RE Fantasy already seems like it's the venue for Hashino to explore ideas he originally had for P5 (i.e. backpacking around the world fits like a glove for a classically styled fantasy RPG).
I can see that, and depending on how it's done it might be interesting. He raises a good point that turn-based lends itself better to a focus on preparation. If it action based, it will certainly help to set the series apart from other Atlus titles.I'm expecting ReFantasy to at least have real time combat after they've talked about how tempted they were to have it in Persona 5.
I can see that, and depending on how it's done it might be interesting. He raises a good point that turn-based lends itself better to a focus on preparation. If it action based, it will certainly help to set the series apart from other Atlus titles.
The main reason for the delays was PS4 development, all the 2D assets needed to be redrawn to be suitable for the system.
During early development, a freeform real time combat system was considered. Combat is supposed to be the culmination of all your pre battle considerations however, and direct control changed the focus to be exclusively on the battles instead of relying on the preparation and planning. They would have had to rethink the entire game to make the combat action oriented.
Go big or go home. Either do a Female Jokeress that many people wanna see with added extra content AND ALL THE DLC INCLUDED OR do a fighting game.
Would a female MC in P5 even be realistic? A teen girl staying with a random single guy seems a bit inappropriate, but I'm not a Japanese culture expert.
I'm still playing P5 so I don't know what I would want out of an expanded version, aside from a better localization and complete translations for the JP audio, and textures that don't look like they came from a PS2 game. But I can't imagine a FES version because it feels overloaded with content as it is. I'd rather them just put those resources into doing some new small IP a la Catherine, but I know I'm in the minority and people love their spinoffs.
Would a female MC in P5 even be realistic? A teen girl staying with a random single guy seems a bit inappropriate, but I'm not a Japanese culture expert.
I'm still playing P5 so I don't know what I would want out of an expanded version, aside from a better localization and complete translations for the JP audio, and textures that don't look like they came from a PS2 game. But I can't imagine a FES version because it feels overloaded with content as it is. I'd rather them just put those resources into doing some new small IP a la Catherine, but I know I'm in the minority and people love their spinoffs.
It doesn't seem like a huge stretch to me. Plus, this is a game where you can cause like 8 different women (some who are adults) to fall in love with you and date them at the same time.
A Jokeress could work. Toss the unrealistic factor in the dumpster because Persona 5 is mostly fantasy. Atlus would hafta step up and rework the writing in various situations and dialogue choices. It could be really cool. I haven't beat Persona 5 either yet by the way.
An expanded version of Persona 5 could include all the DLC and more outfits for free. Maybe a few new social links and romances.
But seriously... I prefer a mainline Persona game starting off with a female lead than a spinoff but it's fine. I'm really craving female leads in games right now. Lol
Definitely. But the combat in Raidou was much less focused on hitting weakness, especially as far as Raidou himself was concerned. While your demons hit weaknesses, controlling Raidou was more about timing and spacing attacks. It'd be interesting if Studio Zero focused more on a baton pass-like system, that made the focus chaining attacks with your allies rather than trying to increase your move count with hits to a weakness. Not sure how different that'd be in practice, but it'd fit the themes of bonds well.Atlus' last attempts at action combat were the Raidou games, which still felt like they maintained the need for party building/fusion and generally RPG heavy mechanics, but the actual real time combat elements were fairly basic.
It would be interesting to see what P Studio would do with a more action based combat system, considering that the last big non turn based game Hashino's team made was Catherine, I wonder if we'd end up with something a bit unconventional.
Would a female MC in P5 even be realistic? A teen girl staying with a random single guy seems a bit inappropriate, but I'm not a Japanese culture expert.
I'm still playing P5 so I don't know what I would want out of an expanded version, aside from a better localization and complete translations for the JP audio, and textures that don't look like they came from a PS2 game. But I can't imagine a FES version because it feels overloaded with content as it is. I'd rather them just put those resources into doing some new small IP a la Catherine, but I know I'm in the minority and people love their spinoffs.
RE Fantasy already seems like it's the venue for Hashino to explore ideas he originally had for P5 (i.e. backpacking around the world fits like a glove for a classically styled fantasy RPG).
backpacking? What game was this?
EARLY idea for P5.
Also, the greatest obstacle to a female protagonist in Persona 5 is the animated cutscenes. There are way more than in Persona 3 or 4, and replacing them all is not easy or cheap. That's why I don't think we'll see that happen.
Not only are there more but each one is magnitudes longer than any in the previous games. Hell I feel like the cutscenes revolving around the palace 1 storyline put together are longer than all of the anime scenes in P3 combined.
Yeah. I really feel like if any Persona game was unlikely to get a female protagonist, it'd be Persona 5. The game is just structured in a way that the protagonist really has a full personality, despite the player picking the dialogue. The abundance of animated cutscenes only reinforces this.
I'm not saying it's outside the realm of possibility, but I do think people should have their expectations in check.
Still more realistic than Hifumi ever being made a playable character.
Still more realistic than Hifumi ever being made a playable character.
Restructuring a whole game or adding just one character and a scenario.
Hifumi...? The Shogi girl in the church...? Playable?
She was the original design for Makoto early on so people think she might be playable i guess?
Adding an extra character and scenario would require a major restructuring of a very large portion of the game considering that there's no major gaps in the scenario, and would require rewriting pretty much every group scene after they join and remaking anime scenes to include them.
Plus there's zero reason for Hifumi to actually be added as a Phantom Thief, there's nothing about her confidant that would make her a better fit or more realistic addition above any other confidant.
Well, regardless of the validity of that, the point they were arguing was this:Ehhh the latter middle half of the game could do with a heavy restructuring to begin with.
If you're going to have to restructure the game anyway, I'd take a female MC over Hifumi any day.Restructuring a whole game or adding just one character and a scenario.
I still feel like the most likely extra content a P5 rerelease would get is (end game spoilers)an FES bonus chapter where you play as Akechi and you tail the phantom thieves through a few of the palaces while taking orders from Shido and committing assassinations. The game would start each mission in Akechi's apartment and you would get a call from shido, then a small cutscene would play, then you would start a dungeon. To compensate for the lack of a party Akechi would dominate shadows and force them to fight for him all SMT style. It would be called P5:Black.
It's not exactly what I want but I feel like it would make the most sense.
I don't think that right. I remember reading that they wanted her specifically to be in the party but they didn't have the time or couldn't fit her in so she just became a Confidant.
The backpacking thing also explains why they originally chose Mephistopheles to be the protagonist's Persona. A Persona game based on Faust II would have been potentially fantastic, but the actual P5 was amazing, too.
Well yeah, it's obviously filled with fantastic, supernatural elements, but the interpersonal relationships are mostly grounded. But please don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to have a female MC available if it's well done. And it'd be great if P6 led with a female MC.
Man! If I could draw, I'd be whipping up timeskip versions of Minato, Aigis, etc. Lol
I've been considering trying out Persona 1 and both parts of 2 and figured purchasing them on the Vita would be the best way to go. Does Atlus still regularly have sales for these games? I'd hate to plop money down and then find out they're 50% off a week later.
I'm waiting for a summer sale to pick up the p2 games, judging from psprices they seem to go on sale around august or june
I have finally caved into my blog's follower's pressure and have started drawing P5 related concepts, God help us all.
But seriously though, I've been having fun drawing stuff out.
I have finally caved into my blog's follower's pressure and have started drawing P5 related concepts, God help us all.
But seriously though, I've been having fun drawing stuff out.
>Try as you might, you can't get Persona 5 out of your mind
> You should try drawing something
> ...
> It came out well!
So who's the Persona user. Sae?
Hooray, peer pressure works!I have finally caved into my blog's follower's pressure and have started drawing P5 related concepts, God help us all.
But seriously though, I've been having fun drawing stuff out.
I have finally caved into my blog's follower's pressure and have started drawing P5 related concepts, God help us all.
But seriously though, I've been having fun drawing stuff out.
This is a guy's Persona, actually. The Persona's identity kinda stretches the boundaries of what's "literary" and whats "mythology" but researching literary tricksters is hard.>Try as you might, you can't get Persona 5 out of your mind
> You should try drawing something
> ...
> It came out well!
So who's the Persona user. Sae?
Some guy named Kevin Patag drew these FFXV/P5 crossovers. Link Here
I still feel like the most likely extra content a P5 rerelease would get is (end game spoilers)an FES bonus chapter where you play as Akechi and you tail the phantom thieves through a few of the palaces while taking orders from Shido and committing assassinations. The game would start each mission in Akechi's apartment and you would get a call from shido, then a small cutscene would play, then you would start a dungeon. To compensate for the lack of a party Akechi would dominate shadows and force them to fight for him all SMT style. It would be called P5:Black.
It's not exactly what I want but I feel like it would make the most sense.
No, that's awesome. Morgana would make a nice Kinap.oh god I love these.
Edit: This is real good too
Some guy named Kevin Patag drew these FFXV/P5 crossovers. Link Here