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Person of Interest – The Fifth and Final Season |OT| "Thank you for creating me."

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Reminder: after tonight's episode we'll be back to one episode on Tuesdays until the end.

Also, this is EPISODE 100!!! We did it!!!

"The Day The World Went Away"

Finch's cover is blown due to a fatal error, which leads to an escalating series of encounters with Samaritan's operatives.




Sober said:
FUCK just end the show, happy endings all around. Fuck everything else.

Haha that was exactly how I felt. I was almost crying at the end of this episode. That last shot of them all together under the bridge, like damn. That was my ending. I don't even want to see the remaining episodes.

Fuck the writers of this show, these last four episodes are going to hurt so much. I'm going to miss this fucking show...
THIS ..... *snif, snif* ................. FUCKING ............. SHOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Really good episode. I loved everything of it.

Even though, The Voice or whatever you want to call it would have been a pretty cool big bad a for a season. It's sad that he was killed this time, but I guess they have to tie up all loose ends.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Really think the only bit of the episode I didn't like, was that there was no realization scene from Fusco, after finding out. Maybe he'll bring it up somewhat, on tonight's episode. I'd like to know what a rough NYC Cop would say about AI Overlords watching our every move. At least say a "Sorry for all the coco puff remarks" to Root.
A plan within a plan within a plan within a plan within a plan within a plan? I think only 24's Marwan has this guy beat for convoluted plans.


Samaritan's version of Root couldn't capture her psychotic essence, that's why she failed to stop Shaw from committing suicide every time. Root has been casually putting her life on the line since her very first (physical) appearance, so her getting Shaw not to shoot herself that way was perfect.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Samaritan's version of Root couldn't capture her psychotic essence, that's why she failed to stop Shaw from committing suicide every time. Root has been casually putting her life on the line since her very first (physical) appearance, so her getting Shaw not to shoot herself that way was perfect.

Yeah. I think that's also a way for Shaw to realize "this is probably the real world".

Thanks for the HD pics, I'm changing my wallpaper.


This fucking show. That ending. Jesus.

Edit: Bonus points to this show if Trent's "The Day the World Went Away" is played during that episode.


I shot people I like more for less.
Awesome episode, probably the best of the season for me. Great pacing and tension, and I was legitimately surprised at the scene with Finch and The Voice. I was glad that they decided to bring that character/plot thread back. I suppose if we had a normal length season there would be a lot more returning threads like that, but I guess we just have to be satisfied with what we get in that regard.
Damn, I'm gonna miss this show so much once it's gone. It really is the best show on TV that no one's watches.

What other show can give the feels just by changing the colour of a surveillance box for a character :)


For those from Atlantic Canada watching before the rest of us, all I need to know is:

Does shit get real with this episode?


Thanks Poi reddit for these high res versions:

Cool, thanks for the new computer wallpaper.

The more I think about it, the more impact I feel like the result of the final encounter between Finch, Elias, and the Voice is more and more significant. It really shows to me the heavy degree of moral gray-area that Finch has fallen into, at least lately. Finch lists off this list of "charges" against the Voice, including manipulation, blackmail, extortion, murder, and tells him that he can't be permitted to continue...and proceeds to allow the Voice to be, himself, murdered, by an "ally" in Elias who as a former crime boss is guilty of exactly the same sort of charges and was at one point Finch and Reese's greatest adversary. There's a great degree of hypocrisy in how Finch is operating right now, given that he's apparently now at a point of judging people's actions and being willing or at least complicit to the most extreme of punishments. In that way, in this one scene, the actions of Finch and Elias bare a striking resemblance to the way Samaritan operates, eliminating what they view as a threat, using the most extreme of methods.

I'm not sure if it's something the writers will use as a point made in these last few episodes, but it's an intriguing one. The way Elias has changed over time interests me as well.

One thing I can't get over from the episode preview ad is the specific wording they use, talking about how it's the one hundredth episode, but "for some of them, it will be their last." It seems we're losing more than one major character this week, but they're careful not to divulge too much about who, or on which side. Team Machine isn't making it out of this without a casualty it seems, and at the moment my money for that would be on Elias. Second to that is either Root or Shaw, but probably not both. Lastly, I'm guessing they'll also off Blackwell to make a point, or the lady-boss he's been reporting to, with Blackwell becoming a more prominent final adversary in the aftermath. Plenty of options to work with on either side.
I was just thinking about this, and was that actually the first episode we had this season with a song ending? We started this thread talking about all of our favorite moments there and I just realized we hadn't been getting any this season. (The only one I can remember is No Wow at the start of the season, but that was as an opener and not a closer.) At least they made up for it with a bloody great one. I imagine we'll see a couple more at least before we're done.

Otherwise the fan service has been notably off the charts. Feels like they're trying to cram in every last idea they had for Root disguises, plus other stuff like Cowgirl Shaw, the Shoot simulations, and of course the nonstop Bear action. Reese is even getting in his cheesy one liners when he can ("I think it means crime doesn't pay" might be one of his best ever.) You can almost see how much the writers are going to miss writing characters like Root, and just the show in general.

edit -

The more I think about it, the more impact I feel like the result of the final encounter between Finch, Elias, and the Voice is more and more significant.

Yup, totally agree. That scene blew me away. That's the moment they brought Elias back for, I just know it. How amazing is it that after five fucking seasons, these two adversaries are now friends, and that relationship is what's going to push Finch to do what is necessary to stop Samaritan. We're about to see that pot boil over and goddamn is it going to get real.

One thing I can't get over from the episode preview ad is the specific wording they use, talking about how it's the one hundredth episode, but "for some of them, it will be their last."

I figured as much. I've been avoiding the previews and everything but I had a feeling they were going to start dropping bodies in the 100th episode. There are only four episodes left and this is a significant milestone in the show's history. They're going to make it count.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Cool, thanks for the new computer wallpaper.

The more I think about it, the more impact I feel like the result of the final encounter between Finch, Elias, and the Voice is more and more significant. It really shows to me the heavy degree of moral gray-area that Finch has fallen into, at least lately. Finch lists off this list of "charges" against the Voice, including manipulation, blackmail, extortion, murder, and tells him that he can't be permitted to continue...and proceeds to allow the Voice to be, himself, murdered, by an "ally" in Elias who as a former crime boss is guilty of exactly the same sort of charges and was at one point Finch and Reese's greatest adversary. There's a great degree of hypocrisy in how Finch is operating right now, given that he's apparently now at a point of judging people's actions and being willing or at least complicit to the most extreme of punishments. In that way, in this one scene, the actions of Finch and Elias bare a striking resemblance to the way Samaritan operates, eliminating what they view as a threat, using the most extreme of methods.

I'm not sure if it's something the writers will use as a point made in these last few episodes, but it's an intriguing one. The way Elias has changed over time interests me as well.

One thing I can't get over from the episode preview ad is the specific wording they use, talking about how it's the one hundredth episode, but "for some of them, it will be their last." It seems we're losing more than one major character this week, but they're careful not to divulge too much about who, or on which side. Team Machine isn't making it out of this without a casualty it seems, and at the moment my money for that would be on Elias. Second to that is either Root or Shaw, but probably not both. Lastly, I'm guessing they'll also off Blackwell to make a point, or the lady-boss he's been reporting to, with Blackwell becoming a more prominent final adversary in the aftermath. Plenty of options to work with on either side.

Could also say that Finch's statement could be retold word for word to Samaritan.


Could also say that Finch's statement could be retold word for word to Samaritan.

In a way I guess this goes back to Root's monologue to open up the season, about not even knowing what victory means in this war anymore. Ultimately, Finch's statement can apply to the Voice, to Elias, to Samaritan, to Root, even to himself and Reese and, ultimately, to the Machine. How much of a victory is it really if, to beat Samaritan, they have to delve into the same territory, and ultimately start doing some of the very things that Samaritan considers it a threat for?


"We're really sorry."

Those are the ominous words Person of Interest creator Jonathan Nolan offers to fans before the CBS drama's pivotal 100th episode airs. The hour is not only an important milestone, but it comes as the show is in its final arc of the story. (Person of Interest's series finale airs Tuesday, June 21.)


"We are just as upset as our fans will be about the way this show plays out," Nolan says. "But this is what's so funny: you make these things, and there's such a beautiful feeling when a story piece falls into place just right. You see the evolution of some of these characters has always been heading in this direction. It's such an exciting moment for where our story goes. But also tragic."

SOURCE: http://www.tvinsider.com/article/90046/person-of-interest-creator-teases-the-exciting-tragic-100th-episode-video/


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I wonder if, going by the episode premise,
that Harold's number comes up, I wonder if it'll somehow lead to knowing Harold's real name. Pretty sure they've never actually shown what his last name is. I also think the 1st sneak peak lets on what I worried about in the 2nd episode, that Harold's starting to get the very early signs of dementia/Alzheimers.

I wonder if, going by the episode premise,
that Harold's number comes up, I wonder if it'll somehow lead to knowing Harold's real name. Pretty sure they've never actually shown what his last name is. I also think the 1st sneak peak lets on what I worried about in the 2nd episode, that Harold's starting to get the very early signs of dementia/Alzheimers.

And Greg Plageman just said on twitter: "You're going to need a box of tissues and a good stiff drink."

Nah. Nope.


Fuck this show, I'm out.

I ain't watching this shit.

I'm going to ride that high from the Sotto Voce ending in perpetuity.




...Okay I have to revise my earlier prediction. We're definitely losing at least one of the main five tonight. Root or Shaw, perhaps both, and possibly Fusco as well now that he knows. Reese is the only one who really feels "safe" to me for this episode, but...man, is anybody at all going to actually make it to the end of the final episode at this rate?
Sölf;205150517 said:
Really good episode. I loved everything of it.

Even though, The Voice or whatever you want to call it would have been a pretty cool big bad a for a season. It's sad that he was killed this time, but I guess they have to tie up all loose ends.

I think that was definitely a casualty of the shortened episode order and finale ramp-up. Glad they managed to wrap it up and yet still have this be tied to the greater season at large for the finale.


For those from Atlantic Canada watching before the rest of us, all I need to know is:

Does shit get real with this episode?

Yes so far.

If you want more here's a tease in spoilers. Beware.

One death so far.

More spoilers

I know people got to die but I wasn't ready. Fuck

Fuck nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Episode 10 impressions. Spoilers beware. Don't read. Be warned.

Shit is real. I'm still reeling. I know it not going to be a happy ending and no matter what happens till the finale it will be one of my favourite shows. Just can't believe character is gone. Was hoping character would survive but guess some got to go.

Perhaps character is alive but being in the morgue I'm sure there no fake out.

Fuck this bullshit. Haha great episode but just so upset.

Can't wait for America to watch.


Can't believe no discussion about today's episode on Reddit or neogaf from Canadians. I must be the only person who watched the episode. No wonder show is cancelled :(


Also, below is a spoiler. I'm not giving away a ton but anyone who watches the show I mention below will know the reference and hence spoil tonight or give a hint. Be warned.

I wonder if there be outrage about this episode based on what happened on the 100


Reminder: after tonight's episode we'll be back to one episode on Tuesdays until the end.

Also, this is EPISODE 100!!! We did it!!!

Does this mean there are 2 episodes tonight and then next teusday only one or does that mean there is only one tonight?
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