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Person of Interest – Season 4 |OT| Gods Will Be Watching – Tuesdays 10/9c

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I just watched episode 11. I am catching up POIGAF.


I am still not reading this thread at all. I will read all this thread later.

I love you all.

We love you too

They do have a synopsis for the next episode (March 10th)


Reese and Finch try to protect a psychologist whose unorthodox methods for helping his patients find closure could cost him dearly. Meanwhile, flashbacks reveal Finch's fragile state in the days following the bombing that killed his best friend, Nathan Ingram.


Damn. This is gonna be good. But haven't we already explored that aspect of
Finch's life? Though, we caught him immediately after the bombing and when he was running Mr Dillinger.


Damn. This is gonna be good. But haven't we already explored that aspect of
Finch's life? Though, we caught him immediately after the bombing and when he was running Mr Dillinger.
Well, there is still space inbetween. He probably started alone and tried less violent approaches, but ultimately failed due his condition and the fact that he isn't a trained fighter or particulary physicaly strong even without it. It probably ends with him hiring Dillinger.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Just thinking on how it might connect with his current state. Got to figure it was a low point in his life, post Nathan, trying to figure out how to start this journey.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
The title for the season finale is out:


potentially means "Yahweh" which I believe is another name for God. This after other season ending episodes like Deus Ex Machina and God Mode, makes for crazy possibilities. Or it might just be an acronym that no one knows about yet.

Also a Synopsis/Cast List for the March 24th episode (next episode after tonight, which means another 2 week break)


“Skip” – Reese must protect a bounty hunter who refuses to let the potential threat to her life deter her from the relentless pursuit of her target. Also, Finch tries to set the plan he began in Shanghai in motion.


Jessica Hecht (Beth Bridges)
Wrenn Schmidt (Iris)
Annie Ilonzeh (Harper Rose)

Beth was the lady in Shanghai, and I think Harper Rose was the grifter/thief who might have teamed up with Dominic.

Sneak Peak at tonight's episode. - this is a doozy.


New episode tonight!


Reese and Finch try to protect a psychologist whose unorthodox methods for helping his patients find closure could cost him dearly. Meanwhile, flashbacks reveal Finch's fragile state in the days following the bombing that killed his best friend, Nathan Ingram.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
These two weeks have been tough. Although I've waited 4 weeks to continue the Samaritan storyline.


We had that religious vocabular since season 2 when Root started to referring to Northern Lights as god. We have "godmode" and prophets. Pretgy sure it means what it means and refers to the jewish god of the old testament.

You are being watched. God sees you masturbate. Every hour of every day. I know, bevause I'm the pope.


Episode wasn't really what I was expecting it to be. Just sort of focusing on the characters themselves more than the plot.

I think John is making progress though, that is the first time he has mentioned Jessica to anyone in a longgggg time.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I liked the episode, though it didn't move the overarching plot forward, it was another nice character study with alot of John and Finch.

I also liked the puzzling ending, where we'll now wonder if it'll get brought back up again or not.
Goddam. Wrenn Schmidt just has a masterful screen presence for someone her age. It just can't be taught. I loved the perp's schemes throughout the episode.


Subete no aware
I feel like this has been the first morally ambiguous episode in a while. Although I'm not sure how I feel about episode of the week episodes at this point in the game.


Interesting episode, very intriguing., but I agree with firehawk12. it feels weird in the concept of the season. The series felt at the point of no return with all this Samaritan and Dominic plots that followed each other.

But I do liked that we never knew if Morris did something.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
That tease, I thought we were actuallly going to know if he did it.

Loved the episode, as terrible as it sounds I loved the detective work they had to do in S1. But they really have got to go back to Samaritan and the Dominic plot now. We're 4 episodes away from the season finale!

News Bot

So that's why Alicia Corwin was so freaked out throughout S1? It makes her "Harold...?" realization even better. She didn't know his name, but she realized while talking to Ingram's son that he was close to Ingram, and thus quite possibly the person who threatened her. The writing in this show is fucking stellar, even the retroactive stuff.

The fact that Iris is addressed with no surname in the press releases and happens to be named after a Greek goddess is giving me bad vibes of Decima, harkening back to Greer's words about the world having a pantheon not unlike Greek and Roman mythology.


Would be interesting, but Decima is the roman name and Iris would be a greek name. Greer said roman and greek, but that would be super inconsistent. Plus, not a single Decima agent was named after a the pantheon. Only Vigilance had this thing for thematic naming and it was part of their identity to do so. Greer is very down to earth, he doesn't need to give playful clues.

But yeah, Corwin's behaviour is even better to understand.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Well, we all know Romans dominated the Greeks, so...

Anyway, I wonder if Finch was at least a bit sorry for making her paranoid for what remained of her life. Or he could have extended it a bit, Special Counsel probably would have gotten her killed eventually.


I really hated last night's episode and felt it was nothing but pure filler. This type of episode would have been more appropriate early on in the first and maybe second season, not all the way near the end of the FOURTH season. What new thing did we learn? That Harold once contemplated revenge? Shocking, especially since we know that he didn't go through with it. All of a sudden they have this ethical debate about whether it's okay to just let revenge take its course and Reese in particular is all fine with it. WHAT?!

Did we not have like three seasons past where they decided they weren't Gods of Justice, saving who they felt deserved it and leaving the rest to die? Didn't Reese kinda go on a huge bender after murdering in cold blood his ex-girlfriend's abusive husband? This moral dilemma just had no place in this season and just made every character except Finch regress to an earlier state to fill up an episode before the end game.


Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
To be quite honest, this is the second time John encounters another probable killer who killed someone who was loved. We know he didn't kill Jessica's murderer, and he still got that other abuser in jail back in S1, and while they did deserve it, he never once thought revenge was wrong in that case, since he was sure they were guilty. So he never had to question himself on it. And we had never seen Fusco's viewpoint on preventing someone from killing another probably guilty person (I think).

But could they know in this case? John was almost positive that the guy was the killer, but Finch's experience taught him that taking revenge on someone who you think is the most responsible could be wrong, as he was with Alicia Corwin, which made him doubt of the man's verdict. This in turn made John think of his own actions: did he face grief at all? Or did he just take justice on his own and try to forget it ever happened? When Finch confronted him with this, he realized he had never really done the entire grieving process of Jessica's death, Carter's (as was seen in the Devil's Share) and Shaw's disappearance.

In conclusion, I wouldn't say it was a regression of their characters, but rather a bit of a closure on something that motivated the characters to be back when the series started, but we hadn't really see until now. I know that it would be awesome to have every single episode to be as awesome as Season 3's, but they started ramping up with the last 3 or 4 episodes. These are fine too, they can't really forget what they started for, and not every number is a "save him/her to save humanity from Samaritan" case.


I really liked this episode. It was a great character episode and really delved into the lives of both Reese and Finch.

It was great to see that Finch himself at one point really did want to kill someone, and it was a great way to bring back Alicia Corwyn. His actions really make her character back in S1 make sense with her paranoia and how freaked out she constantly way. Ironic that for all her worry about her own people killing her, it was a random no name girl called Root who put her down. She didn't even see it coming.

Of course the POI paralleled both Reese and Finch. Finch with his actions against Corwyn for the death of Ingram and Reese with his actions against HR's Anthony Quinn for the death of Carter, whom he really would have killed had his gun not jammed. But the twist here, which was tied with Finch's past, was that no one knew for sure if the killer really was the killer. Corwyn claimed she didn't know, and we the viewers know that that was probably the truth having witnessed Control give the order to Hersch (over the objections of the Special Counsel) to kill Ingram. And here we find out that the killer Morse may not be the killer with circumstantial evidence, his word, and no witnesses. So having the POI be someone who would go to the lengths of committing suicide to get revenge was a nice touch.

The ending was also pretty good. We had John start to open up about himself which is unusual. And we had that weird thing with the "killer" Morse being targeted by the Machine and starting to delve into his past and who knows where that will lead (I can't imagine they'll ignore it).

So yeah, I definitely enjoyed this more than the last weeks even though it didn't move the overarching plot. IMO, the Samaritan storyline is getting old. Or maybe I'm just tired of seeing old man John Nolan.
I'm kinda hoping they pick up one of those old dangling plot threads of The Ghost or the Riddler dude or Logan Pierce or where the hell Leon is at or where the three hackers are or something


So yeah, I definitely enjoyed this more than the last weeks even though it didn't move the overarching plot. IMO, the Samaritan storyline is getting old. Or maybe I'm just tired of seeing old man John Nolan.

I share this sentiment, I liked this week's episode.

They have to wrap up Samaritan's story this season, or they have to shake it up considerably. I think I've enjoyed S4 the least of all of them thus far.
Yeah, it was a bit weird seeing an episode like this so close to the finale, but I gotta say, that was actually one of the most enjoyable episodes so far this season. Unlike the courthouse episode, the POI of the week here was compelling, with an interesting story that provided good opportunity for more character work and world building. This reminded me much more of S1 and was more representative of the show I remember falling in love with. I loved the flashbacks with Finch and Corwin, and the scenes with Reese and Iris continue to be a highlight (though they were good in the courthouse ep, too). Cura Te Ipsum did a better job earning its ending, I think, but I'll be damned if that sudden cut to black while the Machine was accessing the feeds didn't get a big reaction out of me.

Only five more episodes to go? I wonder if they're actually wrapping up the Samaritan storyline or if this spills over into S5. And going by the upcoming ep titles, everything sounds Samaritan related, which would appear to leave the Brotherhood and Elias storyline hanging. Will everything this season be spilling over into S5? At the outset, I had anticipated the Brotherhood being this season's Vigilance (i.e. a single season threat), but since the show has established it as a street level parallel to Decima, hmmm...


I honestly can't even imagine the main storyline without Samaritan. Getting rid of it would mean a huge shakeup, which I am totally on board for because it will probably be bat shit crazy and awesome.


Subete no aware
I honestly can't even imagine the main storyline without Samaritan. Getting rid of it would mean a huge shakeup, which I am totally on board for because it will probably be bat shit crazy and awesome.
The problem is that they went from a mundane villain in HR to a super computer. There isn't really anywhere else they can go after that.


I'm kinda hoping they pick up one of those old dangling plot threads of The Ghost or the Riddler dude or Logan Pierce or where the hell Leon is at or where the three hackers are or something
I am with you there.

There are several plot threads they can follow if they need to have filler episodes until Samaritan is back in play.

I want to see Alistair Wesley come back. I love a good cloak and dagger story and it would bring Reese back into play more prominently.

That being said, Logan Pierce is a more accurate candidate that ties better with the AI storyline.

Either way, plenty of stories left to be told on this show, at least for two more seasons.

As for where I think the storyline is going with Samaritan (speculative):

I think we are about to see what Finch was doing in Hong Kong in the next episode or two. Same writer who brought up that story line is writing the next episode.

Ultimately, I think The Machine knows (as mentioned in The Cold War) that it cannot possibly beat Samaritan alone. Based what we know the season finale title, I am going out on a limb and stating that The Machine is using the three hackers, Finch, Root and Caleb Phipps' resources to create...a new ASI.

One with the power to defeat Samaritan, but more importantly, an AI designed to act as the head of a hierarchy of AIs. Just like human beings, AIs will create their own order and social norms. I can see that AI acting as a creator and a destroyer; if its purpose is to keep AIs in line, then it must be brutal in its efficiency. Essentially, it should act like The Machine in peace times and command like Samaritan when order is disrupted. They could ride out that story line right up to the series finale (hopefully no time soon).

It is a variation of this twist I am expecting for the last five episodes.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
latest episode reminds me how stale the show was getting / would have gotten with just John and Harold. No Shaw and no Root (why no Root either, I mean we know why Shaw is gone for a bit nut i Amy Acker also busy with other stuff?) is really hurting the show imo. I mean I still enjoy it but yeah, something is deffinately missing


And we had that weird thing with the "killer" Morse being targeted by the Machine and starting to delve into his past and who knows where that will lead (I can't imagine they'll ignore it).

I thought it was just to maker it clear, that it does not matter for the episode, if he did it or not. A final beat on the theme, that you can never know, if revenge is the right way, even if you don't morally oppose it, and maybe to trigger a discussion about it.
(Also the episode showed, that even the best looking proof can be false)

So I don't expect him to be back.

I'm kinda hoping they pick up one of those old dangling plot threads of The Ghost or the Riddler dude or Logan Pierce or where the hell Leon is at or where the three hackers are or something
I am late to the series, so I do not know, who many of those people are, but I would really like to see the hackers again, because they are also kinda important to the storyline


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I honestly can't even imagine the main storyline without Samaritan. Getting rid of it would mean a huge shakeup, which I am totally on board for because it will probably be bat shit crazy and awesome.

Still, I'm ready for Decima to take that L. Things have either worked as planned for them, or at worst, a draw. Last time they lost was when Harold fooled them into unlocking The Machine.


So, stupid question time. Is this legally available on a streaming service? I really don't want to have to buy seasons of it if I'm not sure if I'm going to like it.
Xbox Video has all four seasons....but you can only purchase seasons if I recall correctly. Each episode is available for dl/stream typically the morning after it airs.


Still, I'm ready for Decima to take that L. Things have either worked as planned for them, or at worst, a draw. Last time they lost was when Harold fooled them into unlocking The Machine.

Oh me too, for sure. Mostly because like I said, I think it would have to be pretty crazy. I watch to watch what they have planned for Decimas downfall.


this is probably the worst timing for them to have these number of the week episodes especially with only five episodes left and multiple breaks after episodes have aired. makes it seem like theyre like stalling or stretching out the samaritan arc.

liked this episode a fair bit though, thought it was better than both guilty and blunt. not to mention those finch flashbacks were pretty good (machine giving him a red box!).
Well, the next episode is definitely the one we've been waiting for. Nobility already guessed it based on the writing credits.

It's the sequel to Pretenders. CBS put out the press release, which confirms it. Beth Bridges arrives in New York for the meeting with the angel investor/Decima, I guess? Either way, she's in the episode. Wonder if/how that's going to tie into the POI of the week. Here's the synopsis:

"Skip" - Reese must protect a bounty hunter who refuses to let the potential threat to her life deter her from the relentless pursuit of her target. Also, Finch tries to set the plan he began in Shanghai in motion, on PERSON OF INTEREST, Tuesday, March 24 (10:01 - 11:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
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