It's just so ironically sad too.
Basically fully justifies his asshole armor when people still attack him for a very introspective, intimate commitment to be a better person in the new year.
The most ironic part of their insults, is that they have basically turned into exactly what he described in his post. Social justice warriors that feel they have been victimized or bullied in some way, and so they manifest this very aggressive, no tolerance, witch hunt style of rebuttal.
And just like how he did, they are basically the bullies now, and have very limited ability to actually discuss things with people who disagree with them. It's kind of hilarious how similar they are to the person they hate.
Independent or the original or any subsequent controversies, I just watched this unfold before my eyes and had these exact thougts, and it's nice to see them captured already, so thank you Shinta.
It's hard to even adequate describe the sort of weary sadness that hit me reading the reactions of those who would react cynically to this kind of introspective admission. The irony is so thick it's like people are popping up out of central casting to say "no seriously, I'm why people are like this!"
If you cared enough to read what he wrote, you care. If you reacted without reading what he wrote, that's worse. If you take the position that he's "trying to justify being an asshole," "excuse his past behavior," "get us to feel sorry for him" or that "this is a PR stunt for [x] benefit," then regardless of your position versus his on any prior topic, right now, you're the asshole. Even "plenty of people had crappy childhoods and didn't turn into assholes" is a reaction guilty of this irony (we are not comprised solely of how bad the worst things we have done are, nor are Mike's the worst things anyone with a shitty childhood has ever done). It would mean a lot to me if you would try and take a moment and really try to get down to the real reason you reacted that way, on a personal level derived from your past experiences and your view of the world... exactly, and not coincidentally, like Mike has done here.
People who always think the shittiest possible conclusion of others play an active role in forging the origin stories of bullies just like, and far worse than, Mike Krahulik. The instinct to deflect anything being perceived by others in a different way from your own with cynicism, sarcasm, assumption of intent, is exactly what can cause the kneejerk reactions that mirror these approaches and that his comments are often guilty of.
Recognize genuine humility when you see it. Yes, actions speak louder than words- but thoughts don't speak at all. An analysis of yourself like this shows a capacity for honest reflection, self-awareness and maturity. And even when expressed in words like these, they might be shared privately, or kept to oneself, or expressed only to those he
thought would react favorably. If nothing else it deserves a moment of respect and thoughtful consideration. This bit in particular:
I know I don’t want to be this angry kid anymore. I take medicine to control my anxiety and depression but there is no pill I can take to stop being a jerk.
can be recognized as a legitimate acceptance of personal responsibility where others might, and he might have once, attempted to pass the blame to any container available.
I hope that he and Penny Arcade both have a great year.