And yeah, that hard boiled detective Yu pic is awesome, great job on it!
That's some awesome work Dantis!
Narukami's ringtone in the anime is a very nice touch, but ah...I've heard it enough prior to watching this.
It's the game over theme from Catherine.
That's why it's so amazing though, because LOVE IS OVER.
Narukami's ringtone in the anime is a very nice touch, but ah...I've heard it enough prior to watching this.
It's the game over theme from Catherine.
Narukami's ringtone in the anime is a very nice touch, but ah...I've heard it enough prior to watching this.
It's the game over theme from Catherine.
AI is awesome. I ended up doing her S. Link after I saw that episode.
Hey guys, I'm new to the Persona series, playing Persona 4. It's pretty solid so far, but I've reached the bath house boss and I get totally annihilated every time. Just wondering if I'm underleveled? I'm ~Lv.22. The furthest I've got is by using sukukaja, that move Yosuke uses to remove stat buffs, and guard on the turn he uses that move that hits everyone. Even then it still does massive damage and eventually I can't keep up with the media heals and get wiped out.
Mind blown x 2
Hey guys, I'm new to the Persona series, playing Persona 4. It's pretty solid so far, but I've reached the bath house boss and I get totally annihilated every time. Just wondering if I'm underleveled? I'm ~Lv.22. The furthest I've got is by using sukukaja, that move Yosuke uses to remove stat buffs, and guard on the turn he uses that move that hits everyone. Even then it still does massive damage and eventually I can't keep up with the media heals and get wiped out.
Yeah, I'd say you're a bit underleveled. I want to say I was aronud 25 or 26 whenever fighting that boss.
I couldn't resist the urge to start up P3 FES again. The difference between playing it on my PS2 and PCSX2 is amazing. I played a little bit on the PS2 for comparison, and it made my eyes bleed.
You are using the widescreen hacks, right?
Save this to PCSX2's cheats folder and enable cheats.
If you want progressive scan, edit the file there to remove the comments marks on the 480p code.
That looks great, Dantis. The hardboiled costume was definitely my favorite for MC.
Dear lord Dantis, that's freaking outstanding.
hah dantis thats baller bizzle
It took me a moment.
Mega. Tennis.
Huh? Hardboiled you just buy from the store after (endgame spoiiler)for like 35,000 yen.Heaven
Also even with 50mbps down and 5mbps up I have yet to get a match online with "Fast Connections" as a restriction. Sadface.
Also, Hi. I've been freaking busy for the last days. Oh, the joys of college...
Also, better than usual that drawing, Dantis. Looks awesome.
EDIT: Uh... I had forgotten that I uploaded my Mii as this month's avatar. Figures, I had forgotten about that. I think I need to add something SMT-related now, since I feel weird with it as it is now.
What matters most is location. Aren't that many players now on either consoles, so unless you live in Japan, it'll be difficult to find a 3-4 bar connection.
Also, Hi. I've been freaking busy for the last days. Oh, the joys of college...
Also, better than usual that drawing, Dantis. Looks awesome.
EDIT: Uh... I had forgotten that I uploaded my Mii as this month's avatar. Figures, I had forgotten about that. I think I need to add something SMT-related now, since I feel weird with it as it is now.
The one that came with mine wasn't too big, and I assume its the same.I think I remember the manual for Nocturne being humongous too. Been awhile since I pulled out the case and looked at it. Ah, back when manuals existed, good times...
But yeah, have fun.![]()
P3FES and Nocturne in my mailbox when I arrived home from work today. Dinner complete. Down the rabbit hole I go. Also hooray for proper full color manuals!
Cheers, friend!
I hadn't even realised it was you at first. Your avatar messed me up, haha.
So is March Mii Avatar month or something?
Once again, he shall be victorious.
Don't understand why people claim he is so difficult. I had no difficulty at all against this guy.
He's difficult for people who aren't accustomed to battles that require elemental resistances and buffs/debuffs to survive.
He's difficult for people who aren't accustomed to battles that require elemental resistances and buffs/debuffs to survive.