Amazing news everyone: Caladrius is safe! Scrafty spoke with Cal's father and confirmed it's ok.
That's good to hear. If you are still checking this thread, Caladrius, cheers man!
Amazing news everyone: Caladrius is safe! Scrafty spoke with Cal's father and confirmed it's ok.
I guess most of you visit personacentral frequently any way but I still wanted to share this interesting image of the sales data here.
The Western sales are really strong if they make up nearly 50% of all sales and it's surprising to see that actually P1 is the best selling Persona main game (not including remakes or add-ons) .
How do you think will be the Persona 5 sales? I think it could become the new best selling Persona game, expecting 300k+ sales in the first week and overall probably reaching 500k in Japan. Well, that's what I hope at least.
International sales should be strong as well, the thirst is real!
I'm actually not convinced P5 is going to sell as well as some people think, at least in Japan. Consoles aren't doing too well in Japan, and I'm not quite sure even the PS3 and the PS4 combined in Japan can rival the install base they had with the PS2. It's kind of up in the air.
On the other hand, I'd say it has a strong chance of being the highest selling Persona game in the west, but some of that hinges on when it comes out. It might have a long tail if Atlus does some cool sales later on next year. I think those sales really, really boosted the visibility of P4G on the Vita.
You're saying this when Odin Sphere Leifthrasir just had a ~100k debut today.
Oh wow, that's pretty nice. Good to hear.
Was it better than the original?
Yes, it already reached the LTS of the original Odin Sphere.
between PS3, PS4, and Vita in japan? not surprising at allWhat's interesting, though, is that the Vita had the biggest share of sales.
What's interesting, though, is that the Vita had the biggest share of sales.
What is the proper level forin P4G?Marie dungeon
I think what's most interesting is the fact that the PS4 and Vita versions sold very similarly to each other, where the PS3 version is significantly far behind. I originally suspected Persona 5 would do better on the PS3 in Japan, but now I'm not so sure seeing that.
Nowadays, the PS4 SKUs of games in Japan tend to perform better than their PS3 counterparts, if they have one. The PS4 version of Persona 5 will 100% perform better than the PS3 one in Japan in 2016.
I think what's most interesting is the fact that the PS4 and Vita versions sold very similarly to each other, where the PS3 version is significantly far behind. I originally suspected Persona 5 would do better on the PS3 in Japan, but now I'm not so sure seeing that.
its just appeasing publishers that still think a PS3 version is required to sell in japan. 10k units is still profitable anywaySame, the PS3 version is really really a strange thing at this point.
Same, the PS3 version is really really a strange thing at this point.
Not really all that strange, especially if the game began as a PS3 title. At this point, pushing it out probably costs them nothing and they still make their money back.
Yeah. I imagine it might have been different if the game had launched on it's original release date. But now the PS4 is gaining traction (to some degree...) in Japan. :S
I guess most of you visit personacentral frequently any way but I still wanted to share this interesting image of the sales data here.
The Western sales are really strong if they make up nearly 50% of all sales and it's surprising to see that actually P1 is the best selling Persona main game (not including remakes or add-ons) .
How do you think will be the Persona 5 sales? I think it could become the new best selling Persona game, expecting 300k+ sales in the first week and overall probably reaching 500k in Japan. Well, that's what I hope at least.
International sales should be strong as well, the thirst is real!
The biggest crime in that entire listing is that the P2 duology sold the least. Innocent Sin seems to MAYBE be on mark with Persona 3 but then P3P soared it above.
No, the biggest crime is how massively EPP flopped. And I'm still salty we never got it in English.
What is EPP?
Eternal Punishment portable? Is the one we didn't get.
EP had a portable version?!
It's the PSP one right?
Persona 3 The Movie: #3 Falling Down - Thoughts/Review (warning, long!)
This whole thing is going to be in spoiler text because.....well, spoilers!
Ken especially since movie 2 actually made me dislike him more than the game (I know I'm in the minority on that point).
This made me chuckle.And then Junpei and Chidori confess their love and the fighting stops, and everyone is happy and definitely not being shot.
Then Junpei gets shot.
No, the biggest crime is how massively EPP flopped. And I'm still salty we never got it in English.
The sales of P2 in general are a travesty to me. Not getting EPP is just as bad if not worse. To be honest, P2 never actually got a proper release. We ended only getting one of them in the states in both releases. : /
The sales of P2 in general are a travesty to me. Not getting EPP is just as bad if not worse. To be honest, P2 never actually got a proper release. We ended only getting one of them in the states in both releases. : /
Was this the same survey that had Battle Royale-type game as one of the ideas? Because that could be awesome, if it was done right. There's a lot of stuff similar to Battle Royale, the Arena games for example, but a RPG based around that sounds very exciting to me.Atlus JP releases a survey with one of the questions asking what fans would think of a game featuring time travel (this stands out, as the other options for the particular question have been reflected in recent Atlus games while this concept has not been). [March 19, 2015]
Just this idea excites me. Curious to see if anything comes out of it.Back when SMT IV Final was announced, some noticed that Kazuyuki Yamai was no longer the director (with Satoshi Ooyama taking his place) and had been "demoted" to a producing role. This was unusual, because he has had a lead directing position for many titles he was involved with, and one would think he would naturally hold the same position for the direct follow-up to SMT IV F.
Much like how Hashino was the planner for P4A and P4AU, while directing Persona 5; or how George Kamitani was the producer for Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, while directing 13 Sentinels, I think this clearly points to Yamai having been actively involved in a directing position with another game during SMT IV Final's development. A title that would also have more of his attention.
Was this the same survey that had Battle Royale-type game as one of the ideas? Because that could be awesome, if it was done right. There's a lot of stuff similar to Battle Royale, the Arena games for example, but a RPG based around that sounds very exciting to me.
Unfortunately, I'm 95% sure that was referring to Shin Megami Tensei IV Final. There was language in earlier news releases (that I'm too lazy to fetch right now) that referred to the game as something of an "all-out war," since it depicts a "battle royale" of Monotheism vs. the Polytheistic Gods Union vs. Evildoer Hunters vs. Angels vs. Fairies vs. etc.
The "brutal scenes" the survey referred to would be stuff like the protagonist getting violently killed at the start or that woman's entrails being splayed out in the anime cutscene they released, that they even had to censor in the YouTube upload because of the gore.
Of course, I would absolutely love an actual "Battle Royale" RPG. I can never get over the fact that Satomi Tadashi's initial plan for Persona 1 was literally Battle Royale before BR, with kids from different schools on a school trip falling into an accident and getting trapped on an isolated island, forced to fight each other for survival. SMT IV Final really seems to be what they meant in that survey, unfortunately.
There's also P3's 10th Anniversary on July 13th, for those of us holding out for a new version.
I can never get over the fact that Satomi Tadashi's initial plan for Persona 1 was literally Battle Royale before BR, with kids from different schools on a school trip falling into an accident and getting trapped on an isolated island, forced to fight each other for survival.
I didn't realize Aigis is holding an evoker in the fourth P3M#4 key visual:
fixed that for meThere's also P3's 10th Anniversary on July 13th, for those of us holding out for a sequel.
I just bought myself a sweet PaRappa the Rapper beanie hat from Insert Coin in their January sale, having completely forgotten that they showed designs for a range or Persona 4 clothing last year.
None of it is up for sale yet, so I quickly Googled it. No official updates, but in December they commented on the original blog post from August, saying that the range will be coming in 'early 2016'.
I need that Midnight Channel shirt.
fixed that for me
You already got your P3 sequels and they were awful.