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Persona 5 |OT| Lupin The Fifth. Label spoilers properly! (see post #4621)

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Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Makoto's VA is good. The talent here is actually pretty great, it's too bad most of the lines read like a college student trying to throw in some fancy sounding words into...
It makes sense for her, though. Considering her character background and her aspirations.
fuckin' hell makoto is so dooooopeeeee

they really weave her in well before she takes centre stage

I really wish you could start s-links before you finished their corresponding dungeons though... I always want to use chars the dungeon I get them in, but characters without baton pass are really disadvantaged

Post 2nd dungeon
Her following me in school hallways with a fully detailed manga was thes first moment I was really pissed I can't take screenshots in this game.


Yeah Yusuke is pretty great. I expected it to be a lame Jun clone but he's his own character and so far one of my favorites.

I foubd the casting of Sugita really odd at first too but it actually fits him and Mercer's performance is very good as well.

I'm surprised how little like Jun and Lisa him and Ann are, the designs (and some of the backstories) are obviously inspired, but their personality are completely different.
The lovers arcana girl always feels line the canon choice and not choosing them makes some scenes and feel awkward ESPECIALLY in the spin off games.

Not sure how far you are but (right before August)
the game seems to guide you towards Makoto both in the story and in her Confidant. A lot of that "not my/fake boyfriend" stuff.


I'm surprised how little like Jun and Lisa him and Ann are, the designs (and some of the backstories) are obviously inspired, but their personality are completely different.

Yeah, they were clear throwbacks from a design perspective, but I was pleasantly surprised how much their own people they were. Yusuke in particular cracks me up - I was expecting someone very serious and downtrodden like Jun and instead I got a man who will stop at nothing in the pursuit of #aesthetic.

(Now if only they'd carried over being able to date Jun)


Whew. This game is so much fun. And insanely stylish. I love the art direction so much, so it especially sucks that I can't take screenshots. I mean, hell, I would do it just to take note of certain things they teach in the classroom and the like. Oh well, guess I'll just have to keep standing up and taking a photo with my phone.

I'm currently still in April, its last week, I believe. Level 10 or so. The game is already getting tougher for me, (second half of first dungeon)
when I encountered those large red guard shadows at the base of the tower.
Had a pretty good amount of cash, though, so I bought some new equipment that will hopefully help.

Small question about the Palaces, though:
I'm assuming I won't be able to return to Palaces I've finished since the point of stealing the treasure is to get rid of the castle and whatnot. So... I'll miss out on the treasure chests I wasn't able to open, right?

And where can I purchase SP curatives? I seem to need those more than I need HP curatives. (early Hierophant Confidant spoilers?)
I already unlocked the coffee-making ability from Sojiro.

(regarding the owner of the first palace)
Kamoshida is such a piece of shit. It's infuriating, especially how the school seems to see him as some sort of hero. It'll be so satisfying to make him confess his sins and whatnot. And what he did to the track team? Fuck. Poor Ryuuji... And the volleyball team too, of course. I hope Suzui will turn out okay.
How/when do I get more mementos requests? I'm on 6/1 and only have
one other than the tutorial one

I read tips saying to stack them before going in.


Makoto's VA is good. The talent here is actually pretty great, it's too bad most of the lines read like a college student trying to throw in some fancy sounding words into their essay.

Tangent, Battle-wise:

Second best? Buffs damage, pretty much Kanji from P4. Zio for weaknesses, good dmg amounts for bosses especially because I don't think a boss thus far has had an elemental weakness
Best party member? Lucky Hit crits like 75% for me, healing. They're pretty fragile though
Decent for hard mode, Tarunda is a necessity for some fights. She kinda feels like a burden until you get Diarama though.
Worst? Weakness exploiter, having trouble using him for bosses
All-around good, healing, Rakukaja, good damage, and Frei

Yusuke benefits from stuff like Baton Touch more than Ryuji does because of several skills he has. Yusuke also can counter and is the speed buffer for the team, making you harder to hit. Up until the near end, Yusuke is a arguably the better phys damage as well though Ryuji ends up outpacing him
The lovers arcana girl always feels line the canon choice and not choosing them makes some scenes and feel awkward ESPECIALLY in the spin off games.

Thankfully [redacted] is best girl so I never had to experience that!

Oh no no, I mean if you choose to just be friends with her the remaining S. Link meetings still heavily imply that she has feelings for you but is keeping a lid on them.

Oh good to know. Well I guess that's alright!
Yusuke benefits from stuff like Baton Touch more than Ryuji does because of several skills he has. Yusuke also can counter and is the speed buffer for the team, making you harder hit. Up until the near end, Yusuke is a arguably the better phys damage as well though Ryuji ends up outpacing him
Really? I kinda ditched him but now I think I will use him more often.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Fifth dungeon spoilers

It's a Burger King space station. I love this game


Just blew my dosh on two level 3 SP accessories, now I'll be able to grind forever. Is there even any point to the other accessories now? Ha.


How/when do I get more mementos requests? I'm on 6/1 and only have
one other than the tutorial one

I read tips saying to stack them before going in.

I'm pretty sure early on you don't get many and it you have to do them one by one in order to get new ones.


How/when do I get more mementos requests? I'm on 6/1 and only have
one other than the tutorial one

I read tips saying to stack them before going in.

Mishima won't give you more unless you finish that tutorial one. You also have to look for others yourself. Like certain confidant events will give you mementos and working at certain places a number of times.


Dammit, OST has a 1-2 month wait on Amazon JP. I prefer them for the packaging they use. Sigh, I rely on YouTube after I beat the game then.


Damn, the skill to keep pestering demons for money is great.

Just made 16k just by asking more and more money from an angel until she got pissed and attacked me. Then I killed her party and got battle money on top of it lmao.


First dungeon down! Just waiting on the repercussions now.

Can't decide what day-to-day stats and objectives I should pursue next. Got Guts and Charm at 2, and finally got my room fully cleaned up. Need to check in with the doctor again, but apparently she'll only see me in the evening. I feel like I should be doing more studying, but I'm always tempted to do other things when it isn't raining. I also need to resummon or otherwise collect a Hierophant duder for confidant ups. Hrms.

Hey, little-known secret -- this game's pretty good.


needs 2 extra inches
Am I the only one?

While I'm still early in the game, coming from playing Nioh, the character physics and controls don't feel very satisfying to me. Like at all. The camera view constantly resetting/moving is a negative as well, instead of giving me full control of the view.

It's frustrating to me because it's standing between me and full immersion.


Am I right?

The track that plays in your bedroom, vocals were added to it after the first palace?

Does that happen to other pieces of music as you go?
Dammit, OST has a 1-2 month wait on Amazon JP. I prefer them for the packaging they use. Sigh, I rely on YouTube after I beat the game then.

I was pretty happy I managed to grab a Take Your Heart Edition from Best Buy after release. I saw it on the shelf and nabbed it. First Persona Game. Some of the songs seem to be missing from the CD though? Or am I crazy.


Nah he's cool people

Truth. Sojiro is probably my favorite or second-favorite Confidant and his in-story stuff is pretty great too. Honestly the whole relationship (August spoilers)
between him, Futaba, and the MC is really great. I loved their interactions and how Sojiro and Futaba's Confidant scenes involved the other as well.
Oh no no, I mean if you choose.

Just because I haven't gotten to that point yet I'm confuse because I feel like you spoiled something without spoiling something at the same time. (Concerning your last couple of post)

Can I ask that you use spoiler tags for your future discussions for rank 10 links?

There's also a confidant thread and spoiler thread. I had this long post with not so nice things in it before I calmed down and realised what I wrote in my first paragraph.
Truth. Sojiro is probably my favorite or second-favorite Confidant and his in-story stuff is pretty great too. Honestly the whole relationship (August spoilers)
between him, Futaba, and the MC is really great. I loved their interactions and how Sojiro and Futaba's Confidant scenes involved the other as well.

Yeah, he's a bit of a hard ass at first compared to your first interaction with Dojima.
Am I the only one?

Honestly I haven't played nearly enough to judge the game fully, but I can say that the running around doesn't feel perfect. Then again I don't really mind too much, as it is not a game that requires precision nearly as much as say Nier or Nioh. Comparing the controls and "game feel" of a hyper fast paced action RPG to a turn based one will usually make the latter's stick out a bit, I only hope it isn't too much to overlook for you, as that'd suck otherwise. The camera isn't perfect either, but I think it works well for the most part. I like it being behind the MC's back more often than in past Persona games, makes the world seem more expansive/immersive despite the horribly low resolution signs, lol.


Honestly, I'm just not finding some of the mole hill uproar about the localization. The writing and VA is fantastic less a few clunkers.

I'm always glad to see impressions such as these. I've only played about 2 hours and so don't have enough experience with the game to judge, but even the somewhat questionable phrases feel fine in the moment, the VA sells it. I still wish that Atlus JP didn't enforce incorrect pronunciations of Sakamoto, Shibuya and others, but considering dubs can often have those issues, I can overlook it. Prefer English over Japanese because the game doesn't subtitle everything, if they did I'd consider choosing Japanese for my first playthrough but I can't stand insufficient subtitling. Hopefully they can at least patch that it, as it'd be much easier than reworking some of the weirder lines.
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