I remain unconvinced that SMT x Fire Emblem won't have some of that given the particular brand of pandering that's been introduced into the latter series. >_>
Hell, we're not even sure if SMTIV won't either.
I remain unconvinced that SMT x Fire Emblem won't have some of that given the particular brand of pandering that's been introduced into the latter series. >_>
Hell, we're not even sure if SMTIV won't either.
Well, Doi loves his fan service. The last few pages of the Trauma Team art book are pretty heavy-handed with it.
Yeah, this one.
Well, Doi loves his fan service. The last few pages of the Trauma Team art book are pretty heavy-handed with it.
I remain hopeful that SMTIV isn't tainted. I'm more concerned about the Sentai-inspired demon redesigns. I don't like what they did to Omoikane. >_<
Someone is going to post that one Trauma Team screenshot because of you.
There is a 99% chance of this happeningguise Persona 5 should have dubstep
Right as I consider some way to find more of those edited P3/4 manga strips, another one pops up on tumblr.
Persona 4 Endgame Spoilers
Right as I consider some way to find more of those edited P3/4 manga strips, another one pops up on tumblr.
Persona 4 Endgame Spoilers
Boy I wish he'd been a recurring presence throughout the game in crazy mode like Takaya in P3.
Takaya was a poor antagonist though. His character made no sense at all. The culprit in P4 was actually really well done until the bonkers True Ending.
Boy I wish he'd been a recurring presence throughout the game in crazy mode like Takaya in P3.
I wish Shadow Labrys had her own story mode.
True, but I still liked Takaya. He was a fascinating character.
I wish (P3 Spoiler)had shown more signs of his crazy through the game, or remained a more permanent presence once he does his heel turn. Could have easilly extended his role a bit more before revealing The Fall.Ikutsuki
Are we still considering stuff like this a spoiler? Anyway:I imagine a Shadow Labyrs story mode would just be her murdering the cast.
Anyway:I imagine a Shadow Labyrs story mode would just be her murdering the cast.
Considering the Personas have their share of Bad Endings, I wouldn't actually be opposed to a theorical S. Lab route acting like one.
Except for his puns.
Oh gooooooooooood his puns.
I can see that too, where she just turns everyone against one another and it ends in a giant bloodbath.
That sounds awesome. But I really would have just liked it for the opportunity to read how it is to be a tormented Shadow and the particular hatred she would have for the various members of the cast.
Hi Persona-GAF!I just finished 3 and loved every bit of it!
You're getting characters mixed up.
aaaaand that's an unsubscribe for me haha, don't know what I was thinkin
before I peace out: P3 was great and all, but Revelations: Persona is the greatest Persona game made and one day I will write a grand defense of it that will BLOW YOUR MINDS you guys
True, but I still liked Takaya. He was a fascinating character.
Right as I consider some way to find more of those edited P3/4 manga strips, another one pops up on tumblr.
Persona 4 Endgame Spoilers
Love it. Can't help but think that's how Maya's battle theme would sound like if she was a character in P4A.
Love it. Can't help but think that's how Maya's battle theme would sound like if she was a character in P4A.
Then you would surely be disappointed, haha.
Interesting picks for your five favourites. Personally, I like the Meguro arrangement of Knights a lot more, and I'd choose Seven Sisters over Kusugayama High. Can't argue with Maya's theme though, and it's cool to see P2 getting some love.
...You realise that I love this track, right? I'm a big fan of Konishi.
Real talk: Best five non-battle tracks from Persona?
lol sorry buddy I swore there was one of those songs you didnt like
I do see his point guys, we have discussed Persona boobs far too much more than necessary, and Revelations Persona is a good game fuck all your couches.
Boobs is really only relevant in the context of if P5 will be to P4 as P4 was to P3 (which will probably be way too much). I like to joke about the level of fan service in the series, but I really do prefer the more serious/bleak tone of the third game.
Something in between 3 and 4 in this regard would be fine with me.
How do you feel about the 1st and 2nd game?
You have no idea how happy I was when Shadow started playing in P4A. One of my favorites. <3
Hmm, let's see:Real talk: Best five non-battle tracks from Persona?
(I actually didn't like this song at all at first... and it just really grew on me. The Reincarnation version is amazing)
The first time I saw P4's intro (when it was released before the JP release of the game), I was pretty disappointed. I felt like it was much worse than P3's. I'm not sure what changed, exactly, but now I like it way, way more than P3's. Actually, it could have been when I watched a friend play the song on Audiosurf that it clicked for me, not sure.