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Persona Community Thread |OT5| Pull up a chair! [NO PQ OR P4U SPOILERS!]

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On a different note, I found this article a week or so ago on why Persona 4 sucks. I got a good laugh out of it, so I thought I'd share. The comments are a great laugh as well.

Minor P4 spoilers:

"The optimal point to insert an autosave is after every single combat encounter"

This one sentence drove me more insane that anything else in this article, and let's face it, all of the points that they make are pretty terrible.

I love the fact that the game forces you to manually save on the regular. So much so that I instantly turned off the retry options in golden as soon as I got the chance.

Autosave culture in gaming has removed a lot of challenge from modern games. Call me nostalgic but I love the idea of actually worrying about each individual battle after not having saved for an hour or so.

Ff13-2 is the epitome of a terrible system for me, if you die in any battle, it gives you a retry option and if you select it, you can avoid the battle entirely. There is no risk to any of the battles in that game.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that some games need autosave systems, but they are usually far to generously implemented, which removes a need for a certain level of skill and also removes a sense of satisfaction you get when you overcome such a challenge.


Leia was my favorite female character. I like Milla the least out of the entire cast.

Also the fast food analogy makes no sense for Tales games to me. The games easily have better battle systems and characters than most RPGs, and usually have a lot of content. That alone makes them above average. Then some of the stories are pretty good (I liked Xillia's a lot). Just need to work on the OSTs (Xillia's is solid though)...fortunately Go Shiina is composing Zestiria.

Gosh, I disagree with this. I can't think of a series I've put so many hours into where I've cared so little about the characters. Combat is smashy smashy, and when it isn't, then it's clunky.

That's neat. Trying to work out if my 3DS will have a little tantrum if I try and connect it to the Internet now that Nintendo has their great new online region lock in place. If so, I guess that means no Velvet Room Assistants for me.


Junior Member
Gosh, I disagree with this. I can't think of a series I've put so many hours into where I've cared so little about the characters. Combat is smashy smashy, and when it isn't, then it's clunky.

Most RPGs don't put nearly as much effort developing the characters as in Tales. Only Persona comes close. Then again since you don't really like anime, I'm not too surprised.

Also, play on a higher difficulty. Older Tales may have been clunky, otherwise I'm not sure what you're expecting (first time I've heard someone say Tales combat is clunky too).


Most RPGs don't put nearly as much effort developing the characters as in Tales. Only Persona comes close. Then again since you don't really like anime, I'm not too surprised.

I don't agree with this at all. The characters have about as much depth and believability as Pokemon. They're JRPG tropey to the max. When Luke's big development happened in Abyss, my eyes just about rolled out of my head.

Also, I mean that if you're playing the game 'properly', then the combat is clunky. If you're playing it by smashing buttons like I do, then it's fine, if somewhat dull.


Junior Member
I don't agree with this at all. The characters have about as much depth and believability as Pokemon. They're JRPG tropey to the max. When Luke's big development happened in Abyss, my eyes just about rolled out of my head.

Also, I mean that if you're playing the game 'properly', then the combat is clunky. If you're playing it by smashing buttons like I do, then it's fine, if somewhat dull.

Which other JRPG series have you played? I guarantee you few do characters as well as Tales.

I'm not saying Tales characters are super deep or complex or anything, but they're better than most.

Also with Luke, I liked his development but more for what he does afterwards rather than the big turning point itself. With Tales I like the progression of characters over the game and the dialogue through sidequests and skits and such (which do a lot to flesh the characters). I don't focus too much on just specific points of the (main) plot.

And I found Xillia in particular to be smooth in fast-paced fights. I didn't think it was remotely clunky at all (although clunkliness varies depending on the character you're playing; Jude is pretty nice to control). If we focus on Abyss, they were still working out the kinks of the free run system.
I don't agree with this at all. The characters have about as much depth and believability as Pokemon. They're JRPG tropey to the max. When Luke's big development happened in Abyss, my eyes just about rolled out of my head.

Also, I mean that if you're playing the game 'properly', then the combat is clunky. If you're playing it by smashing buttons like I do, then it's fine, if somewhat dull.

I have to disagree with the character part, Llyod and Yuri are great characters with plenty of depth. The combat can be clunky but that depends game-to-game as they change quite a bit between each installment. The later few have been great.

Person also has pretty 'dull' combat and the characters succumb to tropes aswell.

Both have their cons and pros, in my opinion neither is worse or better.


I have to disagree with the character part, Llyod and Yuri are great characters with plenty of depth. The combat can be clunky but that depends game-to-game as they change quite a bit between each installment. The later few have been great.

Person also has pretty 'dull' combat and the characters succumb to tropes aswell.

Both have their cons and pros, in my opinion neither is worse or better.

I feel like Persona breaks away from tropiness most of the time, personally (in Persona 4, at least). Either way, I'm playing Xillia and I think that it's fine, but I don't love it because it's very much a Tales game.

Just got P4A and apparently its region locked (something that is extremely rare on ps3)
fuck u atlus.

Wow, talk about late to the party. That's unfortunate for you though. Why did you import it? It's out everywhere now.
Just got P4A and apparently its region locked (something that is extremely rare on ps3)
fuck u atlus.

Damn that sucks. Did you get it on PSN during one of the sales? I always wondered if someone was unlucky enough to do that.

I feel like Persona breaks away from tropiness most of the time, personally (in Persona 4, at least). Either way, I'm playing Xillia and I think that it's fine, but I don't love it because it's a Tales game and there are a lot of things in them that I don't think are very good.

Yeah, I see what you mean, don't fully agree but I see your point. Funny enough I actually don't like Xillia, which is regarded as one of the best in the series.


I feel like Persona breaks away from tropiness most of the time

Checklist for Persona 5:

1. Signature Soejima hairband-wearing character
2. Priestess characters that can't cook at all
3. Maniacs about training
4. The "yo I'm your bro/partner!" Magician character
5. Magician characters get the short end of the stick when it comes to their love interests (yet again)
6. Wacky-dressed teachers
7. Furry sidekick
8. Justice loli/shota character (e.g Nanako/Ken)

Just off the top of my head. Feel free to add more.

Funny enough I actually don't like Xillia, which is regarded as one of the best in the series.

I hear lots of rumble that Tales of Xillia 2 is really one of the best Tales Of title in terms of plot and more though, even if it recycled ToX assets....A LOT. Can't wait until it is released as well.
I'm loving the treatment that PQ is seeing, not even P4G or SMTIV had this much support right post launch!

And yeah, there was an uproar about the region lock when the game came out... You should of told us, I'm sure that everyone in here would of advised you not to import the game from anywhere, and to buy it where you are from. Region block is a pain in the ass though... We should be long past that, I feel like paying for customs is already enough of a punishment for those who import (I'm looking at you Nintendo). Let everyone enjoy whatever the heck they want, from wherever they want.


Checklist for Persona 5:

1. Signature Soejima hairband-wearing character
2. Priestess characters that can't cook at all
3. Maniacs about training
4. The "yo I'm your bro/partner!" Magician character
5. Magician characters get the short end of the stick when it comes to their love interests (yet again)
6. Wacky-dressed teachers
7. Furry sidekick
8. Justice lolicon/shota character

Just off the top of my head. Feel free to add more.

Number 2 is really irritating. 8 is nonsense (as in, not a thing in the game). The others don't bother me, I don't think.


Checklist for Persona 5:

1. Signature Soejima hairband-wearing character
2. Priestess characters that can't cook at all
3. Maniacs about training
4. The "yo I'm your bro/partner!" Magician character
5. Magician characters get the short end of the stick when it comes to their love interests (yet again)
6. Wacky-dressed teachers
7. Furry sidekick
8. Justice lolicon/shota character

Just off the top of my head. Feel free to add more.released as well.

The major one that I've always noticed is the blonde-haired 'otherworldly' character. PQ even sticks them together in the opening!
Number 2 is really irritating. 8 is nonsense (as in, not a thing in the game). The others don't bother me, I don't think.

Nanako is a pretty token lolicon character...

I hear lots of rumble that Tales of Xillia 2 is really one of the best Tales Of title in terms of plot and more though, even if it recycled ToX assets....A LOT. Can't wait until it is released as well.

Maybe I was thinking of Xillia 2. I know both games got alot of praise and gained a rather huge fan-base. Symphonia will always be the best to me.


I feel like Persona breaks away from tropiness most of the time, personally (in Persona 4, at least). Either way, I'm playing Xillia and I think that it's fine, but I don't love it because it's very much a Tales game.

How do you like Milla's lisp?

And I am sadden by the Tales of bashing. I loved Abyss. :-(

I'm also late to the party, but how is Persona Q, story wise?
As a massive RPG fan, I've always wanted to get into the Tales of series, but never got around to it. I personally thought that Persona 4 had some of the best written characters in gaming. If Tales is similar, or even takes it further, then im certainly more intrigued to check it out.


As a massive RPG fan, I've always wanted to get into the Tales of series, but never got around to it. I personally thought that Persona 4 had some of the best written characters in gaming. If Tales is similar, or even takes it further, then im certainly more intrigued to check it out.

Don't count on it. What Tales Of games got going for them is usually their combat system. Characters can be as cliched as hell<-this coming from a Tales Of fan.

Tiu Neo

As a massive RPG fan, I've always wanted to get into the Tales of series, but never got around to it. I personally thought that Persona 4 had some of the best written characters in gaming. If Tales is similar, or even takes it further, then im certainly more intrigued to check it out.

Played a bit of Abyss and completed Graces f. I like the optional dialogs between the characters have in certain places and/or situations. I like the fun moments between them after battles, too. Unfortunately, the main couple on Graces f is irritating as hell. The story is cliche as fuck, too. The battle system still makes it a good game, anyway.

Bought Xillia a few months ago but forgot about it. Maybe I should play when I have some free time.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Checklist for Persona 5:

1. Signature Soejima hairband-wearing character
2. Priestess characters that can't cook at all
3. Maniacs about training
4. The "yo I'm your bro/partner!" Magician character
5. Magician characters get the short end of the stick when it comes to their love interests (yet again)
6. Wacky-dressed teachers
7. Furry sidekick
8. Justice loli/shota character (e.g Nanako/Ken)

Just off the top of my head. Feel free to add more.

Lovers character is the most popular in school and my have a thing for the protag.
Don't count on it. What Tales Of games got going for them is usually their combat system. Characters can be as cliched as hell<-this coming from a Tales Of fan.

Played a bit of Abyss and completed Graces f. I like the optional dialogs between the characters have in certain places and/or situations. I like the fun moments between them after battles, too. Unfortunately, the main couple on Graces f is irritating as hell. The story is cliche as fuck, too. The battle system still makes it a good game, anyway.

Bought Xillia a few months ago but forgot about it. Maybe I should play when I have some free time.

I played one briefly a few years ago on the PS3 at Eurogamer (E3 of Europe). I didnt dig the gameplay so i never picked it up. The only thing that would convince me to get it is the story and characters.

On a side note, everyone on this forum should check out this game. Kara no Shojo

Its like a much darker version of Persona 4 (in some aspects). Overall, brilliant characters, brilliant story, brilliant art, BRILLIANT music.
I played one briefly a few years ago on the PS3 at Eurogamer (E3 of Europe). I didnt dig the gameplay so i never picked it up. The only thing that would convince me to get it is the story and characters.

On a side note, everyone on this forum should check out this game. Kara no Shojo

Its like a much darker version of Persona 4 (in some aspects). Overall, brilliant characters, brilliant story, brilliant art, BRILLIANT music.

I've been meaning to try that, I just don't have the time for VN's recently, let alone that much for gaming.

You go to eurogamer? Last one I went to was 2012, I had a blast, got a hotel in Earls Court and stayed for 3 days. I went on my own but by the end of the first night I met a few people which was nice.

Tiu Neo

I played one briefly a few years ago on the PS3 at Eurogamer (E3 of Europe). I didnt dig the gameplay so i never picked it up. The only thing that would convince me to get it is the story and characters.

Unless you like cliche anime stories, stay away from it, then. There are some great, fun moments with the characters, but the story is not too great. Maybe give it a chance to it if you find it for very cheap, it may grow on you.

As someone said, it feels like the fast food of JRPGs.

On a side note, everyone on this forum should check out this game. Kara no Shojo

Its like a much darker version of Persona 4 (in some aspects). Overall, brilliant characters, brilliant story, brilliant art, BRILLIANT music.

I like the art. IT's a VN, right? I'll put it into my "to see" list, there are few VNs there.
I've been meaning to try that, I just don't have the time for VN's recently, let alone that much for gaming.

You go to eurogamer? Last one I went to was 2012, I had a blast, got a hotel in Earls Court and stayed for 3 days. I went on my own but by the end of the first night I met a few people which was nice.

Defineitly give it a try when you get time.

I live 20 minutes away from Eurogamer, so im there every year :p

Unless you like cliche anime stories, stay away from it, then. There are some great, fun moments with the characters, but the story is not too great. Maybe give it a chance to it if you find it for very cheap, it may grow on you.

As someone said, it feels like the fast food of JRPGs.

I like the art. IT's a VN, right? I'll put it into my "to see" list, there are few VNs there.

I may give tales a miss for now in that case. Im still salty as hell as i never finished lost odyssey.. I may go back to that next.

Kara No Shojo is indeed a VN. The art is very beautiful.
Just to confirm, since I have a week long break from college and need something to play, I will most likely be playing Kara no Shojo. Didn't the English version have a bug that completely spoils who the murderer is right from the start? Or am I getting my VNs switched up here.
Well it took me a year since I finished Persona 4, but I've finally decided to dive into Persona 3. I was a bit reticent since I heard bad things about Persona 3 from people who enjoyed Persona 4. I think they are based on the idea that Persona 3 is trying to be cool, and stuff like that, is a bit more chock full of anime plot bullshit. Those things seem to be true so far, and there is definitely something missing as far as the characterisation goes.

It's early, though, so I might come to enjoy these characters as much as the ones from Persona 4. I don't like Junpei much, but I like him a lot more than Yosuke so far. Mitsuru is cool in a silly kind of way. Yukari doesn't seem to have much of a personality, and Akihiko is boring.

Overall I'm enjoying it a lot so far. I'm surprised how similar it is to Persona 4, and even more than that, how some of the elements of this game were removed or changed for 4. A few things that were removed don't necessarily seem like improvements, either! The amount of exploration space is a big bigger, too, although obviously it's still quite small.

I don't know if I'll play all the way through to the end - and if I do it might take me a year, like it did with Persona 4, but I'm glad I like it as much as I do because I wasn't really expecting to. It feels like a great way to satisfy my desire for more Persona stuff until 5 comes out. And by the time I finish this motherfucker, it probably will be out.
For P5, would you rather have a blank-slate character that's silent and has no back story, or one that's fully fleshed out?
Blank slate. In a game all about personal interactions, I think it's better to leave it up to the player, it makes it seem more personal. A fully fleshed out character would make the Social Links and such feel more like a movie, where you're watching them happen to someone else. I don't want that. If the game is going to refer to the player as "you" then the protagonist needs to be a blank slate.

Tiu Neo

For P5, would you rather have a blank-slate character that's silent and has no back story, or one that's fully fleshed out?

Blank slate. And give me the option of being an asshole and some funny options too.

Then give him/her some personality at future adaptation(s) and spin-off(s), just like they did with P3 and 4.
For P5, would you rather have a blank-slate character that's silent and has no back story, or one that's fully fleshed out?

Fully fleshed out, or somewhere inbetween, I think stories are better told and experienced when the characters are already defined.

Blank slate seems to hard to adopt your own personality, especially in a game that will have as much dialogue and depth as a JRPG, I think it will hinder or even make the interactions a bit allusive.
Silent protag for sure, but not a completely blank slate. Even Yu and Makoto had some back story to them, it wasnt just "here is person, play game". I like the way that these characters were presented to us, it's still YOUR character but here's some shit that happened for you to think about.

I hope that Atlus stick with their own dialogue tendencies and dont follow an almost mass effect style of dialogue where there is one good, one neutral and one asshole option for dialogue.

I like replaying games with different dialogue options that slightly affect the scene but dont effect the game's story drastically. I'd hate to be locked out of content from the game because I spent the whole time being the 'good' character , especially since I find it hard to play as an asshole in games.

Also, keep putting "......." as an option, I never personally pick it, I just find it hilarious that there is an option to say FUCKING NOTHING!
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