So I'm defeating the Heavenly Punisher boss for the third time because the difficulty of Shadows ramps up after the fight and I get ambushed by a randoms who all attack the protagonist.
So 2 shitty archaic ideas are converging at once:
1. If the protagonist gets knocked out, you lose, but everyone else is significantly less vulnerable and can be revived. But not you. You're immune to Phoenix down effects for no good reason at all.
2. When you die there's no option to restart the fight even when you've already spent your time and energy making it to the point you lost.....except for bosses. Atlus saw fit to let you retry bosses as naseum, but if you die to a rando barely seconds after said fight, you have to spend another 10 minutes getting to and fighting that same boss again. That's how my second attempt happened. My third came when the enemies became red and there still hadn't been a safe house after 20 minutes of gameplay.
This is bullshit. I shouldn't spend an hour replaying 20 minutes 3 times only because I failed at one part, with nothing to show for it. Not in this genre definitely, and definitely not in 2017.
It makes frustrating what otherwise is a great game.
Also the third attempt came about because I pressed X to go into another hiding spot but instead the character just stood up. -_-
Persona 4 didn't have this problem because bosses had their own floors and could be retried rather quickly with the old "restart floor" standard. It also didn't have long cutscenes, platforming, and it had checkpoints spaced properly with the floors being short.
Tl;dr The quality of life is shit in this game at times, and archaic, though so much of the game seems improved and somewhat modern.