There are things in this world not meant to be seen. Kanji and Yosuke dressed up as the Sailor Senshi is one of them... o_o
There are things in this world not meant to be seen. Kanji and Yosuke dressed up as the Sailor Senshi is one of them... o_o
Happened when I was listening to my megaten playlist on random and that was playing softly and I was like oh hey the Shinjuku Babel song lemme turn it u-wait a minute......
Sailormoon x P4 is dumb because the only cartoon for little girls P4 should be paired with is Revolutionary Girl Utena, and even then that's only for Revolutionary Girl Naoto and the Rose Princess Kanji.
Naoto as Mercury works, and works better since she'd be embarrassed in the getup. Favorite thing in the pic? She's way more embarrassed than Yu, who's just rolling with it as usual.![]()
I hate you.
So you haven't played it, I assume. Do so then see how you feel.Also, if I were to give EU-GAF a copy of P2 EP for the PSN, what should I subject them to as to determine a candidate?
Gonna give this a listen on my next commute, I think.
Also, wasn't sure where to put this, but it got a chuckle out of me:
Anyone watching the FR16 P4A stream?
Yeah for some reason Yu doesn't seem out of place there. >_>;
It's coming to an epic ending:
Your S Lab terrifies meOf course a Mitsuru won. I swear this makes me want to spend more time in P4A and demolish everyone with Shadow Labrys.
If their name is Dantis, they should win.
Best criteria ever.
This is awesome. I've been thinking about drawing some outfit crossovers myself. I love them.
Just unlocked the Thanatos Persona
I heard Elizabeth uses Thanatos as a Persona in Arena, is this true?!?
Just unlocked the Thanatos Persona
I heard Elizabeth uses Thanatos as a Persona in Arena, is this true?!?
Just unlocked the Thanatos Persona
I heard Elizabeth uses Thanatos as a Persona in Arena, is this true?!?
If only his ability lived up to his awesome appearance...
Seriously, the faster you fuse him into Messiah (the actual coolest Persona in the game) the better.
Come now, Brother. Messiah has a winged sword on his back plus has Spell Amp, which gives a 50% damage boost to all spells.
That's five tens.
And that's awesome.
Also, best Persona in the series is Helel. It's a boring choice, but he's my favourite.
This is probably about as standard as anyone can go, but my favourite Persona in the series (in terms of design) is probably Izanagi.Also, best Persona in the series is Helel. It's a boring choice, but he's my favourite.
I guess I'll get Messiah in my next P3 playthrough.
The best Personas are EP's Gabriel and Yamaoka.
Tres bien indeed. I'd post the pics of Thanatos I have as my Vita wallpaper and lock screen, but since I'm on my Vita now, I have no way to upload them now.Tres bien
Close, but look at the glory that is Drill Hannya two posts above you
What I wanted to do with Shin Megami Tensei, was not to create a mediaeval fantasy world with swords, magic, armour and dragons like so many other RPGs back then. [I wanted to create something in which you] face off against a transcendent existence that is beyond human intellect but with the looks of zombies, armed with modern weapens, along the lines of military and zombie movies that I like. Moreover, because I had the idea that it would be interesting if zombies were to suddenly appear in our surroundings, I wanted to make a game in which you fight strange enemies that have appeared in a place nearby.
Therefore, for the first Shin Megami Tensei we used Kichijoji [4] as the games setting. The reason why we picked Kichijoji was because I lived there and at that time we were not allowed to use Kichijojis main station, which got me the idea that there might be a kind of suspicious [laughs] atmosphere coming from that place. The appearance of modern Tokyo as the games setting was born through expanding the idea of maybe there is nothing, but it would be interesting if we can depict something that would give one the willies in a familiar place. In Strange Journey as well we firmly continue the concept of delivering experiences which transcend that what can be imagined in the comfort zone of reality through dangers and fears to whatever is close to ones heart.
The demons are iconic beings of species, derived from mythology and folklores and thus there are numerous rules I have to follow when [I'm] drawing them. The most important thing to keep in mind when designing the demons, which Ive been doing since the first instalment, is to faithfully follow those rules. Moreover, I aim to comprehensibly emphasise the places which should be emphasised, arrange them in a modern fashion and present it in an original way.
Take, for example, the demon Morax, which appears for the first time in Strange Journey. This will become a bit of a maniac story, but this demon belongs to the group of demons called The 72 Demons of King Solomon [15]. Morax is responsible for the movement of heavenly bodies and, if it is summoned by a magician, its able to inform one about astronomy in great detail. For this demon there is the rule that it has the head of an bull and a human body.
When I am wondering how to express this, I first think about the bull head, but because there already exist other demons with such head, it would be logical to first make a selection of bulls that didnt look similar to the ones that already have appeared throughout the series. The head I chose for Morax was one from a bison. [16] Then, thinking about its in-depth knowledge of the movement of heavenly bodies, I wonder how to express such a thing. This time I tried to appeal to the deep psyche of the player by having [Morax] hold a cane, which has a celestial globe to move the sun and moon on top of it. This is the type of feeling I have when Im designing the demons.
Its extraordinarily difficult to answer the question what my favourite demon is among all those that appear in Strange Journey, but one that I used unusually often during the playtest of this game, is Frost Ace [17]. Itll take a little time to befriend this demon, or perhaps I should say having him grown strong to that extent, but Frost Ace will get convenient skills, making it amazingly helpful and affectionate.
2. Thanatos
3. Kaguya-hime
4. Venus
5. Artimisia
Um guys... is Messiah a trophy Persona?
You can only fuse him at lvl 90.
I fail to see how he's better than Thanatos on a regular playthrough!
Stats, pal. And probably a few skills that I'm missing. Still, I didn't remember that he was that high. If you can't hit that level, just save him for your next playthrough and just use another Persona. Seriously, don't try to keep Thanatos. It is just not worth it.
Just beat Bioshock Infinite. That was certainly... a game. Can't say I quite agree with all the praise, but it was alright.
Now to go back to Sleepy Dogs....
But if i can't trust your opinion on cloud atlas how can i trust it on games dantis
When you get Maken X's true ending, we'll talk.
It's rubbish it is! Pretend I'm saying that in an english accent.
Aren't you Australian? Is that not close enough?