They are heading for a crash in my view. The PS5 won’t reach PS4 numbers. In a market where the Xbox market has substantially shrunk, that’s not good for Sony. Ridiculous hardware costs, software costs, online fees and development times and costs, I’ve left the ecosystem and I’m sure other people will have as well.Notice what I quoted? Not talking about the cheap thing, that's subjective considering what the thing is supposed to cost and that its a mass-market product that typically is sold at a loss.
What I am talking about disputing is your claim that they are heading for a crash.
Yeah, it's premium alright. You have to buy a disc drive add on as well as a stand for the console so you can, Hold on...Console generations typically last 6-7 years.
As they go on, the processing power gap between the PCs and consoles grow larger and larger.
The likelihood of parts of the market jumping from console to PC grows each year as the console grows older.
A console maker can avoid this by creating a premium option.
It is thus clear that the PS5 Pro is not meant as a mass market product.
Rather, it is targeted at a small minority of console gamers that can afford to jump to the high-end PC market.
It is certainly more profitable to sell regular PS5's to everybody else.
And they will line up for the 5090. And the Pro will sell well.
People are really just salty they can't afford it lol
I think posters likeOP: People seem to forget that the Pro is premium product
OT: People seem to forget that a lot of the critics on here buy GPUs for 2,000.00 USD
Doesn't stop ppl from paying for them eitherApple products are "premium" too. Doesn't stop them from being hideously overpriced.
People tend to forget that PS4 pro was half the price of Ps5 pro and it was a premium product too, Sony is just milking as much as (they think) can.Console generations typically last 6-7 years.
As they go on, the processing power gap between the PCs and consoles grow larger and larger.
The likelihood of parts of the market jumping from console to PC grows each year as the console grows older.
A console maker can avoid this by creating a premium option.
It is thus clear that the PS5 Pro is not meant as a mass market product.
Rather, it is targeted at a small minority of console gamers that can afford to jump to the high-end PC market.
It is certainly more profitable to sell regular PS5's to everybody else.
120 euros for a cheap plasticky, noisy external disc reader is not much.Neither the drive nor the stand cost them much. If the pro is a premium product they should have included both and most people wouldn’t be complaining.
It was a stupid decision.
In no way shape or form I will buy a digital only console that condemns me in to perpetuity to the abusive scam levels of the PSN store front game prices.You don't NEED the disc drive. It's there as an option.
I just wanted to say that 4090 owners like me have never excused its price because it's a premium product. We pretty much all agree that in general the price is kinda ridiculous for a GPU (just to play videogames).Same excuse Apple buyers and RTX 4090 buyers give. Just because a product is Premium doesnt mean it should be sold at that price tag.
Rdr2 framerate was also not stable at all and crawled into a ball when fire or explosions were on screen, saint denis was alsopretty choppy at times, now imagine a game with numerous cars that can explode, rocket launchers and granades...good luck maintaining a stable framerate with that ancient cpu during chaotic moments, let alone 60 stable (everyone can do a shitty perf mode that go from 30 to 60 all the time, i would not call that an achievement, a perf mode should be locked 95% of times)I trust Rockstar in that department look what they did achieve with RDR 2 on the Ps4 its literally a technical marvel. They have the best programmers in the industry and the best part is they give theirs devs the time and budget they need. thats why it takes them so long to release a game. Good in this case Gta v online success plays a role too so we the conumers are at fault because they bought shark cards like nothing. but mabye they used that time just fine and the billions they earned with it.
RDR 2 is still the one of the best looking games and best optimized on the market. they also future proof their games with ridiculously Ultra Settings like it should be on Pc. But it scales wonderfully down no isse playing that with a Rx 470 from 2016 on 1080p and its still very demanding on 4k on a 4090 maxed but its beautiful.![]()
For them. I wasn’t talking about the sale price but meant the production costs.120 euros for a cheap plasticky, noisy external disc reader is not much.
My bad, sorry.For them. I wasn’t talking about the sale price but meant the production costs.
Sony cheaped out by not including them.
Same here. One reason why I switched to vertical. It seems the system is designed for vertical, which make the lack of included stand even more egregious.2) the old stand has problems staying on correctly when used horizontally. I always dread having to reach into the back of the console and change cable set up etc
You don’t even know me. I’ve owned every single home console since Atari 2600. Go ahead, name one, I’m waiting.Okay... I have tried my best to steer clear of this very point you have made, because its ignorant best, and disingenuous at worst.
It is OBVIOUS that that presentation had games shown that were already on the market, and its perfectly natural to show things already available because those things would require patches to make them support the new hardware. There are at least 2 more shows scheduled for this year alone that we know of... you all really believe we wont get a chance to see more of what this thing can do or what is gonna support it before November?????
You all are talking as if that is all that will ever come to the PS5pro. And that is flat-out the most ignorant stance anyone can take. Obviously, every game released after September this year will support the PS5pro natively, and the PS5pro will boost every other game on the platform. Its kinda hard to take this nonsense seriously when you guys are saying shit like PS4 whatever as if you have absolutely no understanding of what is happening. This is the disingenuous part.
EVERY game released over the next 4 years... WILL support the PS5pro. The PS5Pro, will be the best console to play any of those games. These are just facts.
Now... Premium...
by definition,
a sum added to an ordinary price or charge.
"customers are reluctant to pay a premium for organic fruit"
additional payment
extra amount/charge
additional fee
- a sum added to interest or wages; a bonus.
- relating to or denoting a commodity or product of superior quality and therefore a higher price.
Now you all can stop arguing about it being a premium product or not, and start talking about whether its valuable to you or not., Now if you are saying you don't see the value in it for you... or you arent willing to part with that amount of money for it? Then by all means, knock yourself out. But you don't have to twist things around to make that point
Wtf is this nonsense?You know what PS5 model is even MORE premium?
Base one (10xx, 11xx, 12xx), you have free vertical/horizontal stand inside the box:
Build in, fixed in space and connected by atoms: Disk drive that doesn't require any internet connection. You can buy this console 20 years from now and still be able to play disc games on it completely offline!
This is the last great classical console from Sony, it's only gonna get worse in the future (already seen with the Pro)...
Wtf is this nonsense?
I tried reading it two different times and still nothing..
Are you being funny, satirical, or.. ??
Who's it for though - people with a lot of money to burn who are afraid of PCs?
I beg to differ good sir, but ain’t no one’s forgeting shit. It’s overpriced cuz arrogant Sony.
Ok, I see. My fault.It's not nonsense. Base model offers more value than Slim and Pro and it's more future proof.
You see this? Thats ignorant talk at best. To elaborate, you cant say you do not know that showing already released games on the platform when doing a tech demo, is not what to judge a platform on, especially when we have seen the PS4pro before it. We have already heard that every game released after September 2024 must have built in support for the PS5pro. So I don't know why you would be here talking like you expect them to be showing new games during the tech brif, when they have two other shows lined up for the month that are supposed to be game focused. Its straight-up ignorant, for you... or people that say what you have said to arrive at the conclusion you have arrived at from what little was shown.That said this hardware playing same old ps4 up Rex’s games with slightly better frames and maybe, maybe a bit more Ray tracing. We aren’t talking a bunny means a “leap” or “premium” here.
Its no offense to call an ignorant statement ignorant. That's not an attack on you or whoever you are. Its me simply calling what you said as I saw it. You shouldn't take everything someone says to you on the internet personally. If take for instance you find what I said to be obtuse, feel free to say that. I won't take offense.Calling anyone on the internet ignorant is a coward. Keep to the discussion at hand because behind the internet you hide like every coward. I didn’t attack you, just stated facts. You don’t like it because you are a fanboy (I hope your older than 13), is beyond ridiculous.
Whoever said, or expected there to be any games made exclusive to the pro.... do you really not know how this works?PS- that bs of “practicing” the same shit they’ve been pumping out has no bearing. You WILL NOT see games exclusive to this “pro”
Slightly enhanced games? Now I really do not know what you are on. The point of the Pro, as has been discussed for the past 9 months and by Cerny himself when it was unveiled... is to take what would be the quality mode on the PS5, and run the game at the framerate of the performance mode, while matching or exceeding the quality of the quality mode.You are exactly hypocrp, of course all Sonys games will be on ps5 pro, but is it 700 dollars worth when all we get is (slightly) enhanced games?
Its unfortunate that you seem to think someone disagreeing with your opinion means they aren't considering it. Ah well..I understood the pro and the one x, I felt those should have been launch consoles but bought em anyway. It’s your money ignorant, not considering anyone else’s opinion here. That’s the definition of ignorance.
People who game on consoles and want this best experience they can buy. Nothing wrong with that. I game on console and PC. At this point, I'm leaning towards buying Pro. Still need to see more though.
Not really. This is being sold for profit. Console gamers are just conditioned to having their hardware subsidized. This obviously is not. If Sony wasn't making a profit on this then they simply wouldn't offer it But if Xbox were a viable competitor, the price would probably be lower so.....blame Phil Spencer.![]()
You know what PS5 model is even MORE premium?
Base one (10xx, 11xx, 12xx), you have free vertical/horizontal stand inside the box:
Build in, fixed in space and connected by atoms: Disk drive that doesn't require any internet connection. You can buy this console 20 years from now and still be able to play disc games on it completely offline!
This is the last great classical console from Sony, it's only gonna get worse in the future (already seen with the Pro)...
I'm gonna keep my day one ps5 and the last one before the slim. They're hideous but much better than what came after.
Even when I buy the Pro, I'm not selling my older systems, fuck do I look like? lol
(I might give em to family though)
I might get a Pro this fall or next year and then buy another for my older sister when GTA6 releases as she is a massive GTA fan (she literally beats those games faster then me O_O ) So I'll have an vanilla PS5 and a PS5 Slim to move around the house, not sure what I'll do with em next year, but likely will be gifts to other family members.
I'm hoping sony gets a wake up call and I can pick up a limited edition with disk drive for cheaper in a year or so.
I dunno. I'm not getting it at launch which is a wild thing for me. First console I will miss out day one on for years.
Once again arranging an and ignorance. If they’ve showed “enhanced” games already released that’s exactly what the ps4 pro did. It was justified then because 4k tbs became more prevalent and Sony and MS answered with “pros”. Even at that, its was the same fucking games not even native 4k, but “checkerboarding”.You see this? Thats ignorant talk at best. To elaborate, you cant say you do not know that showing already released games on the platform when doing a tech demo, is not what to judge a platform on, especially when we have seen the PS4pro before it. We have already heard that every game released after September 2024 must have built in support for the PS5pro. So I don't know why you would be here talking like you expect them to be showing new games during the tech brif, when they have two other shows lined up for the month that are supposed to be game focused. Its straight-up ignorant, for you... or people that say what you have said to arrive at the conclusion you have arrived at from what little was shown.
it could be disingenuous if it happens that what you said isn't ignorant arent ignorant, which makes it worse cause it would mean you know what you are doing.
Its no offense to call an ignorant statement ignorant. That's not an attack on you or whoever you are. Its me simply calling what you said as I saw it. You shouldn't take everything someone says to you on the internet personally. If take for instance you find what I said to be obtuse, feel free to say that. I won't take offense.
And again,at NO point did I call YOU ignorant, I called your statement/point/points like those, cause you arent the only one that has said stuff like that.... ignorant or disingenuous. Please, read carefully.
Whoever said, or expected there to be any games made exclusive to the pro.... do you really not know how this works?
Slightly enhanced games? Now I really do not know what you are on. The point of the Pro, as has been discussed for the past 9 months and by Cerny himself when it was unveiled... is to take what would be the quality mode on the PS5, and run the game at the framerate of the performance mode, while matching or exceeding the quality of the quality mode.
That is what the machine is designed to do, that is what any one of us who has been tracking its development over the last year hoped and expected it to do.... and guess what, that is what it has been shown to do.
Again, to take what was the quality mode running at 30fps, and run that at 60fps with equal or better IQ. If you were expecting anything else... well.. don't want to call you any more names because you are sensitive.
Its unfortunate that you seem to think someone disagreeing with your opinion means they aren't considering it. Ah well..
The main issue is the price, if the price was 399.99$ everyone would be jumping in happiness.Seems to be so many spin off threads about the pro and it's issues. Might be nice to have a thread dedicated to those who are buying with useful info as it emerges. Bit tired of reading so much doom and gloom when I for one am really looking forward.
the main issue is sony taking every opportunity to shake its fans upside-down and grab any cash that falls out.The main issue is the price, if the price was 399.99$ everyone would be jumping in happiness.
The main issue is the price, if the price was 399.99$ everyone would be jumping in happiness.
Yeah I don't doubt that. However there are those like me that despite the price are really looking forward so might be good to have somewhere to collate all the good info as it emerges. I am not overly happy with the price but already ordered the drive and awaiting preorder.The main issue is the price, if the price was 399.99$ everyone would be jumping in happiness.
Most ppl arent too smart, news at elevenDoesn't stop ppl from paying for them either
The pricing polls expectations and even watching some YT talk price, there's a general consensus that if it was $600 digital, or $700 tops (with drive and stand), that seems like an agreeable price. And that's even more than PS5 now which is $500. So people were expecting a price increase. I even chose $600 digital and $650-700 all in seemed ok.No Lie, if it was 599 - even 649 with the drive and stand Id be in day one. The pricing is just rubbing me completely the wrong way. Still feeling the FOMO though. I love buying new hardware but this one is a gut punch!
Errrr... I think you are missing the point. But ok.Once again arranging an and ignorance. If they’ve showed “enhanced” games already released that’s exactly what the ps4 pro did. It was justified then because 4k tbs became more prevalent and Sony and MS answered with “pros”. Even at that, its was the same fucking games not even native 4k, but “checkerboarding”.
Fanboy drivel? How about this... if you want to be anal about it. You said "improvements" right?I take no offense to your “words” because I’m from a different era. Your words don’t affect me in any way. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of you saying they showed tech demos of already released games. Then pointed out those “improvements” in practicality, won’t be worth 700 playing on your display. Sony proved that with ps4 pro. Same games, minor upgrades. I have history to back my statement. What do you have? Your fanboy drivel?
You see???????!!! You are tempting me to start saying things that your sensitive self will take as name-calling again lol.Will there be exclusive games to the ps5 pro? You already know the answer.
Lol... I called what you said ignorant. Your statement. If you cant handle discourse like that, then you needn't be on a forum. Relax.... and I will enjoy my Pro thank you... I am getting it for all of only $400 after all.PS Junior, you haven’t spent the time or money or investment of my lifetime to tell me “how this works”, they’ve already shown us. And the fact you think your words or any words offends a mf’er like me you got it totally twisted. I grew up where words meant, and mean NOTHING, especially from a random know it all on the internet. Enjoy your pro. And I really do hope you get your moneys worth.
All of their products are premium apparently.Sony has been constantly raising the price on everything.![]()
You aren’t even worth the time or energy to explain “minor” upgrades, AND needed a bootleg separate Disc drive.Errrr... I think you are missing the point. But ok.
Fanboy drivel? How about this... if you want to be anal about it. You said "improvements" right?
So we can at least agree that the PS5pro is improving on something? Wahst that thing if I may ask? a PS5?
Ok, so in that case, you are not paying $700 for improvements, you are paying $250 on top the asking price of a standard PS5 digital SKU, for the improvements. If you don't want those improvements, then you just buy the base PS5.
See how that works?
So your argument, is basically that $250 more than a PS5 digital SKU, is not worth being able to play base PS5 fidelity mode games running at 30fps, at double the framerate while looking better than said fidelity mode? Its not worth the extra 1Tb of storage space? Because that is what you are really saying here.
You cant be shouting $700 from the rooftops and at the same time acknowledging an improvement from something. If you want to quantify said improvement, what you need to do is compare that $700 to whatever the cost of what its improving on.
But what do I know.. I am a fanboy.
You see???????!!! You are tempting me to start saying things that your sensitive self will take as name-calling again lol.
Whoever said... or even expected there to be exclusive games to the PS5pro?
Lol... I called what you said ignorant. Your statement. If you cant handle discourse like that, then you needn't be on a forum. Relax.... and I will enjoy my Pro thank you... I am getting it for all of only $400 after all.
Ok I am a doctor... how is that... you fucking moron. And how old do you even think I am?You aren’t even worth the time or energy to explain “minor” upgrades, AND needed a bootleg separate Disc drive.
As for the rest, reading and comprehension. Cant handle discourse? I’m a 9/11 FDNY first responder. I’ve actually saved lives . What are you doing with your life you are on here making “ignorant” statements? Go outside, get some fresh air, enjoy a walk. You have way too much time arguing over what everyone else sees, a 700 dollar minor upgrade when we are still playing PS4 era games. We are done with this conversation. Have a blessed day.