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Persona Community Thread |OT4| The Golden Number

I joined student council hoping to spend more time with Mitsuru. Instead, some dude is talking to me about school uniforms.

I'll look out for that item, thanks. Yeah, my first couple of times in Tartarus, I was too busy trying to find and fight everything on every floor until everyone got tired. I died a few times being stubborn. Had to learn the hard way.

The compendium is not an item you find. It's a service offered by Igor. You'll get it one point early in the game. I don't remember when exactly.


I joined student council hoping to spend more time with Mitsuru. Instead, some dude is talking to me about school uniforms.

I'll look out for that item, thanks. Yeah, my first couple of times in Tartarus, I was too busy trying to find and fight everything on every floor until everyone got tired. I died a few times being stubborn. Had to learn the hard way.

Hidetoshi a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch.

But I don't mind spending time with Chiho.
Does it drive you mad?

Knowing Green Mamba is ahead of me in the game sickens me to the very depths of my soul.

I had a blast with P4. I loaded up P3 for like 2 minutes and felt like a little kid in a candy store. I was super excited. Then some health issues arose. :(

I'll be away for the weekend, so hopefully on Monday night, i'll get the chance to play it.


There are benefits to being a robot: One of them is not feeling as how you currently feel. The other is being able to laugh freely!

Chiho? lol. XD

Sometimes you give characters nicknames you don't realize might not make sense. Chihiro is Chiho, Nozomi is greasy fat pig, Kenji is DA THIRST.


November spoilers follow

The School Trip happened. Mitsuru angsted through it and Yukari bitch slapped some sense into her before the two of them started talking about SLinking in the hot-tub later that night. Ryoji and Junpei somehow dragged an unwilling Akihiko and an extremely willing Makoto Bravo into sticking around in the hot spring until the girls arrived. When Akihiko pointed out that Mitsuru would likely vivisect the lot of them for laying an eye on her naked, they all realized they didn't have the balls for it and tried to escape. Until, of course, Makoto Fucking Bravo goes all Leeroy Jenkins, climbs up on a boulder, naked as the day God made him, and (I imagine) struck a very proud, upright pose in full view of the girls.

What happened next is a scene of such untold carnage that Junpei's grandchildren refer to it as "the day we almost didn't happen." That night, tending to their wounds, the boys asked Makoto to relate if he had seen any of the girls naked. I mean, he'd gotten up on that boulder and had a clear view of them all. With the cheekiest fucking grin he replied, "Yes. Yes I did." Clamoring for more, they demanded to know who. Mitsuru? Clara? Yukari? Fuuka, maybe? "Aigis," he said.

So on the night of November 21st, the gang decided it was time to storm Tartarsauce again. This time the tower took a hilarious techno-club approach and went on for 50 floors. The gang, chipper as ever, didn't think it would be that bad. Until, of course, Makoto announced they were flat broke and couldn't afford to pay the clock to patch them up more than 1 time in the entire 50 floors. Clara accused Makoto of spending the team earnings on dates, the two of them bickered, and that was that. Up the tower they went, bickering the whole way. Junpei probably barfed because we climbed 50 floors in a single night. At one point, everybody got their asses handed to them by some Sexy Dancers, and we resorted to a 3-man party of people who did not know healing spells and bossed our way through that shizz.

After the Dark hour, Clara accidentally saved over Makoto's save game on Innocent Sin Online and he flipped a gasket. The fight got really, really bad until Clara's latent magical control over time sent Makoto back in time to the 9th. Feeling immensely guilty, Clara later agreed to use her comical control over Time itself to allow Makoto to stop time down so he could repair some Social Links that had been completely bunked up by all this aforementioned and definitely canon time travel. It was at this juncture that Makoto called Clara out for being a soulless, self-insert MC who had no defined personality yet got all the guys and had a never-to-be explained super power that completely did not jive with the series' universe. Clara countered that Makoto himself was a passe stereotype of a bygone era of protagonists who had recently begun taking male enhancement pills to boost his Level and associated stats.

This would've resulted in further meandering of the plot, but Mitsuru demanded the fourth wall be sealed so she could ask how someone is supposed to eat a damn bowl of noodles. Makoto stormed off to his room to chat with "Maya" because she was the one girl who truly understood him. He laughed to himself about how he wasn't a loser like Kenji, who thought he was in a relationship with a teacher when he wasn't.


Fucking Takaya goes and offs Junpei's girl. God damn. Da Man don't deserve this kind of shit. He never wanted any of this. He just wanted to have his gothic girlfriend. I mean, dude finally gets a girlfriend and then she's offed. At this point Takaya is fairly clearly the foremost antagonist in the game, and so I feel it is necessary to reiterate that really Ikutsuki being Shadow Jesus would've been the best. Like, it would've made the betrayal that much better because it would've tied him to a single villain you already had cause to hate and who had a penchant for not dying. It would've made his revival and murder of Chidori that much better, too. Making Takaya some manner of shadow who took over his body could've added depth to both of them as villains, in a twisted Ice King kind of way. Honestly its so much more of an improvement over the way Takaya and Ikutsuki especially played out that from now on I'm going to pretend that that shit is the way it really did go down. I mean why not? I've made up basically every other detail and overturned canon in favor of my fan fiction about a million times already.


I'm not going to lie, I smiled just a little when I heard you accidentally erased your save file.

Online Gamer Maya is the best character in the game, and I say that unironically.

I'm back now, but catching up is never, ever going to happen at this rate. As it is I have 2 parties to manage anyway. Although male MC no longer requires much in the way of management, I guess.
I'm back now, but catching up is never, ever going to happen at this rate. As it is I have 2 parties to manage anyway. Although male MC no longer requires much in the way of management, I guess.
Reading above you're pretty much where I'm at and I'm a very, very slow player. We'll see who reaches the end first!

Also, I have to ask--
what was the hotspring event like in Portable? In FES you get to control the party in some sort of weird stealth sequence, but I'm not sure if that's even possible in Portable.


Reading above you're pretty much where I'm at and I'm a very, very slow player. We'll see who reaches the end first!

Also, I have to ask--
what was the hotspring event like in Portable? In FES you get to control the party in some sort of weird stealth sequence, but I'm not sure if that's even possible in Portable.

It's a visual novel sequence. Depending on what you pick (which differs) the boys either get away or get caught.

PK Gaming

Sometimes you give characters nicknames you don't realize might not make sense. Chihiro is Chiho, Nozomi is greasy fat pig, Kenji is DA THIRST.


Reviving Makoto Bravo's playthrough was worth it for this. Especially this:

CorvoSol said:
What happened next is a scene of such untold carnage that Junpei's grandchildren refer to it as "the day we almost didn't happen." That night, tending to their wounds, the boys asked Makoto to relate if he had seen any of the girls naked. I mean, he'd gotten up on that boulder and had a clear view of them all. With the cheekiest fucking grin he replied, "Yes. Yes I did." Clamoring for more, they demanded to know who. Mitsuru? Clara? Yukari? Fuuka, maybe? "Aigis," he said.



Reading above you're pretty much where I'm at and I'm a very, very slow player. We'll see who reaches the end first!

Also, I have to ask--
what was the hotspring event like in Portable? In FES you get to control the party in some sort of weird stealth sequence, but I'm not sure if that's even possible in Portable.

Basically already been explained to you. In my actual playthrough there's a bit of a snafu in that Makoto got caught but Clara and Fuuka were technically off and away and missed all the action. IE I saw both versions of it.

i like that we've slipped into a universe where makoto and clara exist side by side.

They always did, really, but until October they never really interacted.

Clara is actually Makoto in a wig.

Makoto wishes he had the swag Clara does. Remember: she's already scored with a dude and is now dating his best bro. Makoto . . . stayed up all night reading manga and completely blew off Yuko during November's trip.

Clara is the reason why Persona Q exists at all.


Reviving Makoto Bravo's playthrough was worth it for this. Especially this:


Well, I mean, if Persona 3 were to include a scene like that, that is exactly how I imagine it would play out. Because I really like the set up and punchline there.


I always had 'headcanon' (i hate that word) that they both existed in the same universe as a bro-sis twin pair

way more fun


I always had 'headcanon' (i hate that word) that they both existed in the same universe as a bro-sis twin pair

way more fun

Yeah I don't know if they are siblings or not to me, but they definitely treat one another that way. Especially because there's an unwritten rule in my head that they can never date.
I imagine it hardly matters because of the way Portable's presentation is set up, but does the female protagonist get a room on the third floor of the dorm instead?


I imagine it hardly matters because of the way Portable's presentation is set up, but does the female protagonist get a room on the third floor of the dorm instead?

She gets one on the 3rd floor with pink decor instead of blue. Likewise any event where the girls are separated from the boys shows that side of the event instead. So during the trip she goes to the 3rd floor of the hotel, for instance. Also she goes on a trip
to Inaba
instead of doing the Swim Meet during August.
So that would mean the dorms have a different number of rooms on the floors between the two protagonists, right? Or that could have been changed as well I guess. In FES there are, conveniently, just enough rooms on each floor to accommodate each party member. I picked up on that pretty quickly. "That seems like an oddly specific amount of rooms on each floor."


So that would mean the dorms have a different number of rooms on the floors between the two protagonists, right? Or that could have been changed as well I guess. In FES there are, conveniently, just enough rooms on each floor to accommodate each party member. I picked up on that pretty quickly. "That seems like an oddly specific amount of rooms on each floor."

I would have to count it, I think.


They moved Yukari in Portable. Female Protagonist is where she used to be. Yukari is now at the end of the hall and someone else (Fuuka I believe?) is now on the opposite side with Mitsuru.

There is always a vacant room for whatever protagonist you're not playing as.


Makoto wishes he had the swag Clara does. Remember: she's already scored with a dude and is now dating his best bro. Makoto . . . stayed up all night reading manga and completely blew off Yuko during November's trip.

Makoto wishes he could dick these.

I have the standard brushed aluminum version from a few years back, though, and it's pretty cool, too.

EDIT: I meant to type "rock," but considering your Makoto's character, I'll just keep it as-is.


I always had 'headcanon' (i hate that word) that they both existed in the same universe as a bro-sis twin pair

way more fun

This is more how I always saw it too.

The Hot spring scene in Persona 3 was hilarious especially if you have read the manga.

I thought it was pretty bad to be honest.

Persona 4's was good because it was unexpected. Persona 3's was pretty straight forward and dumb. Golden's makes me want to break something.


Not sure what I think of the new 3DS. Looks very promotional to me.

Also, is that a piece of Soejima art that I spy? Is it the cover or what?


It's actually Velvet Room themed. The "Le Grimoire du Coeur" is the name of the book that Elizabeth holds. (i.e. it's the Persona Compendium. )

Not sure what I think of the new 3DS. Looks very promotional to me.

Also, is that a piece of Soejima art that I spy? Is it the cover or what?

"key visual" so it's promotional art. No idea if it's also the cover or not.


If region lock wasn't a factor, I'd still probably pass on it. The idea's neat but looks a little busy with the pattern and a horizontal and vertical design. I still like it though.
The back is terrible but the front is cool. It's certainly better than the SMT4 XL.

It's weird that the copyright date is like, ten years off isn't it? The Persona series started in 2006, not 1996.
Well, it finally happened, my account activated! I have been lurking personaGAF since the beginning of OT2. It's nice to finally be able to post, so hello!


Aigis near the front in P3's crew, Chie near the front in P4's crew. Not a wrong thing at all with this 3DS, which I'd love to have but has absolutely 0 chance of ever coming over. :(

Makes me really wish that console skins were still a thing and you could actually put whatever you want on them. Ah well. Though one for a handheld might have been a little odd feeling anyway.

Also hate whenever that character height chart is posted and seeing the only male near me is Ken. Ah well, at least I'm Yukiko's height I guess.
Welcome! Cool avatar, sociopaths are the best.

Thanks! Yeah sociopaths are the best, especially blue-haired ones. Plus I think this is my favorite artwork of Makoto, although I'm not sure where it comes from. I've had it on my laptop forever, but I would guess it comes from the official design works book. I'm probably wrong though.


Thanks! Yeah sociopaths are the best, especially blue-haired ones. Plus I think this is my favorite artwork of Makoto, although I'm not sure where it comes from. I've had it on my laptop forever, but I would guess it comes from the official design works book. I'm probably wrong though.

It's one of the promo pieces Soejima did for P3P. It's in Soejima Artworks though, like you say.

Also welcome!
It's one of the promo pieces Soejima did for P3P. It's in Soejima Artworks though, like you say.

Also welcome!

Thanks Again! Yeah, I thought it would probably be from the design works, but now looking at it, I just noticed that the S.E.E.S. armband is black instead of red. I wonder it that was intentional or a mistake.

Edit: I forgot to gush in awe at meeting the legendary Dantis
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