I've been playing this since Friday like a filthy phantom thief, I just finished the first dungeon. Loving it, but I didn't expect otherwise.
I don't think there's much I need to say since it's all obvious stuff (looks so much better now, proper dungeons, so stylish, etc..) but I gotta say, I'm still getting major P2 vibes from this, I'm quite happy about that. Hard to explain though, I'm sure the color scheme is influencing me somewhat and there's some obvious stuff like guns and demon negotiations being back but we already knew that, but I do appreciate how it's way less sunshine and rainbows than P4 while being dark in a very different way from P3. So, I think it's reminiscent of it in the writing department, in the sense that I especially like it? Hm.
Oh yeah, I love the negotiations, I'm so glad they've returned. I remember being shot down by people every time I expressed I wanted them back. >.>
Such gorgeous demon models too! They better make plenty of use of them outside of Persona.
Anyway, can someone give me an idea of how long is an okay time to spend on these dungeons? I feel like it was theoretically possible in 2 but the SP pretty much made that impossible for me. I did it in 3. Did I do all right?
And do I have any good ways to restore SP? I can make coffee now, is that my best one?