Obviously, Persona 5. 13 Sentinels is a very late 2016 or a 2017 game.
Sounds like an avatar bet. Are you proposing that a P4G port for the PS4 will be announced and/or released this year?
Maybe not this year, but by 2017 or 2018? Totes.
Obviously, Persona 5. 13 Sentinels is a very late 2016 or a 2017 game.
Sounds like an avatar bet. Are you proposing that a P4G port for the PS4 will be announced and/or released this year?
Maybe not this year, but by 2017 or 2018? Totes.
...Why would they wait so long to port Persona 4 Golden to the PS4? There's a very real chance that Persona 6 is going to be in active development by that time frame, along with a bunch of Persona spin-offs.
If any year was to be the one, it would be this one.
...Why would they wait so long to port Persona 4 Golden to the PS4? There's a very real chance that Persona 6 is going to be in active development by that time frame, along with a bunch of Persona spin-offs.
If any year was to be the one, it would be this one.
I don't believe we'll be getting PS4 ports but PC is likely.
I'd like to see what lead you to that conclusion.![]()
What conclusion? Japanese games coming to steam? Where have you been?
What conclusion? Japanese games coming to steam? Where have you been?
I'd say the chance of PS4 is much much higher than steam at the moment.
Don't know if you haven't noticed, but Atlus Japan isn't too fond of Steam at the moment, for whatever reason.
Remember that Atlus is but one Japanese game dev. They can go against trends easily.
How many of their games have come out on PC, anyway?
I'm INCREDIBLY tempted to buy Persona 3 Portable for Vita but I can't help but have this gut feeling that a complete edition of Persona 3 is coming to either PS4 or Vita. Hopefully both platforms with themes and avatars.
I wouldn't recommend skipping P3P because of a hypothetical game that may or may not exist at some point in time.
Let the OST guide you.
I wouldn't recommend skipping P3P because of a hypothetical game that may or may not exist at some point in time.
Let the OST guide you.
And they're all way better than the male MC's equivalents.
Instead of Kenji, you get Junpei. Instead of sporty what's his face, you get Akihiko. Instead of Nozomu, you get Shinjiro. The female SLs are also all better because they're no longer about them arbitrarily falling in love with you for just standing there and nodding. I do mourn the loss of Maya, but Saori is pretty great as well.
The female route is just so much better across the board. Should you ever play P3P, don't even bother with the guy unless you really miss Mass Destruction.
The femc should just be the canon version of P3, honestly. She's miles above the male protag in terms of writing quality for me. Plus she actually has relationships (not just of the sexual kind) with all of the members of SEES. Massive spoilers on P3 and one s link of hers in particular:. I honestly couldn't stand to play P3 til she existed. The male protag in it just came across as a massive asshole in all the media and video I ever saw of him. The little I played of P3P as the dude afterwards just confirmed that for me. Which I know could just be confirmation bias but I was really not digging the lack of emotional depth to his dialogue choices. He seemed like a very shallow character.Plus in her canon Shinji is still alive. albeit in a coma but hey.
But that won't happen. Atlus rarely has a female lead in anything they do anyway. There's.
1. Maya from P2:EP (who is shaping up to be my favorite protag in any Atlus game ever by miles-with Tatusya from P2:IS and femc from p3p and potentially Flynn from SMT IV coming near her)
2. Femc in p3p
3. Technically Aigis in The Answer
4. Kei who had a selectable gender from SMT: Nine
5. Tamaki from SMT: If who like Kei was just selectable gender-but was made female in the Persona canon come P1/P2.
6. And Mirai from one version of one of the Devil Children games....and that's it.
So 6 female leads in all of Atlus's game history that I can think of. Femc, Kei, Mirai and Tamaki were all selectables in a sense. Mirai you had to buy her version of the game specifically.
That's not true, Devil Children had selectable protagonists.
I should know, I'm testing the fan translation.Red and Black Book were packaged as one game.
I think the whole team hit a stride with P3P. The new songs are amazingly good, the dialogue in the social links is improved from P3's and P4's, and I'd say even Soejima had some really really cool art for that release.
(That is Soejima, right?)
You're trying to convince someone of the godlike status of P3P's OST and you DIDN'T choose Danger Zone?
For shame......
when will wiping all out get a second verse? come on lotus juice do it
Actually, it is true. Mirai was the protag of the Red Book version. The protag of Black is Setsuna, who is male. The Black and Red versions were originally shipped separately. If you look at the original versions on Game Boy Color, they were separate games. They were only later packaged as one game with a selectable protag in the Playstation remake. The point is, Atlus has a history of not doing female leads. You aren't really contradicting me here, just adding a detail that I didn't mention cause I was focused on the GBC versions.Eitherway, she's a selectable essentially. Her game as far as I know works differently from Setsuna's tho, to be fair. So I guess we could count her along with Maya and technically Aigis (?) as lead canon female characters in Atlus games. If her own game and story is different enough from Setsuna's from my understanding.
It is, and P3P drama cd covers(and P3 and P4's) are all Soejima.No, I just mean if that's Soejima's artwork for the Drama CD. I'm 99.9% sure it is, but you never know.
I think it would be cool if Persona 5 touched a bit on Igor's background and even made him a Social Link. That would be freaking awesome.
He's a puppet given life by Philemon.
I miss his sweet cell phone.
I don't believe we'll be getting PS4 ports but PC is likely.
I think it would be cool if Persona 5 touched a bit on Igor's background and even made him a Social Link. That would be freaking awesome.
Wait, what?????
^ Margaret is just a P4 thing, I'm guessing. Only Liz has ever had more than one guest, and one of those was just because of budget restraints.That being Aigis.
That's not Vincent. Vincent doesn't have a mark under his eye.
Anyways, Margaret being the host again would be the same as Sho Minazuki being the Persona 5 protagonist. Let's let P5 breathe.
Yes, I don't want her to come back as host. To be clear, I would just like to know if they will bring some background for her absence or not, like they did with Elizabeth.
Yes, I don't want her to come back as host. To be clear, I would just like to know if they will bring some background for her absence or not, like they did with Elizabeth.
I think I'm ready for the Persona 2 journey. After all these years adoring Persona 3 and 4, and with the pre-Persona 5 hype, I feel really motivated to check the roots of the series (I know they are completely different games, don't worry for that).
I have set an american account in my Vita and I'm ready to buy a 50$ card to buy both of them. Has anyone any tip before I do?
Just enjoy the best part of the Persona series! : p
I guess you could say I'm biased in that regard but the P2 duology has been the highlight of my Persona experience by miles. Best characters, story, gameplay, etc. etc. I started with P3P femc then P4, then P2: IS. Starting up P2:EP. I own P1 on psp too and will be playing that eventually as some P1 characters cameo/have some role in the P2 story.
Also, don't worry about grinding Persona ranks. Just let the game happen really. If you wanna grind ranks tho, that's cool. Doing it and returning them is sometimes the only way to get very specific useful items(like an agility source let's say). I would also suggest exploring the intricacies of the contact system and the fusion spell system. There's lots of nuance in understanding enemy emotion types and how they react to specific answers/actions you take. Also in how fusion spells work too. Also as far as the rumor system goes, make sure to get all the possible versions of a rumor you can before spreading one. You can't change it once you spread it and sometimes you may spread something that will restrict you in some way. I won't go into more detail than that but really explore the rumor system and rumormongers before spreading a rumor.
Also talk to npcs/your allies between dungeons and major story beats in all of the shops/overworld in P2. It adds to their character more plus there's numerous npcs who have an overarching plot that will in part only make sense if you follow up talking with them all the time. There aren't many side quests (outside of Rumor ones which are all easily found if you're talking to npcs outside of one incredibly obtuse one) but the game still has an incredible amount of detail, heart and charm to it.
There's also a few things that add a lot to the plot (sorta) that are 100% missable. Either because you go to the wrong place and end up missing an entire dungeon or because you fail to get a specific set of items while traveling in a dungeon. So explore dungeons too. There's a few specific mid/later game dungeons that I'm referring to here.
Awesome, thanks
The missable stuff makes me sad... should I go for a FAQ? I tend to explore and talk with everyone but not sure if I will hit the right notes.
The missable dungeons should be fairly straightforward in where they want you to go. I won't say specifics because it would give plot spoilers but I thought it was straightforward. That said, there is a great spoiler-free faq of the game on gamefaqs here. The guide makes sure to cover those specific important missable items and what dungeon to go to if the hint isn't working for ya. That also said the guide, while spoiler-free, covers and suggests very specific personas/paths (in a set of later dungeons, the order is important for...reasons). It also gives very specific answers on what is one option of many for making enemy demons happy. So feel free to follow that at your leisure or not. I'd say do what you want for yourself. That said the guide does make some nice suggestions on specific personas to max rank(for the item you get when you return them)/get based on skills. But you're more than free to experiment!A lot of the fun in the game for me outside of the overall experience with the plot/characters was experimenting with the contact system, personas and other gameplay mechanics.
Also don't explore too far into the guide (like only really stick to the section you're in) or else you may spoil yourself on something later. While the guide is spoiler-free there is a specific thing that is hard to protect from spoilers because of the nature of what happens. To say more would be spoilers itself so. Yea, just stick to what spot in the game you are at and avoid reading more than that if you do want to use this guide. Well the section you are at and the Rumor sidequest tab if you wanted to do the rumor sidequests in the game.
Another thing too with the contact system, while each individual character can interact with enemies with their set actions, there's also group contacting as well. Group contacting actions will also change based on your story choices. So feel free to mess around with how the group actions go and how they influence enemies.
Cant't thank you enoughthanks a lot for taking the time. Let's see how it goes!
I think I'm ready for the Persona 2 journey. After all these years adoring Persona 3 and 4, and with the pre-Persona 5 hype, I feel really motivated to check the roots of the series (I know they are completely different games, don't worry for that).
I have set an american account in my Vita and I'm ready to buy a 50$ card to buy both of them. Has anyone any tip before I do?