Why do they say Sakamoto like that lol
Is there a way to adjust the screen area for overscan? The TV I'm using has overscan with no way to turn it off, and some of the HUD is getting cut off on my screen.
I have this going on as well and it's annoying. Display area settings doesn't help either :/PS4 Setting -> Sound and Screen -> Display Area Settings
game arrived. can't wait to share my experience through non-spoiler, low quality, crooked, vertical camera shots with the flash on
Atlas told them to.
WhatThe OST is a massive disappointment so far..
I truly believe this to be the case. But they don't do the same thing for Ka-Mo-shi-da. Or Ka-Ne-shi-ro.
I just hate the inconsistency.
Well I'm stopping after six hours now, so here are my thoughts.
Ryuji, Morgana and Ann are far and away better than Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko could ever dream of.
The game has the same problem of having a really railroady beginning but the plot and characters are so good I don't mind. It wasn't untilIt's annoying for sure, but I'm also having too much fun to care.my fourth return to the Castle, and having a full party of four, that the regular game structure really begins.
Fuck this game is so cool looking. Everything I do is drenched in style. Even the menus! When was the last time you excitedly checked out the menus?
I hope someday Atlus lets me keep my starter Persona because Arsene was fucking baller.
The first villain of the storyline is one of the best antagonists the series has ever seen.He's entirely real and such a creepy jackass that I'm deeply looking forward to caving his face in.
I've been so addicted to the OST these past few weeks, listening to every track I can on YouTube. I absolutely adore it but then again, this will be my first persona game so I never listened to previous games music.Well i'm about 2 hours in and it's mostly been background jazz and funk so far.. I really liked the music in 2, 3 and 4...
The OST is a massive disappointment so far.. The camera shake is horrible as well, only just realized you can turn it off
So I got the game today. It took a lot of effort.
When I woke up, I checked Amazon tracking and saw something unfortunate: it was being delivered to my old address when I pre-ordered the game which was in another city about 30 minutes away. While it would have ultimately been forwarded to my current address, it would have take a couple extra days.
So, I did what anyone would do and called in sick to work and drove to the post office in that city. Aaaand my package was already in a truck. This town has a population of about 100k and a lot of that is from the university. So, it's not huge. And the supervisor at the post office told me the name of the driver who had my package.
So, I drove around for nearly 90 minutes in an 8 block radius or so from my house. The third mail truck I found was my guy. Got the package from him, drove home, and so far I've played almost 4 hours.
Totally worth it. Loving this game.
Woot, got it. Lets do this.
Disagree entirely. So far I like the OST better than P3 and P4s already stellar soundtrack. It fits the mood perfectly.The OST is a massive disappointment so far.. The camera shake is horrible as well, only just realized you can turn it off
The OST is a massive disappointment so far.. The camera shake is horrible as well, only just realized you can turn it off
So I got the game today. It took a lot of effort.
When I woke up, I checked Amazon tracking and saw something unfortunate: it was being delivered to my old address when I pre-ordered the game which was in another city about 30 minutes away. While it would have ultimately been forwarded to my current address, it would have take a couple extra days.
So, I did what anyone would do and called in sick to work and drove to the post office in that city. Aaaand my package was already in a truck. This town has a population of about 100k and a lot of that is from the university. So, it's not huge. And the supervisor at the post office told me the name of the driver who had my package.
So, I drove around for nearly 90 minutes in an 8 block radius or so from my house. The third mail truck I found was my guy. Got the package from him, drove home, and so far I've played almost 4 hours.
Totally worth it. Loving this game.
I prefer the direction they took with the ost in this game, the more jazz inspired soundtrack fits with the style of the game so well. Also really dig the hard rock style boss themes, reminds a bit of some of the other Megaten games
I mean, that's your opinion? I'm five hours in and think Ryuji is one of my favorite Persona characters ever. His voice actor is so fucking good and just sells every moment as far as I'm concerned.
Is there any way to adjust the display area? I'm cropped on the edges of the screen slightly on my TV, PS4 settings don't seem to affect it
Is there any way to adjust the display area? I'm cropped on the edges of the screen slightly on my TV, PS4 settings don't seem to affect it
The OST is a massive disappointment so far.. The camera shake is horrible as well, only just realized you can turn it off
I'm sorry guys but the battle theme is nowhere as good as the P3 and P4 ones. The singer sounds like she's being threatened to sing at her last breath.
This is a PS3 game first.
Persona 5 has been in development for a long time, and at times, that shows. Coming from Persona 4, which looked gorgeous on PS2 and on the Vita with Persona 4 Golden, I was very much looking forward to Atlus stepping things up to an entirely different level with Persona 5.
Make no mistake: this is one of the most beautiful, stylish, and thoughtfully designed games you'll ever play. Don't doubt that for a moment. There are times, though, when really detailed textures and patterns will clash jarringly with some muddy, dated textures. There is some pretty noticeable aliasing throughout, as well. I couldn't help but wonder at points how much different this game might have looked if it began its life on the PS4. Even Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE on the Wii U seemed to have sharper little details on simple things like building exteriors, food labels, and environmental details.
Seriously, one of my favorite things to do in Persona 4 and TMS #FE is go into grocery stores and shops and just look at all of the neat little items that line the shelves and how detailed they are. While that is still my great delight in Persona 5, those details don't surprise me on the PS4 like they surprised me on the PS2, Vita, and Wii U.
I wrote a lil' diddy here about five things you'll learn in the first five hours of the game coming from Personas past. I'm going to copy and paste one point here for you all, and I'd be interested in hearing other players' opinions.
Do the inconsistent textures pop out to anyone else? I love the game very much, and no one in this thread needs reminding of its accolades or accomplishments. This is just a weird, minor issue that keeps poking at me.
Yeah, it was always going to be pretty divisive.The OST isn't as vocal as past games. I can definitely see why some wouldn't dig it as much. Same impressions from the JP release, basically.
Probobly a late warning, but using the JP voices, and some scenes will not be subtitled, mostly the animation cutscenes.
game arrived. can't wait to share my experience through non-spoiler, low quality, crooked, vertical camera shots with the flash on
damn! this game's first hour is just terrible! i mean, just so bad compared to the previous 2!...
now downloading the 2gb japanese vocals. just as well - i needed the break...
I'm sorry guys but the battle theme is nowhere as good as the P3 and P4 ones. The singer sounds like she's being threatened to sing at her last breath.
Probobly a late warning, but using the JP voices, and some scenes will not be subtitled, mostly the animation cutscenes.