Everyone aside from your party and a few select NPCs seem like assholes tbh
proper asshole town
Wow no kidding. Literally every NPC i've met so far is a huge asshole omg.
Everyone aside from your party and a few select NPCs seem like assholes tbh
proper asshole town
Up until you meet. Just... What the hell were they thinking? Ugh.Futaba
Up until you meet. Just... What the hell were they thinking? Ugh.Futaba
Hearing this really bums me out since I absolutely love her design and concept (from what I've seen, it's one of my favorite in the series). I was really hoping she had a VA to knock it out of the park.
So maybe a little of topic but I can't seem to find the Ann Takamaki theme and avatar set on the PSN store. I checked the DLC schedule and it says it's supposed to drop today but the only ones up are the Protagonist, Ryuji Sakamoto, and Morgana's sets. Am I just not looking hard enough or is it not up yet? I'm in Canada BTW so I dunno if maybe it's just not up on our store yet.
I know a lot of people are really happy that Demon Negotiation is back but count me as one of the only people that has been playing SMT games for like a decade and literally cannot stand it.
I really hope there are other ways to get Personas because fuuuuuuuuuuuuck Demon Negotiation.
Maybe this is obvious to most people, but is Annhalf-American, half-Japanese or something like that? Her design is the most western-ish so far in comparison with the rest
So I'm sort of in an impasse. My Take Your Heart edition arrived today but not sure if I should open it. I usually go all digital but this SKU sort of stuck out to me. Anything really worth keeping in this version?
Maybe this is obvious to most people, but is Annhalf-American, half-Japanese or something like that? Her design is the most western-ish so far in comparison with the rest
Maybe this is obvious to most people, but is Annhalf-American, half-Japanese or something like that? Her design is the most western-ish so far in comparison with the rest
As far as I know, Merciless is just Hard but half XP and Money gain. So unless they changed it, it's best for a fresh run instead of NG+ where you inherit money and etc.
Personally, it's severely lacking in value for collectors. The best thing about it is probably the artbook and the big box.
It sounds like it is a crit/weakness multiplier increase (3x?). The XP and Money change has the effect to mostly require you be more concerned about dungeon deadlines and preparing for the boss fights, and the change barely matters in NG+ if you're carrying stuff over.
I kind of liked the XP/Money reduction in P4G's Risky mode, but it is really hard to use that as a point of comparison due to how much variation there is in the series with respect to explicit level dependence in damage/accuracy algorithms, etc. Also, I belive in P4, being Strong against Physical straight up prevented Crits, which doesn't appear to be the case here?
Can you reduce the difficulty mid-game, unlike Risky?
How's Vita remote play? Switch has me aching for portability all over now, haha.
Lost 30 min progress because of no autosave. I have a habit of quitting the game directly meh.
Can confirm it works well. Text is a bit small, but legible. R2 is only used for running in dungeons (which I rarely do), don't think L2 does anything. Textures aren't super high resolution in the first place, and of course the delay/lag doesn't matter much with it being turn-based.
I don't like it either. Much prefer the systems of P3 and P4.
But at least picking the right options is pretty easy, so there's that.
I'm like 99% sure one of the NPCscalled her a foreigner, yeah
Ann is quarter-American, yeah.
How's Vita remote play? Switch has me aching for portability all over now, haha.
Ok fuck thatfortune teller lady. it takes forever to start her social link and on teh top of that she stole 100K from me.
I'm gonna load the save before talking to.her
Anyone knows what is the ultimate persona of the social link at least?
Is there a trick to demon negotiation or is it all luck?
Recommended negotiation answers for (all?) 4 persona types, if someone wants to know them:
Serious -
Playful x
Kind o
Ambiguous x
Serious o
Playful -
Kind x
Ambiguous x
Serious x
Playful o
Kind -
Ambiguous x
Serious x
Playful x
Kind -
Ambiguous o
o = positive, x = negative, - = neutral
Got em from gamefaqs board, not sure if they're 100% accurate.
If you recruit a persona when you're full and don't take them with you, do they get automatically added to the compendium?
Aren't you supposed to delete the Japanese audio and then download it again to fix it?Seriously, why is there so much unsubbed audio???! Especially during the anime cutscenes. This JP audio DLC is completely useless lol.
As far as I know, Merciless is just Hard but half XP and Money gain. So unless they changed it, it's best for a fresh run instead of NG+ where you inherit money and etc.
Aren't you supposed to delete the Japanese audio and then download it again to fix it?
Uhhhhhmaybe? It's one of the weakest ultimates level wise if I remember right.Lakshmi
You really need some prep time for that link, the requirements for unlocking it are the most intense in the game.
Is the Protag's canon name still: Akira Kurusu
When I go to type in my Protags name, do I enter the last name first or first name first?
As in do I use the American or Japanese style for the name?
I would not call the name canonical, it's just what they used in the Manga adaptation, and history has shown us that Atlus plays fast and loose with protag names in spinoff media. The P3 protag has 3 names. P4's protag got two. It's the only actual name we have for now, I guess? I would just pick something else. :V
I would not call the name canonical, it's just what they used in the Manga adaptation, and history has shown us that Atlus plays fast and loose with protag names in spinoff media. The P3 protag has 3 names. P4's protag got two. It's the only actual name we have for now, I guess? I would just pick something else. :V
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, Ann? You knew thatright? Cause you straight up justthat other Ann with Kamoshida wasn't a real person...slashed it with a sword without knowing
Seriously, why is there so much unsubbed audio???! Especially during the anime cutscenes. This JP audio DLC is completely useless lol.
Is the Protag's canon name still: Akira Kurusu
When I go to type in my Protags name, do I enter the last name first or first name first?
As in do I use the American or Japanese style for the name?
Oh dammit. Guess I'm going English then.No. It's not a bug. There are a lot of unsubbed background audio for both dubs.