So is there any benefit to swapping out party members mid palace run? Cause it seems like the SP just gets transferred.
all depends on what you need from their abilities.
So is there any benefit to swapping out party members mid palace run? Cause it seems like the SP just gets transferred.
Me: Hmm need to make a lockpick today really, ive run out
Cat: Nah we are not doing that today
Me: I want to pop downstairs for a coffee
Cat: Nah we are not doing that today
Me: Ok just a quick study before bed
Cat: Nah you are too tired
Me: Pass me that hammer off the tool bench
God damn though, what a great, addictive game. I know I make a lot of fun of this shit but at the same time I cant put it down.
Yea this annoyed me. Took 3 days with the first palace because of the calling card idea.
How does leveling personas work?
I feel like they rarely level naturally.
Holy shit after completing the second palacethe teacher maid. This is so wrong hahaha
Holy shit after completing the second palacethe teacher maid. This is so wrong hahaha
So is there any benefit to swapping out party members mid palace run? Cause it seems like the SP just gets transferred.
either in battle or from fusing them in the velvet room, this isnt pokemon, the game expects you to use lots of different personas, basically you use one until you are higher lvl enough to make a better personaHow does leveling personas work?
I feel like they rarely level naturally.
Use them in combat.
I'm confused? What should I do so I don't screw up? About to be at that part.I also wish I knew about needing to actually find the treasure first before having the calling card bit pop up. Wasted a day leaving the palace and then come back only to get a cutscene saying I gotta come back later to claim it. Ugh...I could have done something on that day...
Is it like pokemon where they level up if they made any appearance at all? Do they have to be the one I start with? The one I end with? What if I get through the whole fight via a non MC character's gun+spell+all-out attack and the MC never needs to make an attack?
How long am I supposed to take to get through a dungeon? It seems like I'm always running out of SP before making any progress, it's been 4 days and the cat says I'm only ay 50% done (first dungeon).
I feel like I'm doing combat right, using weaknesses etc. but before long I have to retreat. Am I supposed to be avoiding these enemies and not even ambush them?
Yeah, don't worry about it, it took me 4 runs to complete the first dungeon due to the limited SP limitation. You will find different ways to restore SP the further you get in the game
Every single person in this game (excluding the main crew) is an asshole/piece of shit I'd say lol
Holy shit after completing the second palacethe teacher maid. This is so wrong hahaha
Is it like pokemon where they level up if they made any appearance at all? Do they have to be the one I start with? The one I end with? What if I get through the whole fight via a non MC character's gun+spell+all-out attack and the MC never needs to make an attack?
I'm confused? What should I do so I don't screw up? About to be at that part.
Is it like pokemon where they level up if they made any appearance at all? Do they have to be the one I start with? The one I end with? What if I get through the whole fight via a non MC character's gun+spell+all-out attack and the MC never needs to make an attack?
Honestly I'm in the second dungeon and Morgana isn't part of my main crew but I use the cats SP to heal up my party members when they need it. You can do that without switching it into the main group.
If it's like in Persona 3 and 4 then only the Persona equipped at the end of a battle gets all the xp, unless they have a ability called growth which gives that Persona a certain amount of the xp too (e.g. growth 2 giving 50% of the xp), allowing them to level up without fighting. That's why social links were so important, grinding xp for abilities was a bitch and with a high respective social link you could unlock most or all abilities right from the get go when fusing them.I'm not positive, but I'm fairly sure it's just whichever persona is equipped at the end whether or not you've used it.
Okay with all the hype and buzz going on I can't avoid this game much longer. Outside of 720p and longer load-times, are there any actual confirmed differences between the PS3 and PS4 version? I ask because I would rather save money if it's just a resolution-bump.
So, I am curious about what Morgana's role in the party actually is and I don't want to read wiki entries or watch videos to find out because of possible spoilers (can't play the game for another 6 weeks). Is he a healer-hybrid? To which character(s) in Persona 4 is he most similar to as far as abilities/spells and role in combat/dungeons are concerned?
So, I am curious about what Morgana's role in the party actually is and I don't want to read wiki entries or watch videos to find out because of possible spoilers (can't play the game for another 6 weeks). Is he a healer-hybrid? To which character(s) in Persona 4 is he most similar to as far as abilities/spells and role in combat/dungeons are concerned?
So, I am curious about what Morgana's role in the party actually is and I don't want to read wiki entries or watch videos to find out because of possible spoilers (can't play the game for another 6 weeks). Is he a healer-hybrid? To which character(s) in Persona 4 is he most similar to as far as abilities/spells and role in combat/dungeons are concerned?
he's basically yukari from persona 3
Ah thanks, that helps ;-)!Rise/Teddy and Yosuke..
I'm one shotting the jack o lanterns but I still need to capture one, am I kind of screwed? Do guns knock them down?
Pretty sure that's all. Feature wise and visually it's identical.
Take care of the plant in your room by giving it nutrients from the flower shop(doesn't consume in-game time), and spend time with your angry caretakerAny early game tips to raise kindness? I saw that you need rank 2 for a certain confidant.
I was going to work at the flower shop but I need more charm for that. Should I raise my charm to get that job and then raise my kindness or is there a more direct approach to just straight up raise kindness?
Any early game tips to raise kindness? I saw that you need rank 2 for a certain confidant.
I was going to work at the flower shop but I need more charm for that. Should I raise my charm to get that job and then raise my kindness or is there a more direct approach to just straight up raise kindness?
Take care of the plant in your room by giving it nutrients from the flower shop(doesn't consume in-game time), and spend time with your angry caretaker
Sweet, thanks. I actually already bought the nutrients but haven't had a chance to use them yet...because I spent time with Sojiro. I guess I'm heading in the right direction then.If you buy nutrients from the Flower Shop you can actually use them on the plant in your room for Kindness boosts without having to spend time on it. It's every so often but it helps. Another store that opens up later has nutrients that raise it even more
Sweet, thanks. I actually already bought the nutrients but haven't had a chance to use them yet...because I spent time with Sojiro. I guess I'm heading in the right direction then.
Rank 2 kindness shouldn't take too long, right?
Damn this guide, I'm a bit off and it's all ruined!
Cool. I want to get started on the S Link asap so I'm trying to get the required kindness asapNah you should be able to get to it quick. One of the drinks you can buy every Sunday also give you +1 to kindness; also doesn't consume in-game time.
Knowledge on the other hand...
Damn this guide, I'm a bit off and it's all ruined!
Damn this guide, I'm a bit off and it's all ruined!