So, the other night I made some progress in PQ. Put it in sleep mode thinking I had saved it.
Went back next day and starting dicking around the in Velvet Room trying to fuse particular Pesona (A Parvati with Zio/Garu/Bufu) to give to my MC so he has all the elements.
I had made some good progress, after messing up and thinking that I saved the game, I reloaded a saved and found all my progress from the other night was gone...
So, last night, I was playing to get back to where I originally was and was making good progress, up until one point where I nearly bit it and lost all that progress AGAIN.
THAT fucking close. Kept getting hit by a corrosion then the maskill that nearly killed everyone.
I nearly lost it and would have put the game down for a week. hahaha.