This sums up everyone in this thread. They're all their own brands of crazy.
This sums up everyone in this thread. They're all their own brands of crazy.
Well at least two of us are certifiably insane.
Well at least two of us are certifiably insane, and one of us may or may not be a robot.
We can solve this easily. Everyone try and divide by zero, whoever answers "ERROR DOES NOT COMPUTE" and explodes is the robot.Well at least two of us are certifiably insane, and one of us may or may not be a robot.
This is like that movie where the dective is in an insane asylum looking for a convict, and it turns out he was the convict the whole time.Er, I think you mean 'Everyone except Dantis'.
Absolutely looney.What about me?
Oh no no no no, Dantis. You are unquestionably one of the crazies here.
Excuse me, adjusting my Optic nerve system.
We can solve this easily. Everyone try and divide by zero, whoever answers "ERROR DOES NOT COMPUTE" and explodes is the robot.
So when are we going to have the first annual Waifu war on here?
So when are we going to have the first annual Waifu war on here?
Just Persona waifus?
Can this be my waifu?
So when are we going to have the first annual Waifu war on here?
Eleven o'clock PM PST.
I'll be arguing for Naoto because very few do.
This is silly. Waifu wars are dumb.
We should do waifu ranking lists instead.
We're recording at 8pm PST btw.
Jesus christ that's catchy as fuck.
I can honestly say I didn't expect the Lon version of Fukkireta to be linked in this thread. o_o
why haven't you been in irc
You guys are such sticks in the mud. Let's positive thinking!
I look at arena as a celebration of the persona series, not anything that should be taken super seriously. I know not everyone is that laid back about it, and I see why people get upset about the game, but I don't think anything did "damage" to the series integrity.
It's a game that's meant to be over the top, and there's even an in-game explaination for that. It's a fighting game: it's hot-blooded and full of stylish pizazz. I think Arc and Atlus nailed the tv feel, and as a fighting game, it has a style of its own that keeps me coming back.
Aside from region lock shenanigans (totally worth getting upset about), a lot of the hate here is misplaced.
tl;dr: You'se guys are cuh-razy
Oh snap, it's taken a turn in here. And I totally just caved and bought Arena, if you guys are still planning on a noob group I think I may like to join.
I have said all of this repeatedly.
Oh what the hell. This must be what Stockholm syndrome feels like.
The original full version of the song.
Oh what the hell. This must be what Stockholm syndrome feels like.
The original full version of the song.
Oh it's a vocaloid thing? I like this other version Levito linked. It's been going for a half hour. Oh goddddddddddddddd help me.
Kasane Teto is a UTAUloid, a spinoff of the Vocaloids. The song was originally sung using her soundbank. The version Levito linked was covered by a Nico Nico Douga member named Lon, but she only did the opening chorus + first verse + second chorus, and not the full song.
The Lon version is more popular than the original song nowadays.
Well I can se why. This girl(I'm assuming?) has a hell of a voice and I love her delivery in the verses.
I need to find more of this Lon person. Are they anything other than a Nico Nico cover person? That's how ClariS started and ClariS make me feel things in the heart.
Yes, she's a girl. Lon mostly sings Kagamine Len songs, due to the fact that most of the Nico Nico Douga community thinks she has an "angelic shota voice" (Their words, not mine...)
Instead of vocaloids, we should be talking about Bioshock Infinite rap music.
Instead of vocaloids, we should be talking about Bioshock Infinite rap music.