There's only one way to interpret this.
god i fucking love recess
Correct! I love Aronofsky. The Fountain is probably my favourite film of all time.
It's worth noting that he wasn't just inspired by Perfect Blue, Black Swan is practically a rip off at points.
It's worth noting that I don't believe this for a second.
Honestly, considering Dexter made me feel like a sucker for watching it all the way, I'll go with that. That final episode was nothing but one curb stomp to fans after another, and then a nonsensical ending thrown in. I mean, I loved LOST until the finale which made me kind of never want to watch it again, but it wasn't the bad feelings of Dexter by any stretch.
Then again I had heard that one of the big writers left the show after season 4, explaining oh so damn much. :\
Dexter starts out good. Final Fantasy XIII starts out with "Moms are tough."
Enough said.
Ooh, Wikipedia says that movie is Hitchcock-esque. Sounds awesome.
Black Swan is Aronofsky's top film.
Correct! I love Aronofsky. The Fountain is probably my favourite film of all time.
I saw a website once comparing the two. Some scenes are 1:1.
Fun fact about Cracked: Their articles often take a half truth and inflate it to something it isn't. Aronofsky didn't even write Black Swan, he only directed it.You would love Perfect Blue then. Aronofsky bought the rights to remake Perfect Blue in 2000. Black Swan is essentially a live-action adaptation of Kon's magus opus. A few scenes are direct live-action rips of Perfect Blue. Many themes and the main plot are super similar as well.
Cracked even wrote a list concerning which classic films were ripped off from other properties. Black Swan ranked number five for ripping Perfect Blue. Aronofsky is obviously a gigantic fan of it, so you should be too.
Gatsby would have gotten Daisy for sure if he had a Persona of the Lovers Arcana.
IFun fact about Cracked: Their articles often take a half truth and inflate it to something it isn't. Aronofsky didn't even write Black Swan, he only directed it.
You're just going to have to accept the lower quality bar because Aronofsky rips off weeaboo movies.
*snrk overload*
The Wrestler is better than both of them so it doesn't really matter.
It's a comparison that works.
The episode where Gus gets beaten up? That's an S Link event waiting to happen.
Guys I admit I love The Fast and The Furious series. Seriously, look at these movie titles:
The Fast and The Furious
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast and Furious
Fast Five
Furious 6
So stupid. So good.
Bah. I wish I had Black Swan on me. I am about to watch Perfect Blue again for Gaf's horror movie marathon, which Aronofsky's film would be perfect for. If I can acquire a copy of Black Swan from a friend, I'll rewatch it, and return to make my own argument without help from Levito's article or silly ol' Cracked.
But watch Perfect Blue anyway. You would love it, even if you dislike anime. There is no moe elements in it, so your sanity would be that regards. It has the possibility to fuck with your mind like Aronofsky's films.
Hahaha, oh my god
Could you imagine a Randall S.Link? There's an episode where he gets hit by a rock and they hold a trial to find out who did it, but it turns out that it was Randall who hit himself wanted the attention. A Vince S.Link could cover his rivalry vs Lawson or depression after getting by Ashley Q in kickball.
Hustler kid is Tanaka.
Fast Five was BS because there's no way Riddick could beat up The Rock. It's impossible.
While I like anime, it's hard to find many that are good in the sense you're thinking of. The only ones for me were Evangelion and Clannad with its depth and themes (but some people will disagree) while other stuff I just enjoyed for entertainment or other reasons.I don't have anything against anime as a creative medium, it's just that virtually every anime I have been presented with is, at best, uninteresting to me, and often much worse than that.
Cowboy Bebop is a good example of an anime that I had absolutely no real problems with.
"Why Persona 4 is a bad shallow game" will return after a brief commercial break. Next up "Hey it's Tuesday Persona 5 Famitsu hopes" and shortly thereafter "Everyone suggest Dantis TV shows and anime he doesn't like."
A new season of "Persona 4 Arena is a horrible game" and "Persona 1 & 2 are so tr00" will premiere later today.
looks like someone got the programming schedule mixed up, "everyone suggests dantis tv shows and anime he doesn't like" came on before "hey it's tuesday!"
Also did you know the Spy Kids series and the Machete series take place in the same universe and the Machete character played by Trejo is in every one of those movies.
From the clip that I watched, it looks like an interesting film. If I ever sign up for Lovefilm again, maybe I'll watch it.
I don't have anything against anime as a creative medium, it's just that virtually every anime I have been presented with is, at best, uninteresting to me, and often much worse than that.
Cowboy Bebop is a good example of an anime that I had absolutely no real problems with.
For me anime is just like any other medium: Diamonds surrounded by a sea of crap. Even as much as I love western drama's like Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, and The Wire. I absolutey despise most TV, whenever I go to the gym fucking Storage Wars is on TV and it makes me ashamed to be of the same species as people that enjoy it.
From the clip that I watched, it looks like an interesting film. If I ever sign up for Lovefilm again, maybe I'll watch it.
I don't have anything against anime as a creative medium, it's just that virtually every anime I have been presented with is, at best, uninteresting to me, and often much worse than that.
Cowboy Bebop is a good example of an anime that I had absolutely no real problems with.
To be legitimately fair to you Dantis, I don't understand why so many people here insist to must watch anime all the time. haha
For me anime is just like any other medium: Diamonds surrounded by a sea of crap. Even as much as I love western drama's like Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, and The Wire. I absolutey despise most TV, whenever I go to the gym fucking Storage Wars is on TV and it makes me ashamed to be of the same species as people that enjoy it.
Gaming is probably the one exception cause it can be enjoyed on so many more levels. The only truly horrendous game I've played in the past 3 or so years was Aliens: Colonial Marines.
To be legitimately fair to you Dantis, I don't understand why so many people here insist to must watch anime all the time. haha
For me anime is just like any other medium: Diamonds surrounded by a sea of crap. Even as much as I love western drama's like Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, and The Wire. I absolutey despise most TV, whenever I go to the gym fucking Storage Wars is on TV and it makes me ashamed to be of the same species as people that enjoy it.
Gaming is probably the one exception cause it can be enjoyed on so many more levels. The only truly horrendous game I've played in the past 3 or so years was Aliens: Colonial Marines.
When I read that you are back on Lovefilm, or on the low chance I see you at the Persona concert, you will either have me pester you about it, or you will receive it from me. One of the two.
Also, here's one of my favorite piece from the film's OST; it's a superb track that nails the film's tone.
Robert Rodriguez confirmed this!
That is a much more interesting track than I had expected, honestly.
Oh, and if I wasn't clear in my previous post, PersonaGAF should read Oyasumi Punpun. Especially if they like dark stuff.
Doom Guy was just holding back. He knew that Dominic Torretto would become immortal and become Riddick in the far future, FF is also an avengers prequel.
Also did you know the Spy Kids series and the Machete series take place in the same universe and the Machete character played by Trejo is in every one of those movies.
I watched Rosario + Vampire for it's compelling characters masterful storytelling.
The fuck is going on in this thread?
The eternal cycle of PersonaGAF.
I watched Rosario + Vampire for it's compelling characters masterful storytelling.
Guys I admit I love The Fast and The Furious series. Seriously, look at these movie titles:
The Fast and The Furious
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast and Furious
Fast Five
Furious 6
So stupid. So good.
I laughed my ass off when I first heard this
persona 5 is just a kill la kill game
Speaking of anime references: Tokyo Drift has a few shout-outs to Initial D(two female racers in one car). I once heard a rumor that it started as an Initial D adaptation, but that's probably BS.
Isn't he also their uncle?
persona 5 is just a kill la kill game
Someone should take the "Sonic Cycle" and remake it to be PersonaGAF related.
Final Social Link scene:
Her face in the scene where he's doing that bent over pose thing was pretty much my face the whole time my girlfriend made me watch Free.Final Social Link scene:
Her face in the scene where he's doing that bent over pose thing was pretty much my face the whole time my girlfriend made me watch Free.
The fuck is going on in this thread?
True. But cursing is pretty fucking don't have to cuss to hang out and have fun