the man the benefit of the doubt and wait and see.
It was less an apology and more a justification of why he's such a nobhead.
some kind of context would be nice, I don't know why he is asking for forgiveness or trying to excuse himself.
It's not impossible that he's bluffing, but if he is bluffing, he's going all in here. Every single chip in the pot.
The backlash would be enormous if it was found out that he was lying in order to manipulate people's emotions. It's one thing to be an asshole to rape victims or transgender people. They're a minority. Some people would back him up. Lie to every single person in your readership? Hoo boy. That would sink the whole ship.
Not really inclined to believe he's lying myself, considering the potential consequences if he was.
Here's the thing I think a lot of people are missing. In the past, he's made apologies in reaction to some fiasco, like "oh shit, here's all this drama, I guess I need to nut up and say I'm sorry for being a douche".
This is just a result of some introspection, and as a dude with a platform, he's able to put this shit out there. Frankly, this is the level of shit that I would confide to my wife or a couple of my close friends, and that's it. If I was asked to put something like this out there for millions to see, I would be terrified.
I mean say what you will about the guy, but this was an unprovoked introspection. There was no controversy that spurred this, no flame war that precipitated it. It's an apology for him being himself, and wanting to be better. Can't it just be that?
What are these homophobic or transphobic things Gabe has said? All I know was of how he reacted during the dickwolves fiasco.
Nice to see some reasonable people exist
Shout out to the rest of you with a level head on your shoulders that actually want to set a positive example and strive for something better instead of cowardly throwing insults behind a screen and keyboard