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Persona Community Thread |OT4| The Golden Number


I don't really have a problem with the idea of the card system, but I find the execution tedious.

And yeah, I'm surprised by how much I like P1 so far. Better than I expected it to be.

Get ready to spend more time in the Casino than playing the game if you're as OCD as me.

PK Gaming

(laugh) The direction for my "Name's Byakuya Togami" was to not give a fuck. Make fun of me after you play a few chapters. ;)

(Or seriously just go Japanese audio you guys will probably have a better time)
I'm definitely willing to give you and the rest of the VAs the benefit of the doubt. I listened to a few voice clips of Devil Survivor: Overclocked, and I absolutely hated it, but opinion of the dub 180'd after playing through the game. Actors tend to get better at voice acting once they have a feel for the game (P4G Chie anyone?) and i'm sure DR's english dub cast will be no different.

I don't go searching for the stuff so there's probably more, but I think this is the only fan art of the female P3MC that I've seen that I truly liked:


Totally adding this to my collection, awesome find!


(laugh) The direction for my "Name's Byakuya Togami" was to not give a fuck. Make fun of me after you play a few chapters. ;)

(Or seriously just go Japanese audio you guys will probably have a better time)

I wasn't impressed with the intros, but out of the two guys I know that have played it in full one loved it, the other not so much. We'll see.



You can find the rest HERE

I had a hard time finding good FeMC art on the net, (hence why most of it is just comics). Not too happy with how this came out, but oh well.




Yeah, I think Ass High is the best way to translate it then.

If I were localizing, I probably would have changed the name of the school and made a new pun entirely out of it. Both translations try to retain the play on words, and that's not really possible.
In Persona 4 Golden, is it even possible to catch the Shichiri Beach Guardian (for the last Hermit quest) in January/February? I've been trying for hours and haven't managed to get the damn thing to even show up


I love the cover of the P3 fanbook with both protags on the cover

Share the spotlight, guys :( it's not like Makoto even cares...


In Persona 4 Golden, is it even possible to catch the Shichiri Beach Guardian (for the last Hermit quest) in January/February? I've been trying for hours and haven't managed to get the damn thing to even show up

Yes, it's just a bitch to actually pull off. Save scumming is your best friend.


In Persona 4 Golden, is it even possible to catch the Shichiri Beach Guardian (for the last Hermit quest) in January/February? I've been trying for hours and haven't managed to get the damn thing to even show up
Yes it certainly is, I did all those very last minute. Cast your bait, if the splashes aren't the big splashes that the guardian gives off then reel it in right away. You won't lose your bait and you won't take up a turn for fishing so you can just keep trying till it shows up. It will take a few minutes of casting and reeling in over and over again but it will show eventually.
Yes, it's just a bitch to actually pull off. Save scumming is your best friend.

To be clear, I can just go whenever, right? Because I'm pretty sure the beach is always cloudy in Winter. And if the first splash with the lure isn't the right one I just reel in and cast again?

That's what I've read/seen elsewhere, but after such a long time I'm questioning that info


To be clear, I can just go whenever, right? Because I'm pretty sure the beach is always cloudy in Winter. And if the first splash with the lure isn't the right one I just reel in and cast again?

That's what I've read/seen elsewhere, but after such a long time I'm questioning that info
Yes, that's correct. Just keep doing that.


To be clear, I can just go whenever, right? Because I'm pretty sure the beach is always cloudy in Winter. And if the first splash with the lure isn't the right one I just reel in and cast again?

That's what I've read/seen elsewhere, but after such a long time I'm questioning that info

Your intel is correct. Enjoy the real life boredom of fishing!


@iiotenki on Twitter!
Ah, no problem at all! I'm just glad to hear a response. And I was actually mostly talking about script editing, though I can see how I could've confused you by mentioning the changes to interface design. Still, thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to stay as spoiler-free as possible, so I can totally see how me needing to project and make assumptions with the script might not match up 100% or might miss the main point of the sentence completely. I thought it would always be interesting to do something like that as a profession, though I wouldn't know how to get my foot into the door.

Like I said, the only remotely "official" business was the Digital Manga Guild, which lured me in by implying I might eventually be able to translate things like Astro Boy (I'm a HUGE Tezuka fan). After downloading their editor test, though (they had one for a translator, an editor, and an image editor), I had to bail out when I saw it included hentai, hahaha. Still, I don't exactly have any leads for getting my foot through the door, aside from just changing my major outright, already halfway through school.

Ah, I figured it might be script editing, too, but I get that question a lot less often, so I wasn't entirely sure. Honestly, most all of my writing skills are self-taught, including what works and doesn't work for me in a translation context. As a freelancer and hobbyist, I pretty much have to do all of my writing work myself, including the editing portions, and while it's been working out pretty okay with me lately in terms of public reception, it's not normally an ideal setup on bigger projects like serialized manga translations, so I'm not sure how much of my knowledge is particularly transferable outside that specific context.

In a scanlation context where you'd be working with other people in a group, though, your role as an editor would be pretty similar to what you were doing with my translations where you're giving the translator feedback on their output as an outside party reading the material, while also obviously handling general proofreading duties. Sometimes the latter duty is handed off to another person entirely, which I never really understood, but in general I'd say that your most important assets as a translation editor are going to be those critical thinking skills (e.g.: "How is the audience going to react to a line written like this?", "Does the translated material connect cohesively and form a proper narrative?", etc.) and ideally a pretty detailed technical understanding of English grammar and writing mechanics relative to whatever style guidelines are established for the work in question. As a translator myself, I mostly need the latter when I work with an editor; I'm usually pretty good about adhering to grammar standards in published works and break rules only when I deliberately need to do so, but sometimes I slip up and go too colloquial in the wrong ways and an editor can be good for getting me to touch those bits up.

To that end, I have nothing to really back this idea up other than personal suppositions, but I'd imagine that the work is pretty similar to a comics editor in general at a place like Marvel or DC, so it might not hurt to just go research what they do to get an idea of what skills you should generally polish. A lot of the time I'd recommend that people punch up their writing skills, too, but you're solid as is, so I don't think that's potentially all that necessary beyond maybe brushing up on technical rules for English writing and structure.

I hope some of that was useful! I mostly work on my own both professionally and when I do fan translations, so my perspective on things might be a bit skewed.


Think I'll boot up P3P again.

Did that Persona 3 film come out on DVD yet overseas?

Yeah! Join the currently playing P3P club!

Also, P1: What's the earliest I can get a demon with Estoma? The encounter rate is high enough I could see it eventually getting annoying, although it's not bothering me right now.



I'd fucking play the shit out of P4A if it was skullgirls style (and wasn't region locked to fuckkkkkkkkkkkk). Not just talking artstyle, mean marvel 2 style, that's more my jam


I'd fucking play the shit out of P4A if it was skullgirls style (and wasn't region locked to fuckkkkkkkkkkkk). Not just talking artstyle, mean marvel 2 style, that's more my jam

Before P4A existed I just thought a Persona fighter should've just copied JoJo: Heritage for the Future's way of handling Stands (tandem combos and stuff) and just apply persona to it

Mahvel-esque Persona sounds like a /nightmare./ from a gameplay perspective.
Unfortunately no. They have yet to even announce a distributor.

Or a localization.

Nope, and pretty much there are only three anime distributors that I can think of off the top of my head that who would have any interest in the movies. And That would be FUNIMATION, Sentai Filmworks, or Aniplex.
I'd rather it not be the third option, because let's just say I'm not gonna be happy, if they think they can charge over $100 for essentially an hour and a half movie.


Nope, and pretty much there are only three anime distributors that I can think of off the top of my head that who would have any interest in the movies. And That would be FUNIMATION, Sentai Filmworks, or Aniplex.
I'd rather it not be the third option, because let's just say heads will be rolling if they think they can charge over $100 for essentially an hour and a half movie.

They charge that for movies? I thought it was just for their shows.



Skullgirls is probably among the best animated games ever made. Cheesecake though it is.

I believe it's actually in the Guiness book for most frames of animation in a game. Really love the art style and animation, mixed feelings about the character designs, don't care about the actual game (not a fighter person). :p


@iiotenki on Twitter!
How would you handle the Kasugayama insult?

You know, that one's stumped me as a translator too since that fan translation originally came out. It's hard to know for certain what I'd do in that situation without actually being there myself, but I think I'd just drop the word play and make the dis applicable to some other aspect of the school entirely. It's been a while since I played Innocent Sin, but I don't recall the wordplay being particularly integral to the narrative progression, so I'd just work on making a good-sounding insult, rather than a line that was mechanically consistent with how it all played out in Japanese.

I can't really think of any specific examples off the top of my head since it's been so long, but I think that would be my general approach to it at least. Like I wrote earlier with the Dangan Ronpa stuff, consistent semantics don't really interest me most of the time as a translator and I'd rather work on relaying the same impact as the original Japanese no matter how that has to be accomplished, even if the setup of the surrounding lines has to be massaged a bit. It's a tricky name to work with all around.


Before P4A existed I just thought a Persona fighter should've just copied JoJo: Heritage for the Future's way of handling Stands (tandem combos and stuff) and just apply persona to it

Mahvel-esque Persona sounds like a /nightmare./ from a gameplay perspective.

probably, but it's the only fighting game system i really understand lol
Before P4A existed I just thought a Persona fighter should've just copied JoJo: Heritage for the Future's way of handling Stands (tandem combos and stuff) and just apply persona to it

Mahvel-esque Persona sounds like a /nightmare./ from a gameplay perspective.

I always imagined a "Mahvel-esque" Persona would have you pick a Persona user and 2 other Personas as their assists/secondary characters. Then I realized wait... only a few characters could wield multiple personas and it would just be weird to play as the Persona themselves.


How would you handle the Kasugayama insult?

You know, that one's stumped me as a translator too since that fan translation originally came out. It's hard to know for certain what I'd do in that situation without actually being there myself, but I think I'd just drop the word play and make the dis applicable to some other aspect of the school entirely. It's been a while since I played Innocent Sin, but I don't recall the wordplay being particularly integral to the narrative progression, so I'd just work on making a good-sounding insult, rather than a line that was mechanically consistent with how it all played out in Japanese.

I can't really think of any specific examples off the top of my head since it's been so long, but I think that would be my general approach to it at least. Like I wrote earlier with the Dangan Ronpa stuff, consistent semantics don't really interest me most of the time as a translator and I'd rather work on relaying the same impact as the original Japanese no matter how that has to be accomplished, even if the setup of the surrounding lines has to be massaged a bit. It's a tricky name to work with all around.
Indeed, the wordplay is mostly irrelevant, the point is that the school is looked down on for having a lot of delinquent students. In the case of the fan translation they stuck with a pun but the insult changed it's meaning and became somewhat offensive for a lot of people. In the case of the official translation they kept the pun but lost any kind of meaning whatsoever, it doesn't even make sense as an insult.

Ass High like you mentioned, CJ, would be good I would think. As it has a kind of similar sentiment that Kasu High has in Japanese. Or maybe Crass High? Something along those lines that implies the general standards of the school aren't that great. It doesn't need to be a play on words specifically.

I honestly don't know what the official translators were going for with Cuss High. Maybe they thought that Kasu High in Japanese was a Japanese phonetic version of Cuss High, since it's written in Katakana as カス.


I always imagined a "Mahvel-esque" Persona would have you pick a Persona user and 2 other Personas as their assists/secondary characters. Then I realized wait... only a few characters could wield multiple personas and it would just be weird to play as the Persona themselves.

and THAT's where the issue lies, and then it boils down to 2v2/3v3 matches where any character and their personae can simply hop in and assist. Then you have to consider how the snapback system would work when you have two characters on the screen, etc etc. It'd be chaotic.

JoJo: Heritage sounds better on paper for persona. Same button format, same stand/persona rule (certain amount of hits and your stand/personae is out), add in stuff from P3/4 and apply it to how Stand/Tandem combos work. (auto-inputting specific persona attacks as you yourself can go in and add anything you want, etc)

But Arc's way is cool too yo



I'd fucking play the shit out of P4A if it was skullgirls style (and wasn't region locked to fuckkkkkkkkkkkk). Not just talking artstyle, [B]mean marvel 2 style[/B], that's more my jam[/QUOTE]

Well, it was already unbalanced as fuck, I guess.

PK Gaming

Speaking of Arena


Yukiko's P4U2 victory quotes have (roughly) been translated!
Generic Quotes:

“Did I fry enough yet?
Because the next course is ‘Opponent, Well Done’!” (Oh she got burns)

"Having a match up in order to lift each other up isn’t half bad.
…Yeah, actually, I think I like it!” (Yukiko is slowly turning into a hotblooded shonen protagonist.)

Allow me to give you some information regarding Amagi Inn and our Hot-Springs!” (Stop)

Huh? It’s already over?
But I was still in the middle of my dance…” (Dancing. We're dancing now.)

Character Specific Quotes:

VS Yu Narukami
”I can’t always just rely on you.
I want to become just as strong as you are…!” (Nice! It'll never happen! But Nice!)

VS Yosuke Hanamura

VS Kanji Tatsumi
”I-I’m sorry!
You made such a scary face that I just cast fire all over you without thinking!” (LOL)

VS Naoto Shirogane
"Hey, do you think you could let me try shooting something sometime?
I have enough self-confidence for some target practice!” (Jesus NO)

VS Akihiko Sanada
”Pfff…Pffhahaha…Haha, Naked-Cape-Guy…
Ah…! Ahahahahaha!

VS Mitsuru Kirijo
"You’ve shown me that, no matter how much
ice tries to freeze me, my fire will melt it all away…
I thank you very much!” (Well G-frigging-G CrazyTank)

VS Yukari Takeba
”Phoenix Ranger FeathermanR… Oh gosh, you are so cool!
I really mean it! I like the Red Ranger the best!” (Word)
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