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People seem to forget that the Pro is premium product


Gold Member
GTA VI gets brought up a lot when talking about the Pro and I just wonder how that little guy is going to handle big pedestrian crowds.
That CPU may cry like a little baby

If only someone else was able to build a box in time that could have a much newer CPU albeit for a price

Suspicious Will Smith GIF

PS3 is NOT Premium, because it was sold at a massive loss to the player's benefit. You got the opposite of Premium, a really powerful device for way too cheap, with its weakness being too alien to make normal games on.

No, you have to understand from a customer perspective, it played ps2 games, ps1 games, and bluray player

Technical difficulties of making games for it has nothing to do with value
Tf are you taking about
You are claiming a premium product implied value for money by throwing extras to make the price tag appear worth it. That is NOT what premium means. Just as Apple products demand premium pricing but never actually offer superior hardware. Being premium, almost by definition, implies overpricing.
No, you have to understand from a customer perspective, it played ps2 games, ps1 games, and bluray player

Technical difficulties of making games for it has nothing to do with value
PS3 Original literally had a mini-PS2 stuck inside it. They had to take it out to make later PS3 cheaper. They subsidized that and thus YOU benefited by paying way less. Thus not Premium because you never paid for the true cost at ANY point.
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Reverse groomer.
PS4 (2013): €399
PS4 Pro (2016): €399
PS5 Digital (2020):€399
PS5 Pro (2024): €799

Someone help me budget this my family is starving
2016: 400 bucks gets you more power than the 400 bucks you paid last time!

2024. 400 bucks doesn't even get you a PS5 anymore.
Someone brought up the comparison with Neo-Geo. Let's compare standard versus premium.

See the difference?



Neo geo came out in 1990, after the release of the Genesis and not that long before the SNES. Graphics like these were coming to the masses with or without you spending 700 bucks
2016: 400 bucks gets you more power than the 400 bucks you paid last time!

2024. 400 bucks doesn't even get you a PS5 anymore.

Neo geo came out in 1990, after the release of the Genesis and not that long before the SNES. Graphics like these were coming to the masses with or without you spending 700 bucks
I remember that using some certain power metric, the PS2 is technically 200 times stronger than PS1. So big power increases are just not cheap anymore.


Imagine buying a car.

The base model is priced at X. The deluxe model has a better engine and has a few extra option packages added on.

This car is a bit better but costs let’s say 50% more already. but if you add in an another option pack that this deluxe model some reason excludes it is now almost double.
... I dont know what you are trying to do here with this allegory

Let me make some changes: this deluxe car costs more like double the price of the original car on Europe, and almost double on the US, not 50%

It doesnt come with air conditioning (it does on the base model tho), and you have to pay more than 10% of the car's price to install it

Yeah, still a shitty deal when changing it to cars


That CPU may cry like a little baby
I trust Rockstar in that department look what they did achieve with RDR 2 on the Ps4 its literally a technical marvel. They have the best programmers in the industry and the best part is they give theirs devs the time and budget they need. thats why it takes them so long to release a game. Good in this case Gta v online success plays a role too so we the conumers are at fault because they bought shark cards like nothing. but mabye they used that time just fine and the billions they earned with it.

RDR 2 is still the one of the best looking games and best optimized on the market. they also future proof their games with ridiculously Ultra Settings like it should be on Pc. But it scales wonderfully down no isse playing that with a Rx 470 from 2016 on 1080p and its still very demanding on 4k on a 4090 maxed but its beautiful. :)
This isn't inflation this is corporate greed
No it's not and you'd know that if you actually read through Sony's financial statements. Their margins are razor thin on hardware and with tsmc's aggressive wafer pricing, this isn't a surprise. It's always interesting how people who know absolutely nothing about the unit pricing make brash claims.
The only thing I'd add is you're not jumping into the high end PC market for $700. Medium end maybe.
Low end. Medium end is RTX 4070 level and that GPU starts at $520 for the cheapest one. The 4060 and 4060ti are low end cards. If you're buying on pc, you're not buying AMD.
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No it's not and you'd know that if you actually read through Sony's financial statements. Their margins are razor thin on hardware and with tsmc's aggressive wafer pricing, this isn't a surprise. It's always interesting how people who know absolutely nothing about the unit pricing make brash claims.

Low end. Medium end is RTX 4070 level and that GPU starts at $520 for the cheapest one. The 4060 and 4060ti are low end cards. If you're buying on pc, you're not buying AMD.
Yeah there's a reason Nvidia became the richest company on the planet. Our pc bros were buying those expensive Nvidia card.


Gold Member
Being premium doesn’t mean it’s worth it.

If premium was the best thing ever and worth every dime, then next time any of you buy a car or a brand new house built from the ground up, tell the salesman you want every option included, including rust proofing and an extra 5 year warranty.
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The price of the PS4 Pro was the same as the PS4 base launch price. And it came with a disc drive.
We also didn't have the worst inflation in history. The base ps4 got a price drop, the ps5 had to get a price increase as TSMC is a monopoly on the chips and raise their prices as everyone is getting chips from them. Intel was supposed to start fabbing but doesn't look like that has panned out to well. We need more chip makers stat! Now for the disc drive yeah that is pure greed right there. They knew they could get away with it.
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I remember spending $1000 on an Amp, $2200 on a tv. $1800 on a phone..
But this is what people go crazy on?
Honestly, i dont get it.

I think that video from cerny did a poor job of what this machine will offer. DF were right. Get the feeling some minds will change when we get to see proper comparisons.
Do you make 6+ figures or live with folks? Try buying that stuff making 42k a year and having a wife and a mortgage, car, food and utilities. It won't happen. (yeah my wife works too but we are still just making it at 75kish joint salary) I play guitar as a hobby, my amp 50w fender 299(399 with pedal) on sale. I bought a graphics card I got a 3060ti for $350 from evga step up (before they went out of business, had to wait a year for it), I got a tv I bought in 2013 a 1080p 60" that I still rock to this day. What phone is 1800? I have top of the line s24 ultra and it was $1299 with a $1000 trade in credit and a monthly payment of $8/month for 3 years.

I could of went cheaper on the amp, or if I was in a band got a expensive tube amp (you can thank Russian sanctions on the price of these as they are the last place to really make vacuum tubes). I could get a newer tv, but why when what I have is still working fine. I could get a more expensive gpu for a few frames, but to play what, pc single player games are mostly indies and don't need that much power.

PS5 pro isn't for me, I don't need it or want it. I do fear the cost of the next gen ps6 though. I already own a ps5 and it is perfectly fine. Could I throw down for a ps5 pro, sure, I could also go buy a fender or gibson guitar for $1k+ but won't. There are priorities like making sure we have a nest egg in times of emergency.

There won't be many minds changed with comparisons. Why its all not needed. The jump isn't there. This isn't like going from sd to hd. It's not like going from wii to wii-u, or from ps1 to ps2 or ps2 to ps3. The jump isn't there. Also we don't have the games. They are few and far between. People won't upgrade for woke gaas. (well men in boxes probably will)
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I remember spending $1000 on an Amp, $2200 on a tv. $1800 on a phone..
But this is what people go crazy on?
Honestly, i dont get it.

I think that video from cerny did a poor job of what this machine will offer. DF were right. Get the feeling some minds will change when we get to see proper comparisons.
Even an iPhone Pro Max is on the 1100-1300 range. And you can do 50x more stuff (work, life, travel, lifestyle) on an iPhone than a damned console.


And again, the problem is not really the price. Windows Handhelds go for 700-800 and theyve been selling. The problem is that the performance increase for the price is absolutely terrible. Will gladly pay 1000+ USD for a console that can do locked 4k120 gaming
Why do you guys have to do this... ok how about this. It may be $700 for some, but those people could just as easily buy the base PS5 if they don't already own one.

But if they own one, like me... It could be as little as $300/$400 for them. How? You can (like me) sell your PS5 for $400 and then add $300 on top that to buy the Pro.

The point is, there are multiple ways to look at this, you all need to stop generalizing based on the absolute worst possible situation.

I don't need a disc drive, and I don't even need a vertical stand, I am fine with the plastic stand that comes in the box for horizontal placement. And I am sure there are more people like me out there.

You talk as if everyone wants a disc drive, a stand... and doesn't have a PS5 already that they could always trade in.

haha I didn't even know there was a stand for laying it down horizontal. Why? I've been placing my down horizontal since day 1 never had issues and I've never used any stand.


Thats the problem! theres nothing "premium" about the PS5 Pro
Sony followed the same cost effective design philosophy as they did with the PS4 Pro to target a lower price point ($399) while providing a good bump in performance for the money.

Had Sony designed a premium console like MS did with the One X people wouldn't complain about paying $100 or even $200 over PS5 launch price but instead they made a cheap console at a premium price
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I think we’re all drastically underestimating the cost of those racing stripes on the side of the premium console.

The lines are equal to the number of lines the marketing guys at Sony were doing when pricing it.


haha I didn't even know there was a stand for laying it down horizontal. Why? I've been placing my down horizontal since day 1 never had issues and I've never used any stand.
With the OG PS5, it came with a plastic stand that you could use for vertical and horizontal placement.

With the PS5slim, it came with two plastic peg-like feet things that slot into the speed stripe on the middle of the device, that allowed you to place it horizontally (steadily). You can stand it vertically without a stand though.


The PS5 pro price is set like this for 2 purposes only:

1 - See ( and study ) how much they can pull out of customers before they reduce the price by a 100$ or 50 $ same time next year
2 - prepare the clients for a 700 and 800$ version of the PS6 while the base one around 600$.

That’s it. Nothing in that box is worth close to 700$.

But knowing you, you already know this :)

Even MS is watching this and doing their own thing with that retarded Xbox series X 2tb for 600$. Just push to the limit and see what can they get away with.
Exactly this... I have been saying this since it was announced. The PS5po, is Sony's PlayStation Halo product. It will be sold at this price because Sony wants to see what they can get away with. How far they can really push people. The only way this is possible is because they have a base PS5 that this Pro SKU Halos' over.

They are selling this not just without subsidies, but with a markup of probably between 10-15%. Selling at a profit. Its extremely likely that this will get a price drop to $600 around this time next year. We are all used to seeing Sony take a hit on hardware, but this is what a Playstation without subsidies looks like.

And this is right off a page from Apple, Nvidia, and even Nintendo. They will sell it at this price to all they can, and when sales slow, they drop the price and sell top some more people...rinse and repeat. This gen probably ends with the PS5 Pro being $500.

The real kicker here though, and what I think people are missing, is that this means that the PS6 likely starts at $600 minimum and may even be as high as $700. Personally, I don't mind that, because at least I hope that gives them the room to make it something truly special.

Premium product that basically mandates anyone who bought the more expensive PS5 at launch to play disc games to now have to buy the addon on top. It's so fucking stupid.
I have realized that GAF doesn't know what it means to be a "premium product".
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Neo Member
I agree. I'm a NASA engineer posting from Mars. The odds of me getting a PS5 have been slim. Mars is a premium place and the PS5 definitely fits in.


Sony have been trying to become the next Apple for a while, this is the first big stride.
They are trying but people pay high prices for Apple’s products because they are quality.

Sony can’t ship consoles made from cheap feeling creaky plastic, which get audibly loud with fan noise and coil whine, paired with controllers that develop stick drift easily and have fragile triggers, in packaging in cheap packaging and expect people to view them as Apple-esque.

They are heading for a crash IMO. There’s a reason 50% of their players are still on PS4.
All of this, people seem to legit feel they will be left behind

I don't blame anyone for sticking with the PS5 and I think its silly people calling others names who are going to buy the Pro

Is it really surprising base PS5 owners will feel left behind? Look at how games ran on base PS4 after the Pro launched. God of War nearly killed that little system, and games that released after the Pro were clearly designed with it in mind. Base PS4 was an afterthought that often dealt with performance issues that were corrected by the Pro and later PS5. Considering how we've barely seen any output from Sony so far this generation, how can you blame them for being negative?

I'd like to add that publisher behavior is going to contribute to this as well. Why bother polishing and optimizing a base PS5 game? That costs lot of extra money, just throw more hardware at it and let the userbase deal with the issues. The industry has been hurt by layoffs and downscoping over the last couple years, I don't see how dev teams will justify the extra time and money to make base PS5 versions run any better than bare minimum.


For a premium product, it sure doesn't feel like it when you need to buy separate assessories in order to make it better than the base PS5 unit.

Kinda feels like Xbox 360 Arcade.


posts news as their odd job
Is it really surprising base PS5 owners will feel left behind? Look at how games ran on base PS4 after the Pro launched. God of War nearly killed that little system, and games that released after the Pro were clearly designed with it in mind. Base PS4 was an afterthought that often dealt with performance issues that were corrected by the Pro and later PS5. Considering how we've barely seen any output from Sony so far this generation, how can you blame them for being negative?

The idea that the developers were neglecting the console with 100M+ install base vs the console with what ~15M install base is definitely a take....

Maybe games just ran worse on base PS4 compared to PS4 Pro because...shocker...it was weaker hardware? lol


Golden Boy
Neither the drive nor the stand cost them much. If the pro is a premium product they should have included both and most people wouldn’t be complaining.
It was a stupid decision.


I remember spending $1000 on an Amp, $2200 on a tv. $1800 on a phone..
But this is what people go crazy on?
Honestly, i dont get it.

I think that video from cerny did a poor job of what this machine will offer. DF were right. Get the feeling some minds will change when we get to see proper comparisons.

What exactly is going to change minds? They already told us what it offers, it's "almost" fidelity mode at 60fps, which suggests a slight downgrade from the true fidelity mode if anything. You're paying $800 plus tax to play at medium mixture "console settings" at 60fps with better upscaling. Are you implying there's a second GPU hidden in the power supply or something that's going to change people's minds?
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