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Persona 4 |OT|


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
ultron87 said:
And Mind Charge. That helps too.

I've been using Lucifer + Mind Charge + Bufudola or whatever the heavy version is. It's been doing fine except that two turn part, which is the part that I can't wrap my head around.

using a gamesaved 100% new game + to play through the game, yes I'm "ruining" getting the Persona's/fusion, but I don't have time to sit here for two years like I did Persona 3:FES


Mo the Hawk said:
So apparently the band who does Persona Music Live not only did another concert recently, but also put out an album full of awesome re-arangements of P3, P4 and P3P songs. I've been listening to this pretty much all day:


So kickass.
Oh god! So Good!
I'm playing through P3 FES and the biggest thing I miss from P4 is the music. P3s music is great and all (and from what I've heard of P1P) but P4's music is just sooo great. I can't wait for P5 and I hope the music is as good as the stuff in P4.


TheSeks said:
I've been using Lucifer + Mind Charge + Bufudola or whatever the heavy version is. It's been doing fine except that two turn part, which is the part that I can't wrap my head around.

using a gamesaved 100% new game + to play through the game, yes I'm "ruining" getting the Persona's/fusion, but I don't have time to sit here for two years like I did Persona 3:FES

If you're still having trouble even with a high level Persona you might want to level up the rest of your party some more. It sounds like you're a little low (especially since you mentioned racing through the floors).




Master of the Google Search
Mo the Hawk said:
So apparently the band who does Persona Music Live not only did another concert recently, but also put out an album full of awesome re-arangements of P3, P4 and P3P songs. I've been listening to this pretty much all day:


So kickass.
This might have just been implicit, but I don't think that's the actual song from the new concert/CD. Rather I think its just a super-long remix of the song that the user made for who knows why.

I believe this is the actual song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6OR3zFkib4


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
ultron87 said:
If you're still having trouble even with a high level Persona you might want to level up the rest of your party some more. It sounds like you're a little low (especially since you mentioned racing through the floors).

Well, I've leveled to 40 (with Brosuke being 39), Mind Charge + Bufudola do 499 damage. Other members do about 50-100.

Two-turn part, get past that slightly scratched but okay.

Mitsuo "levels up"
, which is annoying and can't be stopped by me. Whatever, shrug it off. Wipe the shell out. Continue to beat down.

Teddie gets knocked out. Well, shit. There goes the healer. But fine, whatever their about 1-15% HP left.

"Stagant Air"

SETA IS INFLICTED WITH FEAR! (Fuck, miss a turn)


Miss Brosuke. Miss Cocktease AKA: Kanji, Teddie's dead. HIT SETA!

(Game Over)

... :| Oy, I remember these insta-death spells and them being slightly annoying in Persona 3.


Yeah. Curing Fear should be your top priority in most occasions, since quite a few enemies will do the Fear -> instant kill combo. Thankfully in P4 you can have your party members do it, unlike in P3 where you can't even switch their tactics if your turn gets skipped.

Also, if you've managed to acquire a Patient Collar from a Rare Chest you should put it on your MC. It leaves you at 1 hp instead of killing you the first time you get killed in a fight.
TheSeks said:
I've been using Lucifer + Mind Charge + Bufudola or whatever the heavy version is. It's been doing fine except that two turn part, which is the part that I can't wrap my head around.

using a gamesaved 100% new game + to play through the game, yes I'm "ruining" getting the Persona's/fusion, but I don't have time to sit here for two years like I did Persona 3:FES

Man, your spoiler (not a real spoiler, by the way... safe to look) explains a lot.

I kept trying to understand why you'd have a problem with a 45-ish boss in the middle of a game, when you've got crazy-ass Lucifer available to you. But now I get it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
OMGOMGOMGOMGWTFWTFWTF. (There be spoilers ahead)

finally beaten.

Beat the Character Set-up.
(Party beats the reset)
Kanji is knocked out. Via Garu/Megidola (withstands the attack)/Garu kill
Teddie is exhausted, revives himself, only to eat an attack.

So, it's me. Level 99 Lucifer with Spell Master + Mind Charge and Bufudola (doing this since the start of the battle)
Brosuke is healing himself while Garuing.

I start with like full health/mp, rest of the party had half MP from climbing/leveling the dungeon.

Brosuke loses MP (has like 6 left, can't do shit), starts to bash.

(Character set-up failed!)

nearly dead, Mitsuo attacks.

(I'm on top of my chair)
Mind Charge + Bufudola

Mitsuo keeps attacking Brosuke, MISS MISS!


Brosuke is at 1HP/6MP all throughout this.
I'm still mind-charging/Bufudola-ing.


Brosuke hits

"ACK! ARGGGGH! *death*"
(I'm back on top of my chair)

OMG, I wish I recorded that, that was some insane bullshit and the SMT/Persona Gods finally let me past that shit. :lol :lol :lol :lol

Oh, man. I'm so high as a kite right now over that moment. :lol

Since it's summer vaction time in-game, it seems like it'll be time to level the party up and go after the secret boss of that dungeon as well. Can't hurt, I mean I am blowing through the game in "Squall mode" as RedScarlet would say.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
(On a date with Ai-chan/sports team manager)
(Teddie and Yosuke come up)

*Teddie voice*

"Wow, her temper surpasses Rise-chans..."

"But I love it! I want to see even more!"

Oh, Teddie. :lol :lol

Yukiko's S. Link is like 8-9. Started to do that when I found her and Chie outside the shopping district around August. I leveled them to like 37 or so, so they aren't too far behind my Bro party.

Rise's S. Link is kinda blech. It's dealing with celebrity but so far it's "BAWWW I DON'T LIKE BEING A CELEB!" Well, if you don't like being an idol, why did you go that route in the first place? :mad: I'm hoping that'll be answered and she'll mature as while annoying, she isn't as grating as Chie.

Nanako's S. Link has gone "BAWWWWWW :(" to my black heart. She's level 9. Dojima's (who I started doing more of when his started popping up) is around 9, so it's weird to see
Dojima starting to come out of his grief and start to be a father to Nanako, but Nanako can't see it until she reaches S. Link 8 where you show her a photo and him saying he can do the PTC "anytime."
Still, touching moment.

Trying to burn through the vaction with S. Links instead of grinding. I'll worry about it next dungeon when I'm owned agian. :lol
Finished Persona 4 the other day. I got the "true" ending after 118 hours. My main guy was level 83 with a roster of pretty much only max social link personas. I think I had Satan, Beelzebub, Scathach, Mada, Futsunushi, Hachiman, Ongyo-Ki. I had some other top personas but didn't feel like paying for them in the Compendium.

This is definitely one of the best RPGs ever.

STORY/ATMOSPHERE/VOICE ACTING (A): Best in class. It puts 99.99999% of games to shame, 100% of JRPGs to shame, and is even better than most of the best stories of this generation. As in Persona 3, it's not so much about the plot itself (though it's pretty awesome in its own right) but about the nearly perfect writing and localization. You get the sense that this was written by smart people. When playing, it's like you're dealing with actual people. There is so much opportunity for cliche, but it never feels cliched. Even after the obligatory "the girls have to put on swimsuits" section that every "realistic" Japanese game and anime must have.

It's all about trying to solve and prevent murders in a Japanese small town. As before, it's interesting to learn about Japanese culture without having it be exaggerated like crazy as in all other games. The murder plot itself is really good. It kept me guessing until the bitter end for sure. The pacing is a lot better than in Persona 3. The game was never slow at the beginning; it pretty much got into it right away. There was a slow period in the summer, but that was a much better time for it anyway -- all the social links mechanics have been opened up, so you have more to do in the down time.

The voiceovers are also some of the best in the business. I actually can't think of even one VA who wasn't pitch-perfect. Some people don't like Chie... but the VA is expressing her character perfectly. This isn't something I can say of even some of the much-vaunted games like Mass Effect 2 which usually have at least one ear-damaging wooden performance like Miranda's VA.

My only criticism which is purely personal is only in comparison to Persona 3. And that's the fact that this was a pretty light-hearted game by comparison. All the murders notwithstanding, Persona 3 was so brutal. People suddenly got shot dead, you were constantly climbing a dark tower with bleeding walls and no end in sight, and the final threat really seemed like the end of everything. Plus, let's not forget the characters shooting themselves in the head EVERY TURN in battle. That was rather edgy, as was the game's ending. This... wasn't. I actually don't get why this was rated M. There was no blood or gore or F words; there were some sexual references but nothing harder than what you see in prime time network TV.

On the other hand, the is-he-or-isn't-he-gay stuff with Kanji pushed the envelope. Though I never really did his social link, so I wonder what his deal is after all.

GAMEPLAY (A-): Like Persona 3, the gameplay here is half hanging out in the city and advancing your personal characteristics and relationships to friends, half killing shadows in another world. And of course, said relationships with friends/girlfriends bleed into the creation of Personas for the battle part of the game. I don't know of any other game like this, so even though it's very very similar to Persona 3, it's still awesome.

All the basics are back. The Social Link mini-game is as addictive as ever, though it's interesting that being a prick never brings any good results... for best results, you have to say what they want to hear. It's no Mass Effect that way. There are 5 personality stats which can be improved in a wide variety of ways, and weather contribtues to that, too. As for the battle system, it's the same and still excellent. None of the annoying hiding of information a-la Final Fantasy; everything is clean and clearly explained. Persona Fusion is like a more adult version of collecting Pokemon. It's pretty awesome to fuse a badass Persona like Tam-Lin or Satan, especially if you use the calendar-based fusion bonuses.

I am glad they did not change radically from P3. That game deserved to be copied at least once. The thing is, they've gotten rid of every annoying thing about P3 that I could think of. Seriously, every bad thing is gone. Direct control of teammates is here. Persona fusion is way way more predictable (P3's fusion felt like I needed three guides open at the higher levels before I could really get what I want); it's simpler without being simplistic. The dungeons are somewhat more varied. You discover enemy weaknesses by actually discovering them, instead of just a scan. You can zoom around the city with ease instead of ceaseless running around and pressing X. No quests have time limits. And you don't have to fucking talk to a character to change his/her equipment. It's all quite streamlined and helps playability so much.

There are definitely some changes. P3 got difficult kind of in the middle, whereas P4 is difficult almost at the start, until you realize exactly when the fog comes in. I was actually really fucked in the Kanji segment. I got a Fog Game Over, and my last save was only 2 days before. I had to cram like crazy and was barely able to get out of it. After that, though, I was vigilant and never had any trouble again. But the biggest change is that you have to choose between your social life and battling. It can be agonizing to choose, in a good way, especially since you can get boxed in if you're not careful. In Persona 3 it was either study or go fight -- an easy choice -- and you couldn't get tired on the last day, so you were never really screwed.

This would be damn near a perfect Persona game, but unfortunately it can't get rid of all the tedium. The dungeons are smaller than in Persona 3, but (a) they are still kind of boring and the same after the 1st floor, and (b) you are heavily encouraged to go through each one twice, instead of once. You have to have some grind in a JRPG, but this whole "go through dungeon twice" thing is pretty shameless game length extension. In general, the game was too long. A 60-hour game is great, 80 is fantastic, but 100+ is a little much unless it's spell-binding all the way.

GRAPHICS (C+): Even by PlayStation 2 standards, this is not a great-looking game. The hand-drawn anime characters are fantastic as always, and the "real world" and the characters in it look just fine. The problem is the dungeons and the enemies. Sure, some of the art direction is pretty cool -- the video game dungeon is pretty funny -- but it always wears thing so quickly. Then what you're left with is draw distance of 10 feet in front of you (it fits the story, but it still looks like ass) and endlessly recycled enemy models. Hell, most of the enemies are actually recycled from Persona 3, which is kind of lame. To top it off, some of the late-game boss locations are not nearly as epic looking as they should be. It seems like the Persona 3 graphics engine was reused without improvements, but the art style is less epic.

MUSIC (B): Overall good but disappointing in comparison to Persona 3. I guess it's the same thing as the story: it's less "hip" or edgy, or something like that. Actually it sort of makes sense, since the setting of the game is also less "hip" or edgy (small town vs. big city). It's competent, but other than the battle music (which was better in P3 also) nothing really sticks in the mind.

VALUE (A): Well, 120 hours. For a faster player, I can see this lasting 100 hours or 80 if you don't go through each dungeon twice and generally don't maintain a high level. You can't really ask for much more than that. New Game+ would be fun, too, if I weren't burnt out on the whole thing. I would definitely enjoy doing all the social links I missed maxing. (I maxed Ai, Yumi, Daisuke/Kou, Yukiko, Chie, Yosuke, nurse, Fox. Kanji and Naoto would be interesting for sure. Also curious how the damn Nanako and Dojima social links end up in the end. The game yanked them away from me at almost the last moment.)

OVERALL (A): It's a smart, complete game. It's very similar to Persona 3 but superior to it in many little ways in terms of gameplay. The story is a nearly total departure (despite structural similarity) and needs to be experienced. It's sad that this kind of JRPG is out of the mainstream. I mean the critics liked it a lot, obviously, but it seems like relatively lame FF clones like whatever Sakaguchi ever works on get more attention, even with their stereotypical writing and 20-year-old gameplay systems.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
RedRedSuit said:
I actually don't get why this was rated M. There was no blood or gore or F words; there were some sexual references but nothing harder than what you see in prime time network TV.

Mara. AKA:

Who is my homeboy and my personal Persona. :lol

Honestly, I still prefer all of Persona 3's idiosyncrasies over Person 4 fixing them. I guess because after Persona 3, 4's similarity/fixing issues that were a problem but I adjusted just doesn't seem "fresh" to me like Persona 3's S. Link/battle system did two years ago. *shrug*

I'm the minority though.


Is there a patch to have subtitles during the anime cutscenes for the UNDUB version ?
I bought the game on sale last week and I was pissed that it had english dubs. The game takes place in Japan goddam. Why would you do that ?


Keikoku said:
Is there a patch to have subtitles during the anime cutscenes for the UNDUB version ?
I bought the game on sale last week and I was pissed that it had english dubs. The game takes place in Japan goddam. Why would you do that ?
The English dub is awesome and great.
Why would you hear a game in Japanese when you can hear it in a language you understand?


Kurtofan said:
The English dub is awesome and great.
Why would you hear a game in Japanese when you can hear it in a language you understand?

Context. Game takes place in Japan, I want to hear japanese. I'm the kind of guy who's pissed with WWII movies with germans talking a flawless english.


Keikoku said:
I bought the game on sale last week and I was pissed that it had english dubs. The game takes place in Japan goddam. Why would you do that ?

They dubbed it to make it more appealing to American PS2 owners, duh.
Complaining about Persona 4 being in English is the craziest thing ever. It's only the best combination of English localization and VA ever. I literally cannot think of one game better than it on that front.


At about 40:30 in to the most recent episode of In This Thread, Aram Jabbari from Atlus talked about Kanji being "the homosexual character" in Persona 4.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I never thought of Kanji quite like that. I thought of him as a very sexually confused teenager, who may end up being a homosexual or bisexual man in the future. But considering that the only person he was attracted to in the game was a
girl dressed as a boy,
flat out describing him as "the homosexual character" seemed a bit too black & white to me.

Now Kanji came up as a small point in a larger discussion, so maybe Aram wasn't being as definitive about Kanji's sexuality as it sounded. Buy maybe he was and maybe everyone but me who played Persona 4 thinks of Kanji as the gay guy.

Personally, I think out of all the males in the game, Yosuke is the one most likely to end up marrying another guy. He never shows any real interest in girls, is super clingy towards the main character (even insisting they
at one point), and the way he's always needling Kanji about liking dudes seems like cover to me.

RedRedSuit said:
Complaining about Persona 4 being in English is the craziest thing ever. It's only the best combination of English localization and VA ever. I literally cannot think of one game better than it on that front.

Thousand Arms



Curufinwe said:
At about 40:30 in to the most recent episode of In This Thread, Aram Jabbari from Atlus talked about Kanji being "the homosexual character" in Persona 4.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I never thought of Kanji quite like that. I thought of him as a very sexually confused teenager, who may end up being a homosexual or bisexual man in the future. But considering that the only person he was attracted to in the game was a
flat out describing him as "the homosexual character" seemed a bit too black & white to me.

Now Kanji came up as a small point in a larger discussion, so maybe Aram wasn't being as definitive about Kanji's sexuality as it sounded. Buy maybe he was and maybe everyone but me who played Persona 4 thinks of Kanji as the gay guy.

Personally, I think out of all the males in the game, Yosuke is the one most likely to end up marrying another guy. He never shows any real interest in girls, is super clingy towards the main character (even insisting they
at one point), and the way he's always needling Kanji about liking dudes seems like cover to me.

Brosuke is only interested in pure, clean bromance, bro.
Curufinwe said:
But considering that the only person he was attracted to in the game was a

Not really a boy! Actually a girl.

Buy maybe he was and maybe everyone but me who played Persona 4 thinks of Kanji as the gay guy.

Well, the game is deliberately coy about the whole thing. Unless it all gets resolved in his SLink (which I didn't do), but I doubt it.

Personally, I think out of all the males in the game, Yosuke is the one most likely to end up marrying another guy. He never shows any real interest in girls,

He's clearly into

what's her face that gets killed first

and also into


in the beginning of the game, plus there's the whole thing about him trying to get the chicks to put on their swimsuits.
RedRedSuit said:
Well, the game is deliberately coy about the whole thing. Unless it all gets resolved in his SLink (which I didn't do), but I doubt it.

Nah, it's kept ambiguous. Signs point to him being at most bi and at least straight with mild gynophobia.


RedRedSuit said:
Not really a boy! Actually a girl.

Can't believe I made that typo... I'm gonna edit it. :0

Kanji's S.Link is really cool at the end; it was sad that the Endurance Run never got to finish it considering how much they seemed to like Kanji. You should check it out on youtube.
RedRedSuit said:
Complaining about Persona 4 being in English is the craziest thing ever. It's only the best combination of English localization and VA ever. I literally cannot think of one game better than it on that front.

Starts with an F, ends in XII.
Curufinwe said:
He never shows any real interest in girls, is super clingy towards the main character (even insisting they
at one point), and the way he's always needling Kanji about liking dudes seems like cover to me.


'Cept the one who broke his heart after dieing.

And when he wanted Chie and Yukiko to wear bathing suits at the camping trip.

And when he(and Teddie) signed them up for the beauty pageant.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Himuro said:
People are suggesting Yosuke is gay? lol The same Yosuke who demands the girls be in bathing suits?

IMO, Brosuke and Kanji are BOTH gay. And the biggest crime is I can't date either of them.

WTF, JRPG (AND WRPG, see: Bioware) developers. Don't cockblock me like that. Either they're gay or they're wooden characters only made for controversy.
TheSeks said:
IMO, Brosuke and Kanji are BOTH gay. And the biggest crime is I can't date either of them.

WTF, JRPG (AND WRPG, see: Bioware) developers. Don't cockblock me like that. Either they're gay or they're wooden characters only made for controversy.

Jun and Zevran say hi.

Speaking of which. WHERE IS MY P2 REMAKE ATLUS?!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
dragonlife29 said:
Yeah, I was so disappointed/pissed when I couldn't date Kanji =/


I'm sorry. <3

Edit: Damn it, your avatar rotates. Fuck you, bitch. :mad:

Didn't play Persona 4 today. I'll get back on the horse and leg it to September tomorrow. Ugh. Opening another Dungeon. 3-4 more until the end, IIRC.

Fimbulvetr said:
Jun and Zevran say hi.

Jun is such a tacked on love interest for Tatsuya. He's only in for 2-10 hours at the end of Innocent Sin. Give me my Michelle lovin' (though honestly, I was straight for Yukino through the first 3/4th of Innocent Sin until she EXIT STAGE LEFT! ENTER STAGE RIGHT, JUN!'ed).
TheSeks said:
IMO, Brosuke and Kanji are BOTH gay. And the biggest crime is I can't date either of them.

WTF, JRPG (AND WRPG, see: Bioware) developers. Don't cockblock me like that. Either they're gay or they're wooden characters only made for controversy.

Doing gay stuff does not make someone gay or a wooden character. In fact, most people have done gay stuff by the time they get out of college. I can't even count the amount of times I got spanked by my army guy roommate.
cosmicblizzard said:
Doing gay stuff does not make someone gay or a wooden character. In fact, most people have done gay stuff by the time they get out of college. I can't even count the amount of times I got spanked by my army guy roommate.

Tell us more.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
cosmicblizzard said:
Doing gay stuff does not make someone gay or a wooden character

It does when 9/10 of the gay romance options in games are wooden or only there to drum up controversy.

I have yet to run into a game that actually has a good homosexual character that isn't a stereotype (GTA's) or tacked on to appease a subset of people (Dragon Age: Origins).

Edit: And Kanji doesn't count as a "good" homosexual character as he falls into the wooden "IS HE OR ISN'T HE!?" trap that was there to try to drum up controversy and give the developers a free reign in having a bathhouse for a dungeon.
Undubs (besides reflecting poorly on one's taste in localizations :p) are treading close to the line (as they're generally distributed in ISO format and make use of material from commercial releases of the games) so let's please not discuss any information about where to download them or patches/support for them. Thanks!

dragonlife29 said:
Yeah, I was so disappointed/pissed when I couldn't date Kanji =/

It's pretty lame that you can't get the game to actually acknowledge you as dating Kanji or have a Christmas "date" with him, but at least the S-Link is written in such a way that it's super-easy to just pretend that you're dating him. :lol
I thought Kanji's sexuality was handled just right. Just coming out and having him decide/declare "I'm gay" wouldn't ring true. His biggest issue was his insecurities with himself and being unaware of exactly what his sexual identity is, which is something that a lot of people his age deal with (especially with the homophobic attitudes adopted by most people that age).

Whether you think he's gay, bi, or straight is a matter of interpretation, although I personally think he's bisexual. But I'm glad they didn't just take the easy road out and pigeonhole him into a sexuality, because it would have run contrary to everything about his character.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
I thought Kanji's sexuality was handled just right. Just coming out and having him decide/declare "I'm gay" wouldn't ring true. His biggest issue was his insecurities with himself and being unaware of exactly what his sexual identity is, which is something that a lot of people his age deal with (especially with the homophobic attitudes adopted by most people that age).

Which is fine. But Atlus pretty much writes their way out of this with

It would've been better if Kanji continued to be conflicted instead of that revelation, but alas.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
His biggest issue was his insecurities with himself and being unaware of exactly what his sexual identity is

Actually his biggest issue was being ridiculed by his peers for doing what's normal for him.

His sexuality issues only grew from that initial insecurity.

That's how every P4 character is, their surface issues grew from something else.
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