Weirdly, I find Kanji more thoughtful than Ryugi. Kanji doesn't really strike me as the type to be all. That and the general idiocy strike me as very Yosuke--Kanji was dumb a lot, but more in that he lacked knowledge rather than common sense. Also,omg we're gonna be so famous and awesome when everyone knows us as the Phantom Thievesfeels like a Yosuke thing too. Though that one I forgive becauseOperation MaidwatchOH MY GOD THE PAYOFF.
I was speaking about Kanji BEFORE he become a teamate.
that's why I said that Ryugi is the version of Kanji (for me) that was before the heroes came in his life.
Kanji is my third fav char in Persona 4, such a sweety, lol
But I already said that I hope Ryugi grow a bit during main story, I've no problem with him in his social link compared to Mishima xD