Alright I just defeated the final boss and I'm still missing from Jan to March
So I finally bought P3P and am going to start playing asap.
I literally bought it cause I'm procrastinating on an assignment that I have no idea how to do.
pro tips:
choose the girl
always buy yawn-b-gones from the school store on saturdays
hang out with Theo, he's lonely
T~T you guys are making me nervous. Now I'm starting to question why he was so easy.
pro tips:
choose the girl
always buy yawn-b-gones from the school store on saturdays
hang out with Elizabeth, she's lovely
Alright I just defeated the final boss, I gotta say it was seriously easy, I had waaaaaaay more troubles with the last 3, I did it on 73 hours, I'm amazed how the time flies with this game, it is technically a game with time management but there is just so much content, heck and I'm still missing from Jan to March, and gotta love Naoto's Xmas txt mgs
So out of place from her and that makes it so funny and I mean it's for xmas eve, you can feel the urge, I don't even know what to think abut her gift.
ive only played P4DAN and both project diva games. Even as a rhythm game I had a lot more fun with DANI can't decide if I want to get P4D or one of the other (potentially way better) Vita rhythm games that came out this past year. Or if I should just skip all of them since I suck at the genre.
I'm not big into rhythm games but I had a lot of fun with DAN. Ended up being pretty decent at it too, and was surprised that making the game faster actually did help.
Playing as FeMC is the best way to enjoy P3.
Well, yeah! Would you count Aigis tho?
Disregard that, Die Hard. It's late.
I can't decide if I want to get P4D or one of the other (potentially way better) Vita rhythm games that came out this past year. Or if I should just skip all of them since I suck at the genre.
New Ultimax manga promo art, spoiler tagging this one for safety since it's [REDACTED]
New Ultimax manga promo art, spoiler tagging this one for safety since it's [REDACTED]
Anyone else read about the Persona 3 The Movie #4 ending and how the ending scene apparently features? Interesting cliffhanger.Elizabeth leaving the Velvet Room
Anyone else read about the Persona 3 The Movie #4 ending and how the ending scene apparently features? Interesting cliffhanger.Elizabeth leaving the Velvet Room
Really odd choice consideringElizabeth has barely done more than stand there during all three movies so far.
Anyone else read about the Persona 3 The Movie #4 ending and how the ending scene apparently features? Interesting cliffhanger.Elizabeth leaving the Velvet Room
Really odd choice consideringElizabeth has barely done more than stand there during all three movies so far.
where can i watch/get the p3 movies without them costing me an arm, leg, and my left nut.
Anyone else read about the Persona 3 The Movie #4 ending and how the ending scene apparently features? Interesting cliffhanger.Elizabeth leaving the Velvet Room
Maybe a teaser for an Arena anime? Since that kind of follows on from that plot thread.
Im all for Persona Arena movies made by the P3 movies team , since those guys can made the history watchable at least.
Knowing how they improve some things for P3 storyline already.
Movies, plural? Arena is one thing they actually could condense into 90 minutes and not have to remove anything of value.
Funny i think otherwise since have to introduce Labrys all the stuff bla bla plus any storyline for the others they consider "important" like Elizabeth for example. Maybe they cant made everything fit in 90 minutes
But let's say I count Ultimax in the mix , like you know Arena "series" in general... one for Arena and other for Ultimax.
I love this about P3. Made the characters feel like their own beings than just game characters.
That's how he's been for the first movie too. He's been (end-game P3 spoilers)harboring death inside of him for 10 years when he was still a young child, and has never had any real family to stay with after his parents died that night
It matches the themes very well, too
They could do Labby's backstory in pieces throughout the thing. It would keep the tension and avoid having it be a massive infodump. The rest of Arena's plot is kind of completely irrelevant to anything. Throw in Mitsuru and Aigis's intros to set up Ultimax and show Naoto spying on them and then you just gotta fill the remaining running time with flashy fights and the cliffhanger ending. There's no way all that would take over an hour and a half.
just a generall question, is there an Persona 5 ps4 "coveplate" yet?
Interesting,It hints at arena but sadly also at the lack of the answer :/
We have seen this from the last P3M4 trailer:
Reading up on some of the impressions, P3M4 apparently featuresLiz hanging out with the protagonist prominently, like the scene where she dances in Paulownia Mall and such.
ive only played P4DAN and both project diva games. Even as a rhythm game I had a lot more fun with DAN
I'm not big into rhythm games but I had a lot of fun with DAN. Ended up being pretty decent at it too, and was surprised that making the game faster actually did help.
Solid advice all around. Thanks chaps.I'd say listen to some songs from the games you're interested in and than pick out the game with the best tracklist. P4D has some great music, but I personally feel the music from the Project Diva games works better for a rhythm game.
Solid advice all around. Thanks chaps.
I didn't see this until just now but I have things to say
Project Diva F and F 2nd are so much better than P4D it's not even a little funny. I've heard great things about Superbeat Xonic too but never played it myself.
Diva is practically overflowing with content compared to P4D. There's a lot more songs, a lot more costumes, and a few extra modes that beat the hell out of P4D's story. Edit mode alone is heinously addictive.
I dislike Project Diva f, while I love P4D. I prefer Superbeat Xonic in a more general sense to P4D, but I would take both of them in a heartbeat over Project Diva f. I dislike the Diva f UI, most of the music, and the general aesthetic. Load times really suck for at least the first one, too, compared to P4D and Xonic.
I understand that Dive definitely has more raw content. I guess I need to figure out which content I prefer.I didn't see this until just now but I have things to say
Project Diva F and F 2nd are so much better than P4D it's not even a little funny. I've heard great things about Superbeat Xonic too but never played it myself.
Diva is practically overflowing with content compared to P4D. There's a lot more songs, a lot more costumes, and a few extra modes that beat the hell out of P4D's story. Edit mode alone is heinously addictive.
Funny you mention Xonic, because that's really the game I was considering in opposition to P4D.I dislike Project Diva f, while I love P4D. I prefer Superbeat Xonic in a more general sense to P4D, but I would take both of them in a heartbeat over Project Diva f. I dislike the Diva f UI, most of the music, and the general aesthetic. Load times really suck for at least the first one, too, compared to P4D and Xonic.