You can swap by just going to the Stats option in the menu. No need to leave or anything.I don't recall being able to swap in the safe room. I thought you had to go back outside from the saferoom since there quick travel is unlocked upon discovery of a safe room. But correct me if I'm wrong . Lol
I liked that theme too but man both versions ofI was going to say the next dungeon but you already went there.
What bug?This all out attack bug is annoying as hell. I can't even get pass the result screen.
I liked that theme too but man both versions ofdoes things to me.Price
What bug?
Beat the second boss. Much easier than the first, but I suppose I am getting the hang of this lol
Dumb question but I never knew the answer playing through Persona 4.
Can someone tell me. If I spend time with a confidant, and it says "I don't think we will grow closer". Does that still progress the social meter with that individual? Or am I wasting my time spending time with them that day?
Basically are those "we aren't leveling up our bond" days part of building the bond even if we don't level up, or does that mean I should be waiting for a different day when it says we will grow closer?
I'm starting to wonder if I missed Ann as confidant. I didn't have the kindness to start hanging out with her early on, and now I pretty much can never find her anywhere. She used to always be sitting in front of me when class ended.
I'm starting to wonder if I missed Ann as confidant. I didn't have the kindness to start hanging out with her early on, and now I pretty much can never find her anywhere. She used to always be sitting in front of me when class ended.
i feel like it's tradition for modern persona for the first dungeon to be the most irritating because you have so few options
She'll probably text you to initiate, or she's in the Underground MallI'm starting to wonder if I missed Ann as confidant. I didn't have the kindness to start hanging out with her early on, and now I pretty much can never find her anywhere. She used to always be sitting in front of me when class ended.
So think of it like this, there's
SLink points
Actual Ranks
What "Won't get closer" means is you won't actually up your rank that day. But as long as you see those blue notes, you're always going to get SLink points that go towards the rank.
I never had this happen to me. Have you tried deleting and reinstalling the game?Basically when you do an all out attack while Morgana is saying something like finish them off, the dialogue doesn't go away, so you are stuck at the result screen.
There was 2 sections where I ran into this.
So I'm in the 5th Palace now and I just unlocked a new fusion method, I'm confused how it works.
Network Fusion, I kind of thought it was just a random thing when the twins were explaining it but the name makes me think there might be more to it. Anyone know?
Oh, seems like its once a day. Give or take.
One each day, just sacrifice one. I've gotten some awesome results.
I never had this happen to me. Have you tried deleting and reinstalling the game?
You can't skip it, holding triangle does the same thing as pressing X multiple times.Someone said earlier in the thread you can hold triangle to skip the victory screen, so like, does that even work? I tried it tons of times but can't get it to skip.
One of the finest experiences in this game is asking money from demons and then killing them.
In game day or actual day? And does the persona used actually matter?
Wait, what? Don't they immediately retreat after giving you some money?
Game day, without a guide is hard to say but that's the beauty of it. You just don't know what you gonna get. On the plus side some rare personas are hidden in that feature with rare magic skills.
Fk the persona that casts ''Hama''. I bumped into one accidently and 5 of them kept casting it until my party wiped out. lol
What's the name of the song for the Airsoft Gun Shop, Untouchable?
Why wouldn't I if have 4 accessories that
Regenerate SP?
Wow. The SP accessory makes a huge difference for the palaces.
Hama and Mudo are the worst. It feels like enemies have a 90% hit rate with them.
I remember seeing videos where the guy was going in cover mode to jump enemies around corners and stuff.
Maybe I missed the tutorial or I'm not far enough yet but how do you do that?
I remember seeing videos where the guy was going in cover mode to jump enemies around corners and stuff.
Maybe I missed the tutorial or I'm not far enough yet but how do you do that?
Layer Cake.
Beat the second boss. Much easier than the first, but I suppose I am getting the hang of this lol
Once you get a Nul to combat that skill you'll be set.. however this is perhaps my most precious persona.
Just try hitting me
I had a probably with the digital version skipping during the opening scene but reinstalling it fixed itWell, I do have the digital version. I guess I can redownload it overnight to see. It's annoying as hell though.
If this is anything like the previous persona games, then there are endgame personas which are rpl/null more than half the board.
Morgana really wants you to keep up with your sleep huh?
So wait, when you demand money from a demon and say you can do better or whatever, does the money add up for as long as you keep demanding more?