So, a few posts back, most of you may have noticed that FluxWaveZ found a part of that doesn't seem to be publically open yet and is in construction:
I've decided to analyze it for everyone, and here are my results:
If you visit it, you'll notice it looks like a broken page with broken images. However, there is more to this page.
The broken images are not broken images, but images changed to have permissions set to make it be viewed as a broken or not found image. It also seems to link to, the official website for NESiCA, which is a Japanese service that is used in arcade cabinets, and also has its own arcade cabinets. It has its own registration services, which is used in the arcade version of P4U2. This arcade cabinet service is known as "NESiCAxLive" which some of you may have heard about.
Found within the site are links to a page called, as well as a page called and, which have tags.
One of the HTML codes in the source is labeled "what-touroku-s" which is what the link to the NESiCA login page is connected to. The writing for "touroku is "登録" in Japanese which is usually used for sign-up pages. In fact, the NESiCA site uses the term "最新登録" which can mean "new registration" This would make sense, as the NESiCA page linked is a login page, although it seems to be a 404 page. Even more interesting is how is referred to "what-shop" in the code, which makes me wonder if a shop section is being added to relating to all of this.
Here's an image of these parts of the source code:
So, maybe this is a registration tutorial for a shop section, which would make the link "howto" make sense. Another interesting thing is that NESiCA was involved with P4U2, which used a NESiCA machine. Could this be what it's for?
I noticed "<body id="p4u2" class="bg-none">" in the code, however, that's also in the code for all pages, as the site manager probably forgot to change the background body tag to "P4D" after the P4U2 background was changed.
I feel that this is an ATLUSxNESiCA thing, judging by what I can see right now. But, only time will tell.
Whatever this is for seems to be something of interest, so I'll make sure to keep an eye on it.
EDIT: Added more information.