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Persona 4 |OT|

But yeah, I like how the characters in P4 didn't all just have parental issues.

Seriously. Port Island has some shitty parenting standards.
Jerk 2.0 said:

You paint a very interesting picture of Persona 3; I really cannot wait to play it!

Oh, you must. Just don't get turned off by very little happening in the main plot for a while.

Also, it's kind of a tough, grindy game, though fair. The whole fog thing in Persona 4 didn't feel very fair... but I've learned my lesson.


RedRedSuit said:
Oh, you must. Just don't get turned off by very little happening in the main plot for a while.

Also, it's kind of a tough, grindy game, though fair. The whole fog thing in Persona 4 didn't feel very fair... but I've learned my lesson.

You had me until this part.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I AM JOHN! said:
Persona 3. Also known as "Fuck You Dad: The Videogame."

Doesn't everyone have Daddy Issues, though? I mean Seta's parents practically throw him at his
dead aunt
's family and goes "LOL SEE YOU IN A YEAR!"

The whole fog thing in Persona 4 didn't feel very fair...

I slightly agree, but I understand why it's there. The forcing you to save someone (instead of going "WHOOPS you screwed up, enjoy your consequences!") is the thing that doesn't really feel "fair" to me. It's not punishing me for screwing up, why?

I think having
die would have made the game a lot more fun/better to me. Having the characters be depressed (but more determined to find the killer) + effecting other characters/community that knows the people would have been a fun idea to play with. But I'm weird, I want a depressing Persona 4. Not "Everyday is great at your Junes~ o/` ^_^" Persona 4. ;/

Red Scarlet

TheSeks said:
I prefer Persona 3's depressing tone to Persona 4's cheery tone, yes.

And the Answer isn't bad. Just grind, which most people hate but I enjoyed because I don't have to focus on S. Links to make better Personae.

Too bad I can't care. Her personality annoys the hell out of me.

My party has mostly been me (multitude of high level Personas with mainline Mara), Kanji (only because he's ga--oh, wait. Because Atlus/game developers can't make Gay characters for their lives. :(), Teddie (just to try out) and Yosuke (only because his Persona evolved and I didn't mind his S. Link).

One thing that annoys me about Persona 4 is the weakness/analyzing system. At least in Persona 3 it was "have everyone go on stand by two turns, reset them to 'knock down' win game." Here you have to direct command them as (so far 3-5 months into the game) there is "knock down" team command to where I can get them to try to use their elements to knock down the enemy to all-out attack. :|

But what about Rise? WHAT ABOUT RISE


P3 = P4 in my opinion. Both had great flaws and great advantages when compared to one another. Either way, both are still up there with some of the greatest RPGs I've played. I felt that P3's story lacked depth, although it was darker. P4 was the antithesis of this. However, I felt P4 was only difficult early on, and then it became easier, while I felt P3 maintained a higher level of difficulty; even more-so if you throw the Answer in. Love both. Can't wait to see what direction they take 5 in. Just hope it's fresh.

Fog thing didn't bother me since you could always run through lower level dungeons for a higher chance of archana plus effects (upright death, etc). I can see how some people may have fucked themselves over, but the game warns you very regularly.
TheSeks said:
Doesn't everyone have Daddy Issues, though? I mean Seta's parents practically throw him at his
dead aunt
's family and goes "LOL SEE YOU IN A YEAR!"
Not as many as P3:

You got 4(5 if you count Koromaru's owner) orphans.

2 "live up to their ideals".

1 neglected child.


1 drunk dad.

And I'm not even counting S.Links.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Red Scarlet said:
But what about Rise? WHAT ABOUT RISE

Rise is still new (only have had her in the party for a week or two) but I feel her replacing Teddy is unneeded + her/Teddie suck at the Fuuka role (I want my "all elements are scanned" in two turns instead of this "egg hunt for the weaknesses!" bullshit!). :|

I have no impression with Japanese "Idol" culture so I can't say anything on that front. But
Her and Seta at Junes after "King Moron" is killed
is probably going to annoy me really quick.
"No, I don't like you in that way Rise. Please stop sucking up to me."

Not as many as P3:

True enough. But I think everyone in Person 4 has parenting issues as well.

Red Scarlet

TheSeks said:
Rise is still new (only have had her in the party for a week or two) but I feel her replacing Teddy is unneeded + her/Teddie suck at the Fuuka role (I want my "all elements are scanned" in two turns instead of this "egg hunt for the weaknesses!" bullshit!). :|

I have no impression with Japanese "Idol" culture so I can't say anything on that front. But
Her and Seta at Junes after "King Moron" is killed
is probably going to annoy me really quick.
"No, I don't like you in that way Rise. Please stop sucking up to me."

:| That is not the right answer.

I kinda liked how weaknesses were in 4 than 3, seemed a bit too simple to get them in 3 (like you said, 2 turns and bam).


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Red Scarlet said:
:| That is not the right answer.

"I HATE RISE! I HATE ALL WOMEN! BAN ME NOW DRAGONA!" Is that what you're looking for? ;p

I kinda liked how weaknesses were in 4 than 3, seemed a bit too simple to get them in 3 (like you said, 2 turns and bam).

I understand the change, and I can see how some people like it. But it just adds more work to it for me. Probably why I haven't ran into the "Knock Down" function for the party (yet?). Because the AI in Persona 3 didn't bother me.

"Stand By x2"
(Battle over in three-four turns, max, unless a boss)

I want my Persona 3 "set the AI and forget it except to make corrections" back, damn it. The "act freely" mode in Persona 4 doesn't do what I want them to do too much and I don't really like commanding them because it takes me out of the game (though I can understand why more people prefer it).


TheSeks said:
"I HATE RISE! I HATE ALL WOMEN! BAN ME NOW DRAGONA!" Is that what you're looking for? ;p

P3's system was broken. I love P4's system of saving what you've tried instead of just telling you while you deal out physical attack damage. I also love that Rise/Teddy provide the most logical and fair version of "run away" that I've personally experienced in any RPG.
Fimbulvetr said:
Player Advantage + Wand Arcana say hi.

These things help, of course, but I'm pretty sure it's still a grindy game, compared to your average JRPG, though. You do have to spend a LOT of time battling, and doing this is rather repetitive. It's not like there's a lot of dungeon variation; within each area, you get very similar randomly generated hallways.

Speaking of Player Advantage... am I the only one consistently having trouble getting P.A. in Persona 4? I'd say I'm able to get it like 40% of the time. It's more challenging, I suppose, but by now I'm just irritated, really.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Sklorenz said:
P3's system was broken. I love P4's system of saving what you've tried instead of just telling you while you deal out physical attack damage. I also love that Rise/Teddy provide the most logical and fair version of "run away" that I've personally experienced in any RPG.

I haven't really had to run away with a few exceptions (MP ran out. Goddamn it I miss the MP regen on returning to "base floor" Persona 3 provided), but it is an interesting take on it instead of "tch, the enemy has you marked!"

My issue with Persona 4's system is that a) All the party members that battle have a set element (Teddie and Chie are redundant with ice, hopefully Teddie evolves more) and b) that almighty/blah, blah, blah seems to be underused for weaknesses (so far, maybe later in the game they get more use).

Also Dizzy attack that Teddie did can fuck itself. I don't like that "knock down and you're dizzy so you lose two turns! EAT MY ATTACKS, BITCH!" he did. (It took me about a week or so of battling him to solve that I needed to grind a couple of levels to stand that attack and then beat him. :/)

am I the only one consistently having trouble getting P.A. in Persona 4?

No, I've had a few issues where the "!" noticing is really REALLY faster than it would be in Persona 3. And there are times where I hit them just as the "!" happens and it doesn't give me advantage.

Thankfully I haven't run into "enemy advantage" too often unless I screw up my hitting them after they noticed me.
Hmm. I could have done without the
fighting Teddie at some point
spoiler above. I'll forgive you and kindly get out of the thread now (probably).


That knockdown attack is very obviously telegraphed.

You have to guard right before he uses it.

RedRedSuit said:
Hmm. I could have done without the
fighting Teddie at some point
spoiler above. I'll forgive you and kindly get out of the thread now (probably).

Pretty sure the game spoils it for you before you even press start.
But I think everyone in Person 4 has parenting issues as well.

I kinda like it was glanced over. Hell, you don't even MEET most of them, nor do they drill it into your head. They ain't got meth-heads for folks, they got their Shadows some sense beat into them, "they'll be fine" seems to be the message there. No need for melodrama or angst or exposition.

P3's cast until I think Shinji? Is fine. Kids 'n robots 'n dogs and shit had to go, though.

But Chie hate? On my internet? Pshaw and double pshaw! :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
RedRedSuit said:
Hmm. I could have done without the
fighting Teddie at some point
spoiler above. I'll forgive you and kindly get out of the thread now (probably).

Oh, my bad. I didn't know you were playing the game for the first time. I should edit that I guess.

Jerk 2.0 said:
That knockdown attack is very obviously telegraphed.

You have to guard right before he uses it.

No, no, not that one. The "rips hole in time/space and it explodes" or whatever attack. Not the charging up one. I survived that and the ice attacks but he would do that attack and dizzy me and then kill me because I couldn't stand back up to heal.

Which reminds me, what is the point of the dizzy status effect other than making sure they stay knocked down? I never had an issue with knock down not keeping them down in Persona 3 (so long as you didn't hit them) so it feels like a really REALLY unnecessary additional debuff to add. :/)

SatelliteOfLove said:
But Chie hate? On my internet? Pshaw and double pshaw!

I don't like Tomboys or girly girls. I like normal between the spectrum women. You're free to be "I am woman, hear me roar"/going to the gym and being independent and all that. But "I MUST TRAIN HARDER!" just doesn't really interest me. (That and she doesn't seem that deep compared to other S. Links)

>>Glanced over<<

It's glanced over. But I think "I AM JOHN!" is trying to say that it isn't there, which is wrong. :p

I mean the kids do mention they have a few issues with their parents in their S. Links and the like. It is glanced over, but it's there.


Hmm, I do not remember that attack.

Sad because I only defeated him last week.

But then again, he was such an easy boss that it is not very surprising that I forgot about his attacks.
In Persona 4, don't they simply get up (and immediately act) if they're merely Down but not Dizzy? Seems like Down is only good to give you "1 More" and for the potential all-out attack. I don't think they stay down ever, unless you Dizzy them.


RedRedSuit said:
In Persona 4, don't they simply get up (and immediately act) if they're merely Down but not Dizzy? Seems like Down is only good to give you "1 More" and for the potential all-out attack. I don't think they stay down ever, unless you Dizzy them.



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
RedRedSuit said:
In Persona 4, don't they simply get up (and immediately act) if they're merely Down but not Dizzy? Seems like Down is only good to give you "1 More" and for the potential all-out attack. I don't think they stay down ever, unless you Dizzy them.

Ah, right. Yeah, the next turn they'll stand up and immediately attack. But that isn't really an issue if you're shooting for "all out attacks" and can take them out in the AOA like Persona 3 drills into you. :lol
I don't like Tomboys or girly girls. I like normal between the spectrum women. You're free to be "I am woman, hear me roar"/going to the gym and being independent and all that. But "I MUST TRAIN HARDER!" just doesn't really interest me. (That and she doesn't seem that deep compared to other S. Links)

Don't worry, that was hyperbole. It was her VA, a penchant for left-field comments (some surprisingly wise), and
the realistic jealousy and emotional sabotage with her Shadow
. Went from "tomboy" like you said to favorite out of a great cast when I saw that.

In Persona 4, don't they simply get up (and immediately act) if they're merely Down but not Dizzy? Seems like Down is only good to give you "1 More" and for the potential all-out attack. I don't think they stay down ever, unless you Dizzy them.

I think they also take 25% more damage when on the turf, but don't quote me on that. Been a while since I played.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Don't worry, that was hyperbole. It was her VA, a penchant for left-field comments (some surprisingly wise), and
the realistic jealousy and emotional sabotage with her Shadow
. Went from "tomboy" like you said to favorite out of a great cast when I saw that.

Yeah, I personally think that she has the best VA in the entire game; very well done.
SatelliteOfLove said:
But Chie hate? On my internet? Pshaw and double pshaw! :lol

Chie's not terrible, but I do think she's the least interesting member of the P4 cast. Her Social Link has pretty much no drama whatsoever in it, and her character is largely static throughout the whole game. I think pretty much every other member of the cast is more compelling than she is (although that speaks largely to the strength of Persona 4's cast).


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Red Scarlet said:
No, was looking for "yeah Rise rox".

Oh, bah. Rise isn't bad, she just seems like an anime cliche. Too perky for me and is sucking up to me currently, which is annoying. :/

Uncle AJ

TheSeks said:
Oh, bah. Rise isn't bad, she just seems like an anime cliche. Too perky for me and is sucking up to me currently, which is annoying. :/

I'm no Rise fan, but you can't single her out as an anime cliche and let the rest of the cast off the hook. As if an anthropomorphic bear costume come to life is any less bizarre (and arguably just as annoying).
TheSeks said:
It's glanced over. But I think "I AM JOHN!" is trying to say that it isn't there, which is wrong. :p

I mean the kids do mention they have a few issues with their parents in their S. Links and the like. It is glanced over, but it's there.
How did you gather I was saying it wasn't there by making a snide comment that Persona 3 is "Fuck You, Dad: The Videogame"? :\ Of course it's there. Yukiko, Kou and Yumi's Social Links basically boil down to that (unsurprisingly, Yukiko is also the most shallow of the girls whose purpose for being is because she's this game's Yukari--the girl Atlus expects you to get with). My point is more that P4's characters, more often than not, expand from and transcend their archetypal origins, whereas I think P3's characters are far more shallow and mired in their stereotypes.

PS: shut your whore mouth, tomboys are the best. And that is only part of why Chie is my waifu. >:|


I AM JOHN! said:
How did you gather I was saying it wasn't there by making a snide comment that Persona 3 is "Fuck You, Dad: The Videogame"? :\ Of course it's there. Yukiko, Kou and Yumi's Social Links basically boil down to that (unsurprisingly, Yukiko is also the most shallow of the girls whose purpose for being is because she's this game's Yukari--the girl Atlus expects you to get with). My point is more that P4's characters, more often than not, expand from and transcend their archetypal origins, whereas I think P3's characters are far more shallow and mired in their stereotypes.

PS: shut your whore mouth, tomboys are the best. And that is only part of why Chie is my waifu. >:|

Yes they are.

I went with Chie and Naoto (both of their VAs were awesome).


I love how this thread comes back every other week.

TheSeks, I think you might be the first person I've ever seen that actually wanted P3's method of party control in P4.

So in P3:FES I'm about 15 hours in
(just got Fuuka, she isn't annoying as people say she is)
, this is when the story gets interesting, right? Please?
ultron87 said:
So in P3:FES I'm about 15 hours in
(just got Fuuka, she isn't annoying as people say she is)
, this is when the story gets interesting, right? Please?
Actually you're right on the cusp of when the story goes off the deep end and gets kind of crappy for a while.


P3FES's story doesn't really pick up IMO until the last couple months, it's a really odd story-telling style, but I enjoyed it a good amount. They pretty much kick every lull along by introducing a new character right before the big twists start.


I AM JOHN! said:
Actually you're right on the cusp of when the story goes off the deep end and gets kind of crappy for a while.

Now when you say "goes off the deep end" do you mean it just gets randomly crazy? Because I can live with that (and will probably enjoy it).

Or does it just get extra boring?
ultron87 said:
Now when you say "goes off the deep end" do you mean it just gets randomly crazy? Because I can live with that (and will probably enjoy it).

Or does it just get extra boring?
Goes off the deep end in the sense that they continue to expect you to treat the Dark Hour seriously and work the sense of dread and danger about the whole thing, and then give you three new party members in the form of a grade schooler, a goofy robot and a dog and try to play it straight.

That game has serious tone issues throughout.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
I finally beat this game! Spectacular overall, though there were times were it really felt like a chore. Really glad i finished it though, one of the best PS2 RPGs. My final party had everyone at level 81, and I used the flaming amputee Kratos Persona (Can't remember his name at the moment) I do have a question:

I read through the Art Book and noticed that
Kanji's Persona has an evolved form? How do you get it? At least in my game, I never saw/started a Kanji Social Link.


somehow i always imaged Yukari or Chie should look like this in real world.... so cute <3 <3 <3



Ermac said:
I finally beat this game! Spectacular overall, though there were times were it really felt like a chore. Really glad i finished it though, one of the best PS2 RPGs. My final party had everyone at level 81, and I used the flaming amputee Kratos Persona (Can't remember his name at the moment) I do have a question:

I read through the Art Book and noticed that
Kanji's Persona has an evolved form? How do you get it? At least in my game, I never saw/started a Kanji Social Link.

If I recall correctly, you talk to some girls in school and they tell you they saw Kanji making some trouble somewhere. You go confront him about it in the practice building and the social link gets rolling.

Did you miss Kanji's but still manage to start Naoto's? That seems like the most easily missable one of the main party.
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